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    译典分类展示:习语名句 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 胸怀磊落 frank and honest

    2 胸无城府 candid and unscheming

    3 胸无点墨 quite uneducated

    4 胸有成竹 have a thought-out plan to cope with whatever may arise

    5 雄心壮志 have great ideals and assertions

    6 休戚相关 share joys and sorrows with each other

    7 休养生息 (of a nation after an upheaval)recuperate and rebuild itself

    8 羞与为伍 ashamed to associate with somebody

    9 虚己以听 listen to advice with an open mind

    10 虚无飘渺 purely imaginary

    11 虚有其表 impressive only in appearance

    12 虚张声势 make a deceptive show of strength

    13 嘘寒问暖 show a kind concern for another’s comfort

    14 旭日东升 the sun is rising;display of vigor and vitality

    15 旭日东升 the sun is rising;display of vigour and vitality

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