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    译典分类展示:习语名句 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 稳扎稳打 (in warfare)advance steadily and strike sure blows;(in administration)run things in a reliable and sure way

    2 问道于盲 seek advice from one can offer none

    3 问心无愧 have a clear conscience

    4 瓮中捉鳖 be in an inescapable situation

    5 蜗行牛步 move at a snail’s pace

    6 我行我素 persist in one’s old ways (no matter what others say)

    7 卧薪尝胆 subject oneself to hardship of all kinds in order to strength one’s resolution to wipe out a national humiliation or to attain an ambition.

    8 卧薪尝胆 subject oneself to hardship of all kinds in order to strengthen one’s resolution to wipe out a national humiliation or to attain an ambition.

    9 握手言欢 (after a quarrel)make up and be friends again

    10 乌合之众 a disorderly band of people

    11 乌烟瘴气 (said of air)heavily polluted;foul and rotten social conditions

    12 乌烟瘴气 (said of air)heavily polluted;(said of air)foul and rotten social conditions

    13 呜呼哀哉 dead and gone or all is lost

    14 无病呻吟 make a fuss about nothing;affected sentimentality (said of writing)

    15 无耻之尤 utterly shameful

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