

例句1. he made a duplicate of the invoice’

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

(2)duplicates of the contract or agreement;


“In that case,” replied the major, “it would be necessary to write to the curate for duplicates , and it would be some time before they could be obtained.”


The Yes (No Duplicates )setting for the Indexed property indicates that the information in this field will be indexed for faster searching, and that duplicate values are not allowed.


The Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person and its duplicates may not be forged, altered, leased, lent, sold or reproduced without permission.


The Business License of Enterprise Legal Person and the Business License as divided into originals and duplicates which have the equal legal effect.


The enterprise shall return original abd duplicates of business license when it applies for canceling of its registration. The business license shall automatically cease to be in force upon its cancellation by the registration authority.


A field in the table in the Access database may contain a null value for more than one record, but the Indexed property is set to Yes (No Duplicates )and the Required property is set to No.

Access 数据库的表中的字段可包含多条记录的空值,但需要将“索引”属性设为“有(无重复)”,将“必填字段”属性设为“否”。

The original and duplicates of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized.


The exchange, transfer and sale of duplicates of archives shall be handled according to State regulations.


The registration authority may, after a check-up, issue duplicates of the Business License, if the enterprise as a legal person needs them for its business operations.


The registration authority shall recall its Business License for Enterprises as a Legal Person, duplicates of the License,take over its official seal and notify the banks at which it has opened an account of the cancellation of its registration


Article 25 If anyone carries or transports archives or duplicates thereof, the exit of which from the country is forbidden, out of the territory of China, such archives or duplicates thereof shall be confiscated by the Customs, a fine may also be imposed; and the confiscated archives or duplicates thereof shall be transferred to the archives administration department; if the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

第二十五条 携运禁止出境的档案或者其复制件出境的,由海关予以没收,可以并处罚款;并将没收的档案或者其复制件移交档案行政管理部门;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 70 A maritime court imposing maritime evidence preservation may seal up the evidence, may obtain reproductions or duplicates , or take photos, conduct tape-recording, make extracts or records of investigation.


Article 7 After the completion of the engineering project, the owners shall submit all the explanatory data, such as the route chart and position chart of the submarine cables and pipelines, to the competent authorities for the record, and send duplicates to the harbour superintendence organs.

第七条 铺设施工完毕后,所有者应当将海底电缆、管道的路线图、位置表等说明资料报送主管机关备案,并抄送港监机关。

Article 18 State-owned archives and the archives specified in Article 16 of this Law as well as duplicates of such archives shall not be carried or transported out of the country without authorization.

第十八条 属于国家所有的档案和本法第十六条规定的档案以及这些档案的复制件,禁止私自携运出境。

Article 44 To register the mortgaged property, a party shall submit to the registration department the following documents or their duplicates :


Article 184 If a defendant, private prosecutor, or a plaintiff or defendant in an incidental civil action files an appeal through the People’s Court which originally tried the case, the People’s Court shall within three days transfer the petition of appeal together with the case file and the evidence to the People’s Court at the next higher level; at the same time it shall deliver duplicates of the petition of appeal to the People’s Procuratorate at the same level and to the other party.

第一百八十四条 被告人、自诉人、附带民事诉讼的原告人和被告人通过原审人民法院提出上诉的,原审人民法院应当在三日以内将上诉状连同案卷、证据移送上一级人民法院,同时将上诉状副本送交同级人民检察院和对方当事人。

Article 150 After a People’s Court has examined a case in which public prosecution was initiated, it shall decide to open the court session and try the case, if the bill of prosecution contains clear facts of the crime accused and, in addition, there are a list of evidence and a list of witnesses as well as duplicates or photos of major evidence attached to it.

第一百五十条 人民法院对提起公诉的案件进行审查后,对于起诉书中有明确的指控犯罪事实并且附有证据目录、证人名单和主要证据复印件或者照片的,应当决定开庭审判。

The duplicates are attached to each other at a constricted region called the centromere


For the primary key field, this property is automatically set to Yes (No Duplicates ), but a field can also be indexed without being a primary key.


Development of Duplicates-rejecting Software for University Libraries


The company may, according to the needs of operation, apply to the company registration authority for duplicates of its business license.


Today, for instance, we can see, in the Xi’an Tablet Forest, duplicates of works engraved in the Song Dynasty which are derived from rubbings made by Xu Xuan of the Five Dynasties (907-960).


Two keys fitting the same lock are duplicates .


The Enterprise may, depending on the needs of operation, apply to the registration authority for several duplicates of its business license.


An enterprise as a legal person, which has lost its Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person or duplicates of the License, must announce the loss in a newspaper before it can apply for a replacement.


You tried to paste a duplicate value into the table′s primary key , into a field that has the Indexed property set to No Duplicates in an Access database, or into a field with either a unique constraint or unique index in an Access project.

试图将重复的值粘贴到表的主键 、粘贴到 Access 数据库中“索引”属性设置为“无重复”的字段,或者粘贴到 Access 项目中具有唯一约束或唯一索引的字段上。

Shall recall the Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person, duplicates of the License, take over the official seal of the enterprise, and notify the banks at which it has opened an account of the cancellation of its registration.


unique index: An index defined by setting a field′s Indexed property to Yes (No Duplicates ).


Forging, altering, leasing, lending, transferring, selling or reproducing the Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person or its duplicates without permission



1.Exactly like something else, especially through having been copied.
‘a duplicate set of keys’
‘Maintenance of the service numbers and the civilian numbers is not consistent with this aim and is a problem where duplicate numbers have been issued.’
2.Having two corresponding or identical parts.
‘Basically, identical and duplicate infrastructure components serve the critical systems.’

‘The method of doing this comparison varies according to what kind of duplicate is being played.’
2.A copy of an original.
‘locksmiths can make duplicates of most keys’
‘But making a duplicate for a lost key needs more imagination.’
3.A pawnbroker’s ticket.
‘And then you got another ticket, called the duplicate, with the date changed and another stamp on it.’
4.One of two or more identical things.
‘books may be disposed of if they are duplicates’
‘The Civilian tiles are the set of tiles that have duplicates while the Military tiles are those that are unique.’

1.Do (something) again unnecessarily.
‘most of these proposals duplicated work already done’
‘But he believes the project will simply duplicate work that police already carry out and says the money would be better spent on the street than on figures.’
2.Make or be an exact copy of.
‘information sheets had to be typed and duplicated’
‘they have not been able to duplicate his successes’
3.Multiply by two; double.
‘the normal amount of DNA has been duplicated thousands of times’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。