

例句1. the tasks must engage the children’s interest
例句2. he engaged a nursemaid to look after them
例句3. he engaged to pay them £10,000
例句4. they like to engage in active sports
例句5. they were sent to engage enemy aircraft

形容词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

(iii)The partner engages in improper conduct while conducting partnership affairs;


(5)The bank engages in inter-bank lending exceeding the set time limit or uses the borrowed interbank money to issue fixed assets loans; and


CTI principally engages itself in comprehensive telecommunications services that encompass international voice, fax, data, and the Internet.


One who engages in indecent exposure;an exhibitionist.


Our business department engages in diversified business. Inquiries are welcome.


The maker of a promissory note, by making it engages that he will pay it according to its tenor; is precluded from denying to a holder in due course the existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse.


If any person or unit engages , against the provision of operation license, in activities specified in the preceding paragraph, his or its operation license may also be revoked by the department that issued the license.


The part of a key that enters the lock and engages the bolt and tumblers.


The most successful language teachers are therefore those who are able to provide an environment, which engages students in lively interaction and exchange of information.


Rack-railway(railway that has a cogged central rail with which a cogged wheel on the train engages to drive the train up a steep slope)


Any individual in a pyramid retail enterprise or group participating in pyramid retailing who withholds or evades taxes, engages in the smuggling or sale of contraband goods, manufactures or sells counterfeit or shoddy goods, or engages in other illegal activities shall be dealt with according to law by the relevant law enforcement offices; actions which constitute crimes shall be transferred to offices of justice administration in accordance with the law..


An employing unit that engages in the operations in which high toxic substances are used shall, when declaring operation items with the use of high toxic substances, submit the following materials to the administrative department for public health:


An employing unit that engages in the operations in which high toxic substances are used shall, when it changes varieties of the high toxic substances used, make anew declarations to the administrative department for public health that originally accepted its declarations in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


Whichever entity or individual engages in the activities of soliciting subscriptions of, storing, posting, delivering, spreading or presenting publications


Article 27 Whoever engages in activities in the name of a people-run non-enterprise unit on his/her own without registration, or a people-run non-enterprise unit whose registration has been revoked continues to carry out activities in the name of the people-run non-enterprise unit shall be banned by the registration administration organ and confiscated of the illegal properties;


Article 2 The Red Cross Society of China is a unitary Red Cross organization of the PRC and a social relief and aid society that engages in humanitarian work.

第二条 中国红十字会是中华人民共和国统一的红十字组织,是从事人道主义工作的社会救助团体。

Article 2 Whoever engages in maritime litigation within the territory of the PRC shall apply the Civil Procedure Law of the PRC and this Law.


Article 67 If a person, in violation of the provisions of Article 22 of this Law, engages in coal production without coal production license, the department in charge of the coal industry shall order him to stop production, confiscate his unlawful proceeds and it may also impose on him a fine of not less than one time and not more than five times his unlawful proceeds; if he refuses to stop production, local people’s government at or above the county level shall compel him to do so.


Article 64 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, engages in the operations in which toxic substances are used without authorization shall be banned by the administrative department for industry and commerce and the administrative department for public health ex officio;

第六十四条 违反本条例的规定,未经许可,擅自从事使用有毒物品作业的,由工商行政管理部门、卫生行政部门依据各自职权予以取缔;

Article 72 If anyone engages in gang-fighting or stirs up quarrels, thus disrupting educational or teaching order of schools or other institutions of education, or destroys school buildings, sites or other property, he shall be given administrative penalties for public security by public security organs; if the case constitutes a crime, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

第七十二条 结伙斗殴、寻衅滋事,扰乱学校及其他教育机构教育教学秩序或者破坏校舍、场地及其他财产的,由公安机关给予治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 70 Any railway worker who, by taking advantage of his or her office, engages in smuggling, speculation and profiteering, or collaborates with any other person or persons in smuggling, speculation and profiteering, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 119 of the Criminal Law.


Article 71 If a partner engages in business in competition with the partnership, or engages in any transaction with the partnership in violation of Article 30 hereof, causing losses to the partnership and other partners, such partner shall be liable for damages in accordance with the law.

第七十一条 合伙人违反本法第三十条的规定,从事与本合伙企业相竞争的业务或者与本合伙企业进行交易,给合伙企业或者其他合伙人造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。

Article 38 Any staff member of a department of wildlife administration who neglects his duty, abuses his power or engages in malpractices for personal gains shall be subject to administrative sanctions by the department to which he belongs or by the competent authority at a higher level; if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility according to law.


Article 32 Any State security functionary who neglects his duty or engages in malpractices for personal interests, if the offence constitutes a crime, shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 187 or Article 188 of the Criminal Law;

第三十二条 国家安全机关工作人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,构成犯罪的,分别依照刑法第一百八十七条、第一百八十八条的规定处罚;

Article 37 Where a person, in violation of the provisions hereof, engages in any business activity in the name of a sole proprietorship enterprise while no business license has been issued, he shall be ordered to cease such business activity, and he shall be fined not more than three thousand Yuan.


Article 33 Where an enterprise that does not hold a license for the tobacco monopoly wholesale enterprise engages in the wholesale trade of tobacco products, the department of tobacco monopoly administration shall order it to close down or to stop the wholesale trade of tobacco products, confiscate the illegal income derived therefrom and concurrently impose a fine.

第三十三条 无烟草专卖批发生产许可证经营烟草制品批发业务的,由烟草专卖行政主管部门责令关闭或者停止经营烟草制品批发业务,没收违法所得,并处罚款。

Article 34 Where an enterprise that does not hold a special license for the tobacco monopoly operation enterprise engages in the import and export of tobacco monopoly commodities, the consignment for sale of foreign tobacco products, or the purchase and sale of duty-free foreign tobacco products, the department of tobacco monopoly administration shall order it to stop the aforesaid operations, confiscate the illegal income derived therefrom and concurrently impose a fine.

第三十四条 无特种烟草专卖经营企业许可证经营烟草专卖品进出口业务、外国烟草制品寄售业务或者免税的外国烟草制品购销业务的,由烟草专卖行政主管部门责令停止经营上述业务,没收违法所得,并处罚款。

Article 35 Where an enterprise or individual that does not hold a tobacco monopoly retail license engages in the retail sale of tobacco products, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall order it or him/her to stop retail business, confiscate the illegal income derived therefrom and concurrently impose a fine.

第三十五条 无烟草专卖零售许可证经营烟草制品零售业务的,由工商行政管理部门责令停止经营烟草制品零售业务,没收违法所得,并处罚款。

Article 16 An employing unit that engages in the operations in which high toxic substances are used shall assign emergency and first-aid personnel and equip itself with necessary emergency and first-aid devices and equipment, formulate emergency and first-aid pre-schemes, revise such pre-schemes in good time according to the practical situations, and organize rehearsals at regular intervals.

第十六条 从事使用高毒物品作业的用人单位,应当配备应急救援人员和必要的应急救援器材、设备,制定事故应急救援预案,并根据实际情况变化对应急救援预案适时进行修订,定期组织演练。

Article 42 If a unit or individual engages in contracting for engineering projects or providing labour services without obtaining a business licence, the taxation authority may order it to pay a tax payment security deposit. The said unit or individual shall settle tax payments with the taxation authority within the stipulated period. Should it fail to do so, the tax payment security deposit shall be used to offset the amount of tax payable.



1.(of a writer or artist) committed to a particular aim or cause.
‘Schlesinger, who remains almost the ideal example of the intellectual engagé, greatly admired Richard Hofstadter and Lionel Trilling, who always retained their detachment.’
‘Born in Vermont in 1859, Dewey was a forerunner of the celebrity academic, the engagé intellectual.’

1.(of fencers or swordsmen) bring (weapons) together preparatory to fighting.
‘Suddenly he lunged and _engaged_ his opponent’s sword.’
‘The sword darted out as he’d expected, _engaging_ his dagger, and the knife drove forward for his belly, but his left hand struck like a serpent.’
2.(with reference to a part of a machine or engine) move into position so as to come into operation.
‘the clutch will not _engage_ ’
‘the driver _engaged_ the gears and pulled out into the road’
3.Arrange to employ or hire (someone)
‘he was _engaged_ as a trainee copywriter’
‘They were not like the modern fairs but were where employers went to _engage_ workers and people went to seek jobs and also to buy things.’
4.Enter into combat with (an enemy)
‘tank and infantry units _engaged_ the enemy’
‘Mongol commanders would also send portions of their force well past and around the enemy lines while the main body _engaged_ the enemy army.’
5.Establish a meaningful contact or connection with.
‘the teams needed to _engage_ with local communities’
‘He didn’t seem to be actually _engaging_ with anyone and his almost total lack of French must have been a disadvantage, but he was hanging out with teenagers.’
6.Involve someone in (a conversation or discussion)
‘they attempted to _engage_ Anthony in conversation’
‘My husband requires your presence; he needs you to settle a discussion he is _engaged_ in with the Duke.’
7.Occupy or attract (someone’s interest or attention)
‘he ploughed on, trying to outline his plans and _engage_ Sutton’s attention’
‘I told him I was otherwise _engaged_ ’
8.Participate or become involved in.
‘organizations _engage_ in a variety of activities’
‘some are actively _engaged_ in crime’
9.Pledge or enter into a contract to do something.
‘he _engaged_ to pay them £10,000 against a bond’
‘And just what consortium of companies and yards that prime contractor will then _engage_ to do the construction remains to be seen.’
10.Reserve (accommodation, a place, etc.) in advance.
‘she had offered to _engage_ a room in the house of the woman’
‘One day Ramonti, the violinist, _engaged_ the front room above.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。