

    名词复数:excrements 词频:低频词
    详解 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    Saprophytes secure their food from nonliving but organic matter, such as deed bodies of plants and animals food products, excrements, etc
    The carcasses, excrements, bedding materials and other wastes of the transit animals must be disposed of in accordance with the regulations of the animal and plant quarantine department, and may not be cast away without authorization.
    Article 41 Whoever, in violation of this Law and without authorization, unpacks the packings of transit animals or plants, animal or plant products or other quarantine objects, discharges transit animals or plants, animal or plant products or other quarantine objects from the means of transport, or casts away transit animals’ carcasses, excrements, bedding materials or other wastes, shall be fined by the port animal and plant quarantine office.
    Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Poultry Excrements in Every District and County of Chongqing

    形容词 变体/同根词

    That can be excreted.
    Urine, faeces and sweat have been described as the three main excretable products.
    Of or pertaining to excrement
    That is not the case with the cesspool of shock jocks who have followed in his excremental wake, turning morning drive radio into a mine field of endless, mindless offense.
    Risking olfactory-nerve damage at the 15th, we breathed deeply because there moved on the air that certain smell born of mighty excremental deposits.
    Utterly gratuitous excremental jokes are included as, it seems, a low comedy way of saying, See, cheap laughs are the same in any language.
    Of, or relating to excretion.
    Pharynx, larynx, urethra, and portions of the excretory ducts of salivary and mammary glands.
    Literature of the past century states that sea spiders, a group with unresolved arthropod affinities, lack an excretory system.
    These excretory organs open through nephridiopores on the ventral surface of the body wall.
    Of or pertaining to the nature of excrement.
    If this fluid is a secretion, it must be either excrementitious or recrementitious, and subject to the laws by which these two divisions are governed.
    Relating to excretion or to excrement.

    名词 变体/同根词

    One who excretes.
    Bodily waste which is excreted from the body.
    No proper arrangement for disposal of excreta and other waste had been made where large numbers of people were staying in temporary camps.
    The patient had known exposure to mouse excreta, and because hemorrhagic pneumonia had developed, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome was suspected.
    An infestation can sometimes be recognized by blood stains and dark spots of excreta.
    The process of removing or ejecting material that has no further utility, especially from the body; the act of excreting. || Something being excreted in that manner, especially urine or feces.
    Urinary saturation with struvite occurs only when supranormal excretion of ammonia and alkaline urine occur together.
    Metabolism of xenobiotics by CYP450s usually reduces the toxicity and promotes excretion of these xenobiotics.
    Others have reported increased fecal P excretion and decreased P absorption and retention with increased dietary Mg concentrations.

    Article 41 Whoever, in violation of this Law and without authorization, unpacks the packings of transit animals or plants, animal or plant products or other quarantine objects, discharges transit animals or plants, animal or plant products or other quarantine objects from the means of transport, or casts away transit animals’ carcasses, excrements , bedding materials or other wastes, shall be fined by the port animal and plant quarantine office.



    Saprophytes secure their food from nonliving but organic matter, such as deed bodies of plants and animals food products, excrements , etc



    The carcasses, excrements , bedding materials and other wastes of the transit animals must be disposed of in accordance with the regulations of the animal and plant quarantine department, and may not be cast away without authorization.



    Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Poultry Excrements in Every District and County of Chongqing



    Shits, animals’ excrements , are a fine fertilizer which will promote the growth of plant if being applied in the land.



    a muck collector receiving and storing the excrements crushed in the stirring room;



    an air purifying room drying excrements and urine in the main body, purifying and discharging air through an exhaust pipe;



    Because he was totally bankrupt, Job was now living at the city dump where they burned garbage and human excrements .


