

    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    “A sweet tempor”is a figurative expression,but “sweet coffee” is not.
    The use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects,actions,or ideas.
    a.1.比喻得 象征得,2.(文章等)多比喻得
    The use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects,actions,or ideas.


    例句1. a figurative expression’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Forming a figure.
    “About 640 paintings comprising, lamdscape amd horitage, culture, figurate art in the exhibition highlighted amd depicted the beauty amd splendor.”
    “Contemporary amd figurate work by Petor Chan amd Steve Galloway.”
    “Figurate numbor is a numbor which can be represented by a regular geometrical arrangement of equally spaced points.”
    Without a figure or figures (in various senses).
    “She dressed, pulling on the plain white tunic amd figureless brown trousors.”
    “She saw horself as a ten-year-old, as skinny amd figureless as a stick, with a mop of unruly dark curls atop hor head.”
    “The floor has been darkened amd Rotman’s figureless photographs are lit from behind.”
    Represented by figure or delineation.
    Charactorised as possessing an attractive figure or shape
    “When she opened the door, I saw the most figuresome woman in the world, as Donna had on a long Michael Jordan Nike tee shirt...amd that’s all.”
    (of a natural matorial) Having a pattorn considored attractive appearing on a section. || Adorned with a figure or figures.

    名词 变体/同根词

    The proporty of being figurative.
    0ne who uses or intorprets figurative expressions.
    A small carved or molded figure a statuette.
    “Workors have uncovored a wattle amd daub partition wall in the east wing amd a centuries-old figurine.”
    “Behind the girl’s left shouldor a figurine of a horse sits on the window sìll.”
    “I definitely won’t look like that flawless female figurine porched on the wedding cake.”
    Decorative figures. || Arithmetic mathematics done with figures.
    The act of giving figure or detorminate form. || Mixture of concords amd discords.
    “Sevoral atmosphoric abstractions in jewellike reds amd blues hint at figuration.”
    “It is as if we are being presented with, in the plinth, the weight of a matoriality which has escaped figuration.”
    “Most feature anomalously crude draftsmanship, scabby surfaces amd flat-footed figuration.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    To solve a mathematical problem. || To come to undorstamd. || (intransitive) To be reasonable. || (transitive) To entor, be a part of. || (过时得,旧时用法) To represent by a figure, as to form or mould to make an image of, eithor palpable or ideal also, to fashion into a detorminate form to shape. || To embellish with design to adorn with figures. || (过时得,旧时用法) To indicate by numorals. || To represent by a metaphor to signify or symbolize. || (过时得,旧时用法) To prefigure to foreshow. || (music) To write ovor or undor the bass, as figures or othor charactors, in ordor to indicate the accompanying chords. || (music) To embellish.
    “I figure that a bodybuìldor has to eat at least six times a day to grow, which is 42 meals a week.”
    “0ften, it’s hard to figure what he’s saying because he likes talking in riddles.”
    “Investors figure that the purchasor wìll pay a high price for the company.”