

    音标:['mʌdi] 现在分词:muddying
    过去式:muddied 过去分词:muddied
    第三人称单数:muddies 词频:高频常用词
    比较级:muddier 最高级:muddiest
    基本释义/说明:查询词muddiedmuddy的过去式 和 过去分词形式
    详解 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库


    例句1. we picked our way through the muddy ground’


    例句2. they changed their muddy boots’


    例句3. muddy water’


    例句4. the original colours had faded to a muddy pink’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    muddled; confused; unclear
    “But, the reason why it’s a muddly subject is because they’re being thick and pointless on purpose!”
    “He’s the most muddly old thing and incidentally never finishes a sentence.”
    “It was a muddly race with no pace and he is very vulnerable when he is in front.”
    Confused, disorganised, in disarray.
    “The situation remains muddled in center field.”
    “Applying the new rules of Web writing to muddled thoughts is a bit like hiding dirty hands in clean gloves.”
    “The muddled thinking of the Government’s transport policy.”
    Characterised or marked by muddling; confusing, lacking in order; tending to muddle.
    “Without this, all social concern will be muddlesome meddling, and all work for the future will be planned disaster.”
    “Lucy peered at the pictures with her face close to the page, and though they had seemed crowded and muddlesome before, she found she could now see them quite clearly.”
    Covered with mud.
    “He approached the door, the whole time leaving a trail of mudded footprints behind him.”
    “Then we replaced the chinkings that the porcupines had gnawed out, calked and mudded all cracks.”
    “But I think it is best to have at least one good log cabin well chinked, mudded and banked.”
    Resembling mud
    “Dry, mudlike stuff, hard as rock, floating on the endless seas of the semiliquid planet.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    A ball of mud.
    (Britain, dialect, obsolete) mud; sludge
    “Nita joins a group of around six other women who all meet at Mudge Seager’s house in Birch Street to knit.”
    “Fortunately, their favourite ground is by Cape Mudge Lighthouse, where the cohoe abound.”
    “It was evident from the first words of Mr. Mudge that this lady was his helpmeet.”
    Quality of being muddly.
    The characteristic of being muddy.
    “The difficulty of maintaining the clay squares and the muddiness that can occur on a wet day makes genuine traditional quoits a rare sport.”
    “It has high dynamic power and a low impedance driver so it sounds full, without any muddiness.”
    “Sometimes when I wake up I have a vague fuzzy feeling of having known that truth, but it soon slips away, to be replaced by fear and muddiness.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    “At Evans the lads are getting some muddies and sandies in the higher reaches of the river while tailor and bream are at the end of the walls.”
    “Treating legal marriage and religious marriage as one thing just muddies up both.”
    “Exaggerating his role in international terrorism muddies the true picture.”
    (transitive) To make muddy, dirty || (transitive) To make turbid || (Internet) To participate in a MUD, or multi-user dungeon.
    To mix together, to mix up; to confuse. || To dabble in mud. || To make turbid or muddy. || To think and act in a confused, aimless way. || To cloud or stupefy; to render stupid with liquor; to intoxicate partially. || To waste or misuse, as one does who is stupid or intoxicated.
    “During cross-examination, lawyers muddle the order of questions, unwittingly or deliberately to confuse children.”
    “Pete’s overuse of word salad would only serve to muddle her thoughts.”

    I must have two girls as company while I study, or I can’t learn character--my brain gets muddied .



    Emotionalism muddied the meeting.



    emotionalism muddied the discussion



    The first blow muddied his head



    ||1:American and Chinese officers are getting to know each other better.||2:Exchanges between their military academies, port calls and high-level visits to each other’s countries have multiplied over the years.||3:But there is still a huge gulf.||4:Much of the interaction is superficial.||5:American officers often describe the Chinese who talk to them as “barbarian handlers”: polished, English-speaking political appointees, usually intelligence officers, whose uniforms have never been crumpled or muddied .

    ||1:美国和中国的官员正在更好地了解彼此。||2:近年来,两国军事院校之间的交流、港口互访和高层互访成倍增加。||3:但巨大鸿沟仍然存在。||4:很多互动都是流于表面。||5:美国官员经常把和他们交谈的中国人描述为“野蛮的操纵者”: 圆滑、精通英语的政治任命官员,通常是情报官员,制服从来都是整洁干净。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中美军事误解(1) -

    ||1:The bidding escalated in the battle for Sky, Britain’s premier subscription-TV broadcaster.||2:A day after 21st Century Fox submitted a proposal that valued Sky at 24.5bn pounds ($32.5bn), Comcast upped its offer, to 26bn pounds.||3:Fox is bidding for the 61% of shares in Sky it doesn’t already own in order to sell the lot to Disney, along with Fox’s other entertainment assets.||4:Comcast has muddied the waters with a rival offer for Fox’s assets.


    The Lisbon treaty mischievously muddied the process:


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-查理曼大帝 一个民主化的梦魇 -

    The dirt of the title represents the final, violent sequence between Galen and his mother. But filth lies all over this novel: the tantalising young cousin who abuses Galen and then sleeps with him; the mother who adores and abhors the boy she brought into the world;|| and ultimately the muddied and muddled mind of Galen himself.||


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Tainted love 堕落的爱 -

    Nor, in most cases, have the hoped-for biological markers turned up—and to the extent that they have, they have muddied the waters, rather than clarifying them.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-照本宣科 -

    Mr Walker himself has muddied the waters by exempting police and firemen from the cutbacks and restrictions.



    But in China, given its stage of development, those distinctions become pretty muddied .



    Accountability is further muddied by the presence of communist party officials who can call the shots from below board level.



    Accountants also suggest that the evolution of financial reporting might have muddied the waters.



    The issue is further muddied by different currencies: the renminbi for Shanghai and Shenzhen, and the Hong Kong dollar.



    For nearly three hours, Weber picked out gravel and debris from the woman’s hair and emptied buckets of muddied rinse water.



    4A muddied Gart Kamon, an Army specialist, is part of the coalition effort to help Afghan troops take control of restive Kunar province.



    For too long, he says, American politics were muddied by geography.



    They account for many of the missteps that have recently slowed the company’s momentum and muddied its reputation.



    Today, even regulated terms like “Healthy” and “Contains Antioxidants” have become muddied .



    Almost as pressing a question, and one also muddied by nationality, is whether to carry on with the bond purchases.



    Causation and mere correlation often get muddied in studies like this, but either way, a sexy voice at least appears to sell the goods.



    Here a girl washes her muddied sandals along a dirty water canal in the Nairobi slum of Kibera on March 21.



    Of course, the picture is muddied by the vast changes that religion went through in the journey from tribal dancing to Anglican hymns.


