

例句1. we picked our way through the muddy ground
例句2. they changed their muddy boots

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

A newly reinterpreted fossil muddies the waters of human history

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最古老的希腊人(1) -

The hype often muddies the water between the value of what can be created with the new technology and the value of what exists today.


The author does not make clear where he draws the line, and later muddies the waters by accepting that some random risks might be learnable.


That hardly proves that moderate drinking cuts the risk of cancer, but it sure muddies the water.



1.(of a sound, especially in music) not clearly defined.
‘an awful _muddy_ sound that renders his vocals incoherent’
‘The album’s mixing is _muddy_ , with the instrumentation indistinguishably blending together.’
2.Confused, vague, or illogical.
‘some sentences are so _muddy_ that their meaning can only be guessed’
‘The moral of this story is _muddy_ - although it’s clear that I should have purchased Pepsi stock before the Britney deal.’
3.Covered in or full of mud.
‘they changed their _muddy_ boots’
‘Liberty knelt down in the mud, not caring if her jeans got all _muddy_ .’
4.Not bright or clear; dirty-looking.
‘the original colours were blurred into _muddy_ pink and yellow’
‘Her eyes are a dark, _muddy_ brown, and there are bags even bigger than the ones under my eyes under hers.’

1.Cover or fill (something) with mud.
‘the linoleum flooring was _muddied_ ’
‘The car was found on the outskirts of Birmingham on December 7, bloodstained, _muddied_ , and with grass and leaves on the bonnet and underneath.’
2.Make (something) hard or harder to understand.
‘the first year’s results _muddy_ rather than clarify the situation’
‘The picture is further _muddied_ by other factors.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。