例句1. she patted the dog’s velvety muzzle
||1:Some worry that, by broadening its appeal beyond birds, the campaigning mission of the charity as set out by its Victorian founders will be lost.||2:It risks becoming “muzzled by its fear of losing members”, says Mark Cocker, an expert on birds and birders, perhaps preventing the charity from taking a hard political stance.||3:It also risks alienating the most dedicated birders.||4:Many enthusiasts are already turning to more specialist bird organisations that take “hands-on action” to help preserve wetlands or campaign against the hunting of rare species, says Steve Kirk of BirdForum, a website.||5:Their migration may be more permanent than those of the creatures they track.
||1:与此同时还存在着一些不可忽视的隐患,随着涉足领域的不断扩大,RSPB可能会渐渐偏离维多利亚时代的创始人的初衷。||2:鸟类及观鸟者专家Mark Cocker认为,协会有因为“害怕失去会员而沉默”的风险,这可能会阻止协会继续维持坚定的政治立场。||3:领域的不断扩大还可能有疏远那些专注于鸟类的会员的危险。||4:BirdForum网的Steve Kirk 表示,很多热衷与此的人表示他们已经准备转投一些更加专注于鸟类保护的组织——这些组织更能采取一些“实际行动”来保护湿地以及进行反对猎杀珍惜品种的活动。||5:比于他们所追踪的生物,可以说,鸟儿还有回来的时候,失去的成员不太可能回来了。候鸟尚有归来日,人去楼空不复还。
||1:South Africans had grown used to power cuts under his predecessor, Jacob Zuma, whose cronies looted and mismanaged nearly everything the state controls.||2:Mr Zuma hollowed out institutions, appointed crooks and liars to senior jobs and ensured that the watchdogs who are supposed to stop corruption were muzzled .||3:Some state-owned firms, such as Eskom and South African Airways, were bled so dry that their debts threaten the stability of South African banks and even the country’s credit rating.||4:South Africans expect better from Mr Ramaphosa.||5:Will he live up to his promises?
1.A guard, typically made of straps or wire, fitted over an animal’s muzzle to stop it biting or feeding.
‘the law says that pit bull terriers have to wear a _muzzle_ ’
‘Wearing a _muzzle_ does not in anyway hurt your dog.’
2.The open end of the barrel of a firearm.
‘Devlin jammed the _muzzle_ of the gun into the man’s neck’
‘But there was one mistake - the statue showed the soldier in a most unmilitary posture with his hands clasped over the _muzzle_ of his firearm.’
3.The part of a person’s face including the nose, mouth, and chin.
‘his close-shaven _muzzle_ ’
‘Chris and Sabrina sat there with their _muzzles_ hanging open.’
4.The projecting part of the face, including the nose and mouth, of an animal such as a dog or horse.
‘she patted the horse’s velvety _muzzle_ ’
‘She has a beautiful even, harsh coat, dark wheaten in colour and a dear wee head with a good-shaped _muzzle_ .’
1.Prevent (a person or group) from expressing their opinions freely.
‘opposition leaders accused him of _muzzling_ the news media’
‘The CBC, embarrassed once too often by its most popular sports commentator, has _muzzled_ him.’
2.Put a muzzle on (an animal)
‘the dog should have been _muzzled_ ’
‘If they are of the opinion that their dog is safe - that it is not like all the other dogs - then the only requirement is that they _muzzle_ the dog when it is in the public arena.’
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