属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
1 | 烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸辅酶Ⅰ | adenine-D-ribose-phosphate-Phosphate-D-ribose nicotinamide(nadide) |
2 | 牙科卫生学学士 | Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Public Health |
3 | 眼脸松弛-甲状腺肿及双唇综合征 | blepharochalasis-thyroid struma double lips syndrome |
4 | 腰段椎间软骨或椎间盘钙化 | Calcification of intervertebral cartilage or disc of lumbar region |
5 | 烟雾和蒸气致慢性呼吸道情况 | Chronic respiratory condition due to fumes and vapors |
6 | 眼外肌腱诊断性操作 | Diagnostic procedure on tendon of extraocular muscle |
7 | 洋地黄引起的阵发性房性心动过速伴传导阻滞 | digitalis induced paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with block |
8 | 阳明少阳合病 | disease involving both yangming and shaoyang meridians |
9 | 眼病防治教育 | education for prevention and treatment of ophthalmic diseases |
10 | 眼球内陷继发于颞肌萎缩 | Enophthalmia secondary to temporalis muscle atrophy |
11 | 眼球内陷继发于颞肌萎缩 | Enophthalmos secondary to temporalis muscle atrophy |
12 | 咽上缩肌舌咽部 | Glossopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle |
13 | 研究生医学教育全国咨询委员会 | Graduate Medical Education National Advisory Committee |
14 | 血液凝固异常所致出血性疾病 | hemorrhagic disorders due to coagulation abnormalities |
15 | 咽下部粘膜肌层 | Lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of hypopharynx |
16 | 腰和腰骶融合术用前路技术 | Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion by anterior technique |
17 | 腰和腰骶融合术用后路技术 | Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion by posterior technique |
18 | 腰干淋巴管-精索[卵巢]内静脉吻合术 | lumbar lymphatic trunk spermatic[ovary]vein anastomosis |
19 | 血脱气脱 | massive bleeding followed by exhaustion of vital energy |
20 | 亚甲基THF还原酶缺乏和高胱氨酸尿症 | Methylene THF reductase deficiency and homocystinuria |
21 | 烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸四唑还原酶 | nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-tetrazolium reductase |
22 | 烟酸核苷酸焦磷酸化酶(羧化) | Nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase(carboxylating) |
23 | 烟酸核苷二甲基苯咪唑磷酸核糖基转移酶 | Nicotinate-nucleotide-dimethylbenz-imidazole phosphoribosyltransferase |
24 | 养胃生津 | nourishing stomach to promote production of body fluid |
25 | 眼镜蛇毒凝血酶原活化蛋白酶 | Oxyuranus scutellotus prothrombin-activating proteinase |
26 | 丫刺毒 | pustule at the part between the first and second metacarpals |
27 | 眼睑重建术伴粘膜移植 | Reconstruction of eyelid with mucous membrane graft |
28 | 眼睑重建术用结膜睑板移植片 | Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoconjunctival flap |
29 | 咽切开异物除去术 | Removal of foreign body from pharynx by pharyngotomy |
30 | 眼后节异物除去术 | Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye |
31 | 血栓性血小板减少紫癜肾损害 | renal damage in thrombotic thrombocy-topenic purpura |
32 | 眼后壁内磁性异物存留 | Retained magnetic foreign body in posterior wall of eye |
33 | 亚急性或慢性血行播散型肺结核 | subacute or chronic hematogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis |
34 | 亚极量负荷活动平板分级运动试验 | submaximal effort multistage treadmill exercise test |
35 | 血液粘度细胞电泳自动记时器 | synchronometer for blood viscometry and cellelectrophoresis |
36 | 氧络锝双乙烷二硫醇四苯基砷 | tetraphenylarsonium oxotechnetium bis ethanedithiolate |
37 | 阳明三急下证 | three emergent purging syndromes of yangming disease |
38 | 血液病伴发血小板减小症 | thrombocytopenia associated with hematologic disorders |
39 | 血小板减少伴血清IgA升高及肾病 | thrombocytopenia with elevated serum IgA and renal disease |
40 | 阳极直接水冷式X线机 | x-ray apparatus with anode directly water cooling system |
1 | adenine-D-ribose-phosphate-Phosphate-D-ribose nicotinamide(nadide) | 烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸辅酶Ⅰ | |
2 | Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Public Health | 牙科卫生学学士 | |
3 | blepharochalasis-thyroid struma double lips syndrome | 眼脸松弛-甲状腺肿及双唇综合征 | |
4 | Calcification of intervertebral cartilage or disc of lumbar region | 腰段椎间软骨或椎间盘钙化 | |
5 | Chronic respiratory condition due to fumes and vapors | 烟雾和蒸气致慢性呼吸道情况 | |
6 | Diagnostic procedure on tendon of extraocular muscle | 眼外肌腱诊断性操作 | |
7 | digitalis induced paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with block | 洋地黄引起的阵发性房性心动过速伴传导阻滞 | |
8 | disease involving both yangming and shaoyang meridians | 阳明少阳合病 | |
9 | education for prevention and treatment of ophthalmic diseases | 眼病防治教育 | |
10 | Enophthalmia secondary to temporalis muscle atrophy | 眼球内陷继发于颞肌萎缩 | |
11 | Enophthalmos secondary to temporalis muscle atrophy | 眼球内陷继发于颞肌萎缩 | |
12 | Glossopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle | 咽上缩肌舌咽部 | |
13 | Graduate Medical Education National Advisory Committee | 研究生医学教育全国咨询委员会 | |
14 | hemorrhagic disorders due to coagulation abnormalities | 血液凝固异常所致出血性疾病 | |
15 | Lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of hypopharynx | 咽下部粘膜肌层 | |
16 | Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion by anterior technique | 腰和腰骶融合术用前路技术 | |
17 | Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion by posterior technique | 腰和腰骶融合术用后路技术 | |
18 | lumbar lymphatic trunk spermatic[ovary]vein anastomosis | 腰干淋巴管-精索[卵巢]内静脉吻合术 | |
19 | massive bleeding followed by exhaustion of vital energy | 血脱气脱 | |
20 | Methylene THF reductase deficiency and homocystinuria | 亚甲基THF还原酶缺乏和高胱氨酸尿症 | |
21 | nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-tetrazolium reductase | 烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸四唑还原酶 | |
22 | Nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase(carboxylating) | 烟酸核苷酸焦磷酸化酶(羧化) | |
23 | Nicotinate-nucleotide-dimethylbenz-imidazole phosphoribosyltransferase | 烟酸核苷二甲基苯咪唑磷酸核糖基转移酶 | |
24 | nourishing stomach to promote production of body fluid | 养胃生津 | |
25 | Oxyuranus scutellotus prothrombin-activating proteinase | 眼镜蛇毒凝血酶原活化蛋白酶 | |
26 | pustule at the part between the first and second metacarpals | 丫刺毒 | |
27 | Reconstruction of eyelid with mucous membrane graft | 眼睑重建术伴粘膜移植 | |
28 | Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoconjunctival flap | 眼睑重建术用结膜睑板移植片 | |
29 | Removal of foreign body from pharynx by pharyngotomy | 咽切开异物除去术 | |
30 | Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye | 眼后节异物除去术 | |
31 | renal damage in thrombotic thrombocy-topenic purpura | 血栓性血小板减少紫癜肾损害 | |
32 | Retained magnetic foreign body in posterior wall of eye | 眼后壁内磁性异物存留 | |
33 | subacute or chronic hematogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis | 亚急性或慢性血行播散型肺结核 | |
34 | submaximal effort multistage treadmill exercise test | 亚极量负荷活动平板分级运动试验 | |
35 | synchronometer for blood viscometry and cellelectrophoresis | 血液粘度细胞电泳自动记时器 | |
36 | tetraphenylarsonium oxotechnetium bis ethanedithiolate | 氧络锝双乙烷二硫醇四苯基砷 | |
37 | three emergent purging syndromes of yangming disease | 阳明三急下证 | |
38 | thrombocytopenia associated with hematologic disorders | 血液病伴发血小板减小症 | |
39 | thrombocytopenia with elevated serum IgA and renal disease | 血小板减少伴血清IgA升高及肾病 | |
40 | x-ray apparatus with anode directly water cooling system | 阳极直接水冷式X线机 |