属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
1 | 吸入100%氧时的肺泡气-动脉血氧分压差 | alveolar-arterial PO2 difference on breathing 100% oxygen |
2 | 无巨核细胞性血小板减少症伴先天性畸形 | Amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia with congenital malformation |
3 | 膝下切断术转换为膝上切断术 | Amputation below-knee conversion into above-knee amputation |
4 | 胃肠道动静脉畸形 | arteriovenous malformation of gastrointestinal tract |
5 | 胃肠道动静脉畸形 | Arteriovenous malformation of the gastrointestinal tract |
6 | 卫生科学学士 | Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology |
7 | 胃肠道术后胆汁性呕吐 | Bilious vomiting following gastrointestinal surgery |
8 | 膝内侧副韧带钙化 | Calcification of medial collateral ligament of knee |
9 | 无钙镁汉克(氏)平衡盐溶液 | calcium and magnesium-free Hank’s balanced salt solution |
10 | 无暗盒多方向遥控X线诊断床 | cassetteless multidirectional remote controlled dlagnostic table |
11 | 物理医学与康复医学中心学会 | Central society of physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |
12 | 胃空肠溃疡伴出血和穿孔 | Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage and perforation |
13 | 胃空肠溃疡伴出血和穿孔但无梗阻 | Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage and perforation but without obstruction |
14 | 胃全切除术用弹性直角钳 | elastic right-angle clamp for stomach total-extirpation |
15 | 吸热-散热式电气两冰箱 | electric-pneumatic heat absorption-dispersal refrigerator |
16 | 胃蛋白酶消化后的(IgG免疫球蛋白)片段 | fragment(of IgG immunoglobulin)after digestion with the enzyme pepsin |
17 | 稀释式自体血输血 | Hemodilutional autotransfusion with short-term storage |
18 | 西部铁杉尺蠖核型多角体病毒 | Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa nuclear polyhedrosis virus |
19 | 西部株尺蠖核型多角体病毒 | Lambdina fiscellaria somniaria nuclear polyhedrosis virus |
20 | 五联钩端螺旋体(死)菌苗 | Leptospira canicola-grippotyphosa-harjo-icterohaemorrhagiae-pomona bacterin |
21 | 无限大固体中的纵波声速 | longitudinal wave velocity in an infinite solid medium |
22 | 稳态快速绝热轨迹磁化转移技术 | Magnetization Transfer with Fast Adiabatic Trajectory in the Steady State |
23 | 卫生装备研究与发展所 | Medical Equipment Research and Development Laboratory |
24 | 芴基乙酰胺 | N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N’-2-ethanesulfonic acid |
25 | 未特指部位的无毒昆虫咬伤伴感染 | Nonvenomous insect bite of unspecified site with infection |
26 | 未特指部位的无毒昆虫咬伤不伴感染 | Nonvenomous insect bite of unspecified site without infection |
27 | 吻合血管的头皮再植 | replantation of avulsed scalp by microvascular anastomosis |
28 | 胃切除伴胃十二指肠吻合术 | Resection of stomach with gastroduodenal anastomosis |
29 | 胃切除伴胃空肠吻合术 | Resection of stomach with gastrojejunal anastomosis |
30 | 卫星通信分析与建模程序 | satellite telecommunication analysis and modeling program |
31 | 五败症 | serious symptoms of leprosy involving the five viscera |
32 | 胃肌织膜纵层 | stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis ventriculi |
33 | 五有余,五不足 | surplus and insufficiency of spirit,energy,blood,physique and will of the five viscera |
34 | 五脏痹 | syndromes daused by the disorders of the five viscera |
35 | 西克斯顿(氏)智牙外科用舌部皮片拉钩 | Thexton’s tongue flap retractor for wisdom tooth surgery |
36 | 五脏苦欲补泻 | tonification and purgation based on visceral conditions |
37 | 未特指部位损伤的创伤性并发症 | Traumatic complication of injury of unspecified site |
38 | 未调制的内源性并行心律周期长度间期 | unmodulated intrinsic parasystolic cycle length interval |
39 | 温中降逆 | warming middle energizer to descend adverse-rising qi |
40 | 温德勒(氏)创缘夹缝拆两用钳 | Windler’s wound clips applying and removing forceps |
1 | alveolar-arterial PO2 difference on breathing 100% oxygen | 吸入100%氧时的肺泡气-动脉血氧分压差 | |
2 | Amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia with congenital malformation | 无巨核细胞性血小板减少症伴先天性畸形 | |
3 | Amputation below-knee conversion into above-knee amputation | 膝下切断术转换为膝上切断术 | |
4 | arteriovenous malformation of gastrointestinal tract | 胃肠道动静脉畸形 | |
5 | Arteriovenous malformation of the gastrointestinal tract | 胃肠道动静脉畸形 | |
6 | Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology | 卫生科学学士 | |
7 | Bilious vomiting following gastrointestinal surgery | 胃肠道术后胆汁性呕吐 | |
8 | Calcification of medial collateral ligament of knee | 膝内侧副韧带钙化 | |
9 | calcium and magnesium-free Hank’s balanced salt solution | 无钙镁汉克(氏)平衡盐溶液 | |
10 | cassetteless multidirectional remote controlled dlagnostic table | 无暗盒多方向遥控X线诊断床 | |
11 | Central society of physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | 物理医学与康复医学中心学会 | |
12 | Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage and perforation | 胃空肠溃疡伴出血和穿孔 | |
13 | Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage and perforation but without obstruction | 胃空肠溃疡伴出血和穿孔但无梗阻 | |
14 | elastic right-angle clamp for stomach total-extirpation | 胃全切除术用弹性直角钳 | |
15 | electric-pneumatic heat absorption-dispersal refrigerator | 吸热-散热式电气两冰箱 | |
16 | fragment(of IgG immunoglobulin)after digestion with the enzyme pepsin | 胃蛋白酶消化后的(IgG免疫球蛋白)片段 | |
17 | Hemodilutional autotransfusion with short-term storage | 稀释式自体血输血 | |
18 | Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa nuclear polyhedrosis virus | 西部铁杉尺蠖核型多角体病毒 | |
19 | Lambdina fiscellaria somniaria nuclear polyhedrosis virus | 西部株尺蠖核型多角体病毒 | |
20 | Leptospira canicola-grippotyphosa-harjo-icterohaemorrhagiae-pomona bacterin | 五联钩端螺旋体(死)菌苗 | |
21 | longitudinal wave velocity in an infinite solid medium | 无限大固体中的纵波声速 | |
22 | Magnetization Transfer with Fast Adiabatic Trajectory in the Steady State | 稳态快速绝热轨迹磁化转移技术 | |
23 | Medical Equipment Research and Development Laboratory | 卫生装备研究与发展所 | |
24 | N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N’-2-ethanesulfonic acid | 芴基乙酰胺 | |
25 | Nonvenomous insect bite of unspecified site with infection | 未特指部位的无毒昆虫咬伤伴感染 | |
26 | Nonvenomous insect bite of unspecified site without infection | 未特指部位的无毒昆虫咬伤不伴感染 | |
27 | replantation of avulsed scalp by microvascular anastomosis | 吻合血管的头皮再植 | |
28 | Resection of stomach with gastroduodenal anastomosis | 胃切除伴胃十二指肠吻合术 | |
29 | Resection of stomach with gastrojejunal anastomosis | 胃切除伴胃空肠吻合术 | |
30 | satellite telecommunication analysis and modeling program | 卫星通信分析与建模程序 | |
31 | serious symptoms of leprosy involving the five viscera | 五败症 | |
32 | stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis ventriculi | 胃肌织膜纵层 | |
33 | surplus and insufficiency of spirit,energy,blood,physique and will of the five viscera | 五有余,五不足 | |
34 | syndromes daused by the disorders of the five viscera | 五脏痹 | |
35 | Thexton’s tongue flap retractor for wisdom tooth surgery | 西克斯顿(氏)智牙外科用舌部皮片拉钩 | |
36 | tonification and purgation based on visceral conditions | 五脏苦欲补泻 | |
37 | Traumatic complication of injury of unspecified site | 未特指部位损伤的创伤性并发症 | |
38 | unmodulated intrinsic parasystolic cycle length interval | 未调制的内源性并行心律周期长度间期 | |
39 | warming middle energizer to descend adverse-rising qi | 温中降逆 | |
40 | Windler’s wound clips applying and removing forceps | 温德勒(氏)创缘夹缝拆两用钳 |