属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
1 | 酰化纤溶酶原链激酶激活蛋白复合物 | acyacylated plasminogen-streptokinase activator complex |
2 | 酰化纤溶酶原链激酶激活蛋白复合物 | acyacylated plasminogen-streptokinase activator complex(APSAC) |
3 | 酰基[酰基载体蛋白]磷脂酰基转移酶 | Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]-phospholipid acyltransferase |
4 | 腺苷钴胺素和甲基钴胺素合成缺陷 | Adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin synthesis defect |
5 | 消化道痛致血管供血不足 | Alimentary tract pain due to vascular insufficiency |
6 | 小球形动静脉吻合的动脉段 | arterial segment of glomeriform arteriovenous anastomosis |
7 | 小儿良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波 | benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spick |
8 | 纤支镜下盲目的保护性样本刷检 | blind bronchofibroscopic protectewd specimen brushing |
9 | 小脑挫伤不伴开放性颅内伤 | Cerebellar contusion without open intracranial wound |
10 | 小脑撕裂伤不伴开放性颅内伤 | Cerebellar laceration without open intracranial wound |
11 | 小肠肌膜环层 | circular layer of muscular tunic of small intestine |
12 | 下肢多部位深三度烧伤 | Deep third degree burn of multiple sites of lower limb |
13 | 相差干扰中间管 | differential interference contrast intermediate tube |
14 | 小儿心律失常 | disturbance of rate and rhythm of the heart in childhood |
15 | 显性单纯性伴有斑点状色素沉着的大疱性表皮松解症 | dominant epidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation |
16 | 消积杀虫 | eliminating stagnated food to destroy intestinal worms |
17 | 小肠内镜检查通过人工腹壁口 | Endoscopy of small intestine through artificial stoma |
18 | 先天性脑动脉瘤破裂致出血 | Hemorrhage due to ruptured congenital cerebral aneurysm |
19 | 小肠粘膜肌层 | Lamina muscularis of small intestine mucous membrane |
20 | 线性可变差动变压器换能器 | linear variable differential-transformer transducer |
21 | 小肠局限性动静脉畸形 | Localized arteriovenous malformations of intestinal tract |
22 | 相差显微镜用长距离聚光镜 | long working distance condenser for phase microscope |
23 | 小肠肌膜纵层 | longitudinal layer of muscular tunic of small intestine |
24 | 线粒体纵向嵴 | Longitudinal orientation of cristae of mitochondrion |
25 | 小肠肌织膜纵层 | longitudinal stratum of muscular tunic of small intestine |
26 | 下肢关节磁共振成象 | Magnetic resonance imaging of joint of lower extremity |
27 | 显著低温引起心电图异常 | marked hypothermia-induced electrocardiogram abnormalities |
28 | 小头-精神发育不全-痉挛性双侧瘫痪综合征 | microcephy-mental retardationspastic diplegia syndrome |
29 | 小鼠特异性骨髓-衍生淋巴细胞抗原 | mouse-specific bone marrow-derived lymphocyte antigen |
30 | 下肢多发性骨折伴肋骨和胸骨骨折 | Multiple fractures of lower limb with ribs and sternum |
31 | 下肢骨折复位固定器 | repositing stationary equipment for low extremity fracture |
32 | 小肠外置段切除术 | Resection of exteriorized segment of small intestine |
33 | 小球形动静吻合的动脉段 | segmentum arteriale anastomosis arteriovenae glomeriformis |
34 | 小球形动静脉吻合的静脉段 | segmentum venosum anastomosis arteriovenae glomeriformis |
35 | 小脑幕银夹钳 | silver clip applying forceps for tentorium cerebelli |
36 | 消补并用 | simultaneous application of reducing and nourishing therapies |
37 | 小肠肌织膜纵层 | stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis intestini tenuis |
38 | 下肢浅静脉血栓性静脉炎 | Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of lower extremity |
39 | 向量心电描记电极(右腋中线) | vector cardiography electrode(right midaxillary line) |
40 | 橡胶手套消毒用铁丝撑开架 | wire spreader for ensuring thorough sterilisation of rubber gloves |
1 | acyacylated plasminogen-streptokinase activator complex | 酰化纤溶酶原链激酶激活蛋白复合物 | |
2 | acyacylated plasminogen-streptokinase activator complex(APSAC) | 酰化纤溶酶原链激酶激活蛋白复合物 | |
3 | Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]-phospholipid acyltransferase | 酰基[酰基载体蛋白]磷脂酰基转移酶 | |
4 | Adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin synthesis defect | 腺苷钴胺素和甲基钴胺素合成缺陷 | |
5 | Alimentary tract pain due to vascular insufficiency | 消化道痛致血管供血不足 | |
6 | arterial segment of glomeriform arteriovenous anastomosis | 小球形动静脉吻合的动脉段 | |
7 | benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spick | 小儿良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波 | |
8 | blind bronchofibroscopic protectewd specimen brushing | 纤支镜下盲目的保护性样本刷检 | |
9 | Cerebellar contusion without open intracranial wound | 小脑挫伤不伴开放性颅内伤 | |
10 | Cerebellar laceration without open intracranial wound | 小脑撕裂伤不伴开放性颅内伤 | |
11 | circular layer of muscular tunic of small intestine | 小肠肌膜环层 | |
12 | Deep third degree burn of multiple sites of lower limb | 下肢多部位深三度烧伤 | |
13 | differential interference contrast intermediate tube | 相差干扰中间管 | |
14 | disturbance of rate and rhythm of the heart in childhood | 小儿心律失常 | |
15 | dominant epidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation | 显性单纯性伴有斑点状色素沉着的大疱性表皮松解症 | |
16 | eliminating stagnated food to destroy intestinal worms | 消积杀虫 | |
17 | Endoscopy of small intestine through artificial stoma | 小肠内镜检查通过人工腹壁口 | |
18 | Hemorrhage due to ruptured congenital cerebral aneurysm | 先天性脑动脉瘤破裂致出血 | |
19 | Lamina muscularis of small intestine mucous membrane | 小肠粘膜肌层 | |
20 | linear variable differential-transformer transducer | 线性可变差动变压器换能器 | |
21 | Localized arteriovenous malformations of intestinal tract | 小肠局限性动静脉畸形 | |
22 | long working distance condenser for phase microscope | 相差显微镜用长距离聚光镜 | |
23 | longitudinal layer of muscular tunic of small intestine | 小肠肌膜纵层 | |
24 | Longitudinal orientation of cristae of mitochondrion | 线粒体纵向嵴 | |
25 | longitudinal stratum of muscular tunic of small intestine | 小肠肌织膜纵层 | |
26 | Magnetic resonance imaging of joint of lower extremity | 下肢关节磁共振成象 | |
27 | marked hypothermia-induced electrocardiogram abnormalities | 显著低温引起心电图异常 | |
28 | microcephy-mental retardationspastic diplegia syndrome | 小头-精神发育不全-痉挛性双侧瘫痪综合征 | |
29 | mouse-specific bone marrow-derived lymphocyte antigen | 小鼠特异性骨髓-衍生淋巴细胞抗原 | |
30 | Multiple fractures of lower limb with ribs and sternum | 下肢多发性骨折伴肋骨和胸骨骨折 | |
31 | repositing stationary equipment for low extremity fracture | 下肢骨折复位固定器 | |
32 | Resection of exteriorized segment of small intestine | 小肠外置段切除术 | |
33 | segmentum arteriale anastomosis arteriovenae glomeriformis | 小球形动静吻合的动脉段 | |
34 | segmentum venosum anastomosis arteriovenae glomeriformis | 小球形动静脉吻合的静脉段 | |
35 | silver clip applying forceps for tentorium cerebelli | 小脑幕银夹钳 | |
36 | simultaneous application of reducing and nourishing therapies | 消补并用 | |
37 | stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis intestini tenuis | 小肠肌织膜纵层 | |
38 | Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of lower extremity | 下肢浅静脉血栓性静脉炎 | |
39 | vector cardiography electrode(right midaxillary line) | 向量心电描记电极(右腋中线) | |
40 | wire spreader for ensuring thorough sterilisation of rubber gloves | 橡胶手套消毒用铁丝撑开架 |