

    音标:[liːn] 现在分词:leaning
    过去式:leaned 过去分词:leaned
    名词复数:leans 第三人称单数:leans
    比较级:leaner 最高级:leanest
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    The post leans a little bit.
    It leans into turnsmotorcycleas directed by a steering wheelcar
    That wall is out of line; if you try it with the plumb bob you will find that it leans inwards
    The old house leans at a dangerous angle; we must buttress it up at once


    例句2. lean meat


    例句4. too often in lean times the poorest are asked to make the largest sacrifices


    例句1. Polly leaned against the door

    例句2. a line of palm trees leaning in the wind

    例句4. Jack had always been there, a strong shoulder to lean on


    名词 变体/同根词

    One who leans, or inclines toward something.
    The property of being lean, without excess or fat.
    The table for border weight of excessive leanness was presented to female college students and the validity of the table was assessed through a questionnaire.
    I was still wondering what famished them, since the reason for their leanness, and their skin’s sad scurf, was not obvious yet.
    He has a marathoner’s unnatural leanness, to go with his mobile full lips, big beaky nose, and long, ropily veined hands.

    动词 变体/同根词

    lean的过去式和过去分词形式(chiefly Britain)
    When I got into bed, the cat meowed at me and came over and sat right next to me, leant up against my body and had a good purr.
    Bees leant Keighley a front row player and uncontested scrums were the order of the day.
    I snuffled, and leant against his warm body, comforted a little by his arm, which was around me waist, his hand resting on my stomach.
    Her alternation between a slight twang and subtle gristle leans a bit toward classic country.
    A previously neutral note might gain an accent or portamento stress as the mood momentarily wakens into passion or leans into languor.
    Laura, my guide for the day, pulls down the scarf that’s wound round her face, and leans into my ear.
    She leaned back against her pillows and tapped her pen against the leather bound book.
    She leaned forward, elbows on knees and her head in the wan moonlight as she smiled.
    Fireworks lit the sky above them, Jonathan leaned back and Ava lay with her head on his stomach.