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    译典分类展示:法学专业 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 不立案 do not place a case on file for investigation or trial

    2 不能追究刑事责任不追诉的原则 principle of no prosecution where it is impossible to investigate into the criminal responsibility

    3 布政使 administrative minister in ancient China in charge of civil affairs

    4 部门统计标准 departmental statistical standards;statistical standards of various sectors

    5 财产受让人 cessionary of property;alinee of property;person acquiring the property

    6 财政拨款 budgetary allocations;financial allocations;funds allocated from State treasury

    7 财政处罚程序 procedure for penalties in financial administration

    8 财政行政法律关系 jural relations in the administration of finance;legal relation in the administration of finance

    9 裁审自决 self-determination of arbitration and court proceedings

    10 采用医疗性强制方法的诉讼程序 proceedings for the application of compulsory measures of a medical character

    11 参加国家行政管理权 right to participate in administration of the state

    12 参政议政 participate in and discuss government and political affairs

    13 残疾人人权保障制度 system guaranteeing the human rights for the disabled

    14 仓储保管人营业所所在地法律 law of the place of the warehouseman’s business office

    15 拆迁户 household that has to be relocated due to pull-down of the original home

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