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    译典分类展示:习语名句 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 言而无信 go back on one’s word

    2 言归于好 be reconciled

    3 言行不一 say one thing and do another

    4 言行相悖 say one thing and do another

    5 言行一致 deeds accord with words

    6 言近旨远 speak about something profound in plain language

    7 言犹在耳 words still ring in one’s ears (but the speaker has already forgotten them)

    8 言之无物 (of speech or writing)devoid of substance

    9 言之有理 speak in a rational way

    10 言之凿凿 say with certainly

    11 奄奄一息 at death’s door

    12 眼高手低 criticize the performance of others which one cannot equal or better oneself,have high aspirations but low abilities

    13 眼明手快 sharp of sight and quick of hand

    14 偃旗息鼓 (of opposing armies etc.)stop fighting

    15 扬眉吐气 feel proud and elated
