

例句1. he makes model steam engines’
例句2. she made me drink it’
例句3. don’t make such a noise’
例句4. she pirouetted and made a little bow’
例句5. they made him chairman’

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

Make sure the side of the cable with the red stripe on it is plugged into pin 1 side of the IDE connector.


Check drain valve to make sure that it is closed.


Make sure that no person or object is within a 5 meter radius.


Don’t make so much noise. I’m working.


Quite a lot of peasants know well that they should make some investments in the intellectual development of their children.


An important aspect of any cost control system is to make the data available to management in a timely manner


Additionally, we shall make sure that foreign funds are more effectively utilized


Make complete and systematic


Unpack the contents of the shipping carton. As you unpack the carton, check the contents to make sure you have received all items.


make bold experiments and actively explore the way forward. At the same time, we should act in accordance with objective laws, correctly appraise situations and strive for practical results.


But the people have been tempered by the setbacks and have drawn lessons from them, and that will make socialism develop in a healthier direction. So don’t panic, don’t think that Marxism has disappeared.


If you transfer the balance to a warmer area, make sure to condition it for about 2 hours at room temperature, leaving it unplugged from AC power.


Many people felt uncomfortable with this man who had made a profit of 1 million yuan. They called for action to be taken against him. I said that no action should be taken, because that would make people think we had changed our policies.


when using, make sure the both currents are within the permissible values


Son! Don’t make suck a noise when you eat.


Storms make trees take deeper roots.


make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent


All countries should honor the principle that the world is colorful and diversified, and adopt a positive attitude of learning from each other to make up for their respective deficiencies in the interest of common development.


Chinese enterprises enjoying relative competitive edge should be encouraged to make investments and set up factories overseas, engaging themselves in such projects as processing trade and natural resources development


It doesn’t make any sense!


Make logistic services independent in their operation


The flowers make the room more beautiful.


It doesn’t matter much whether we can come up with new ideas. What matters is that we should not change our policies and should no make people feel that we are changing them.


Newly-built networks of overhead highways radiate in all directions; subway, overhead railway and the under-construction magnetic suspension railway make this city smaller and smaller


Does the computer ever make a mistake?


accelerate the translation of sci.& tech. advances into productive forces, make vigorous efforts to train people in various fields at different levels of expertise, and further improve the overall quality of the workforce


Check the power cord to make sure it is connected and connected correctly.


Make sure the monitor is turned ON and properly connected to the graphic port.


Make sure switch is OFF before turning on power.


Operator, I want to make a person-to-person call to Miss. Marilyn Peters in Washington D.C. the number is 393-5121.


make a present of sth. to sb.


属类:简明英汉词典 -简明词典-


1.The making of electrical contact.
2.The manufacturer or trade name of a product.
‘the _make_ , model, and year of his car’
‘Now I know my size in two _makes_ of bra I can shop online - oh the safety of that.’
3.The structure or composition of something.
‘Even from a distance I could see it was of fine _make_ , for the hilt glittered with silver as he held it up.’

1.(in bridge, whist, etc.) win (a trick).
‘A contract to _make_ 12 tricks is known as a small slam.’
‘On the other hand, if a declarer _makes_ no tricks, it is a match against her.’
2.(in soccer) enable a teammate to score (a goal) by one’s play.
‘He is a defender, he is a midfielder but he is also an attacker - a winger who _makes_ and scores goals.’
‘He scored a wonderful goal, _made_ the second and now all that Redknapp has to do is ensure he stays.’
3.(of the tide) begin to flow or ebb.
‘It’s an ugly place to be caught on a lee shore with a westerly gale and the tide _making_ .’
4.Achieve a place in.
‘Australia should _make_ the final’
‘He registered at Florida Southern College but did not _make_ the team.’
5.Achieve the rank of.
‘he wasn’t going to _make_ captain’
‘He _made_ colonel in less than 15 years, as a nonrated maintenance officer.’
6.Act as if one is about to perform an action.
‘she _made_ as if to leave the room’
‘Chris _made_ to move through the doorway, when he glanced up and looked straight at Sarah.’
7.Agree or decide on (a specified arrangement)
‘let’s _make_ it 7.30’
‘Details of the scheme will be announced as soon as arrangements have been _made_ .’
8.Alter something so that it forms (something else)
‘buffalo’s milk can be _made_ into cheese’
‘Harling admits he is excited at the challenge of _making_ the classic show into a film.’
9.Appoint or designate (someone) to a position.
‘he was _made_ a fellow of the Royal Institute’
‘Former Education Authority senior assistant director Gary Nethercott has also been _made_ an assistant chief executive.’
10.Arrange and light materials for (a fire).
‘Some years ago I met up with an estate agent who loved _making_ fires.’
‘They left the car by the side of the road, and ventured a bit into the forest, where they _made_ a fire.’
11.Arrange bedclothes tidily on (a bed) ready for use.
‘after breakfast you’d have until 8.25 to _make_ your bed’
‘She _made_ the bed over again, turning the sheets and pillowcases inside out and fluffing the pillows.’
12.Be suitable for or likely to develop into.
‘this fern _makes_ a good houseplant’
‘We didn’t realise at the time that a car seat also _makes_ a very fine rocking chair.’
13.Become successful.
‘he waited confidently for his band to _make_ it’
‘He’s confident he’s _made_ it as an actor, because a club devoted to hating him has sprung up at his cousin’s school.’
14.Carry out, perform, or produce (a specified action or sound)
‘anyone can _make_ a mistake’
‘No decision had yet been _made_ on whether to expand the use of such cameras, he said.’
15.Cause (something) to exist or come about; bring about.
‘the drips had _made_ a pool on the floor’
‘He _makes_ sculptures out of clay and bakes them into ceramics in his hometown in Shandong Province.’
16.Cause to be successful.
‘the work which _made_ Wordsworth’s reputation’
‘You have time still, but you have become old enough for reputations to be _made_ .’
17.Cause to become or seem.
‘decorative features _make_ brickwork more interesting’
‘the best way to disarm your critics is to _make_ them laugh’
18.Communicate or express (an idea, request, or requirement)
‘there are two more points to _make_ ’
‘ _make_ him an offer he can’t refuse’
19.Compel (someone) to do something.
‘she bought me a brandy and _made_ me drink it’
‘My parents kept goats when I was young, and they tried to _make_ me drink the milk.’
20.Complete or close (a circuit).
‘We connect components together with wires or copper tracks to _make_ circuits, but it’s the components that do all the work.’
21.Compose or draw up (something written or abstract)
‘ _make_ a list of all the points you can think of’
‘Videos were _made_ of their activities and circulated to members.’
22.Consider to be; estimate as.
‘How many are there? I _make_ it sixteen’
‘I _make_ it - what? A hundred fifty yards to the bend?’
23.Constitute; amount to.
‘they _made_ an unusual duo’
‘It usually takes at least two or three people to order enough dishes to _make_ a good Chinese meal.’
24.Enter into a contract of (marriage)
‘as many sailors do, he _made_ a foolish marriage’
‘We want our marriage to be recognised as a marriage - just like any other marriage _made_ in Canada.’
25.Form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; create.
‘my grandmother _made_ a dress for me’
‘cricket bats are _made_ of willow’
26.Gain or earn (money or profit)
‘he’d _made_ a lot of money out of hardware’
‘If they do _make_ a surplus that money goes back into the school to provide bursaries or development projects.’
27.Induce (someone) to have sexual intercourse with one.
‘he had been trying to _make_ Cynthia for two years now’
‘Is it possible that this is just a guy on the _make_ , doing everything he can, just to _make_ it with a woman?’
28.Manage to arrive at (a place) within a specified time or catch (a train or other form of transport)
‘we’ve got a lot to do if you’re going to _make_ the shuttle’
‘they didn’t always _make_ it on time’
29.Prepare (a dish, drink, or meal)
‘she was _making_ lunch for Lucy and Francis’
‘I’ll _make_ us both a cup of tea’
30.Prepare to go in a particular direction.
‘he struggled to his feet and _made_ towards the car’
‘He _made_ towards the window and sat down in the chair closest to it, panting.’
31.Represent or cause to appear in a specified way.
‘the issue price _makes_ them good value’
‘Because of her obnoxious attitude Chaucer _makes_ her toothless, fat and large.’
32.Score (a specified number of runs)
‘he _made_ a century’
‘Can you give some more details of the innings when Don Bradman _made_ 300 in a day in a Test?’
33.Shuffle (cards) for dealing.
‘Peter _made_ the cards and handed them to Stern to deal.’
34.Succeed in reaching safety or in surviving.
‘the pilot didn’t _make_ it—his neck’s broken’
‘So you had persons from both ends of the spectrum _making_ it all the way to the White House.’
35.Win a trick with (a card).
‘Although on table 1 our North-South pair defeated West’s 5 diamonds, on table 2 with the same cards our East-West pair allowed North to play and _make_ 4 hearts.’
36.Win the number of tricks that fulfils (a contract).
‘After a contract on the bid is _made_ , the declarer decides whether to set the rank for that hand high or low.’
‘The players in the team that won the bidding score only those cards in those tricks that _make_ the contract.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。