


例句1. the curtain covers the lower half of the window
例句2. the lower house of the German parliament

例句2. the crowd had lowered their voices
例句3. demand could be stimulated by lowering taxes

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词


1.(of an animal or plant) showing relatively primitive or simple characteristics.
2.Denoting an older (and hence usually deeper) part of a stratigraphic division or archaeological deposit or the period in which it was formed or deposited.
‘ _Lower_ Cretaceous’
‘ _Lower_ Palaeolithic’
3.Less high in position.
‘the _lower_ levels of the building’
‘The proposal for a new building had a more plausible scale and circulation pattern in a somewhat _lower_ structure.’
4.Less high in status or amount.
‘managers _lower_ down the hierarchy’
‘ _lower_ costs will encourage people to buy’
5.Situated to the south.
‘the union of Upper and _Lower_ Egypt’

1.In or into a lower position.
‘the sun sank _lower_ ’

1.comparative of low

1.A dark and gloomy appearance of the sky, weather or landscape.
2.A scowl.

1.(of the sky, weather, or landscape) look dark and threatening.
‘While their only rivals Sheffield Collegiate overcame the sea fret at Hull, Harrogate raced to beat dark, lowering Wolds cloud at Driffield.’
‘The sky was a leaden gray, darkening and lowering towards the west, promising rain.’
2.Behave in a way that is perceived as unworthy or debased.
‘he must really love her to be able to _lower_ himself to this’
‘Apparently that friend saw Lindt’s photo on my blog and felt Lindt was lowering himself to be associated with a empty vessel like myself.’
3.Look angry or sullen; frown.
‘the lofty statue lowers at patients in the infirmary’
‘Two guys worked the kitchen - a dark, lowering, Heathcliffy fellow and a chirpy-looking, more English chap in glasses.’
4.Make or become less in amount, intensity, or degree.
‘traffic speeds must be lowered’
‘she lowered her voice to a whisper’
5.Move (someone or something) in a downward direction.
‘he watched the coffin being lowered into the ground’
‘In Germany flags were lowered to half-mast at federal buildings.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。