属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
1 | 莱因-斯凯尔德-维罗梅工程和造船公司 | Rijn-Schelde-verolme Machinefabriken en Scheepswerven N.V. |
2 | 图书三难 | three difficulties of publishing,i.e.,difficulties in publishing,buying and selling books |
3 | 社会基金的一部分劳动 | (after a deduction is made of the)amount of labor which goes to public funds |
4 | 联而不合 | (avoid enterprises)joining together without cooperation |
5 | 流回[物资] | (corresponding amount of materials)re-enters circulation |
6 | 分类指导 | (demonstration by example or)guidance to different types of areas |
7 | 以级差地租为实体的超额利润 | (earn)extra-quota profit with differential rent as its substance |
8 | 合营形式 | (economic integration has been introduced in the)form of cooperative operation |
9 | 凭证定量供应燃料电力 | (enterprises are)rationed a defined amount of fuel and electricity |
10 | 吃国家补贴 | (enterprises)depend on state subsidies(year in and year out) |
11 | 税后余利分成包干 | (enterprises)retained after-tax profits and assumed responsibility for losses |
12 | 贷款项目 | (find out about the)project for which the loan is intended |
13 | 领取相当数量的产品 | (he)receives(from the public store of articles of consumption)a corresponding quantity of products |
14 | 担保火灾的损失 | (insurance company)gives surety against loss by fire |
15 | 手续费计息 | (interest rate for a foreign currency loan is LIBOR plus)spread |
16 | 细枝末节的修补 | (it is no)minor patching-up of the economic structure |
17 | 社会治安综合治理 | (mobilizing all forces in a concerted drive of)overall administration of public security |
18 | 归口企业 | (most of)enterprises under the direction administration of(the First Ministry of Machine Building Industry) |
19 | 稳中有降[价格] | (prices at the fairs are)stable with a slight decline |
20 | 一种商品总量 | (producing the)total number of a certain kind of commodity |
21 | 兼业经营 | (rural enterprises)provide second jobs for(peasants in their vicinities) |
22 | 多方面的生活需要 | (satisfy their)multifaceted needs in material life;(satisfy their)various living requirements |
23 | 包给集体经营 | (some small state-owned enterprises can)be run by collectiveson a contract basis |
24 | 批零兼营 | (some stores)conduct both wholesale and retail business |
25 | 可养殖浅海滩涂利用率 | (the nation’s)shallow seashores are used to breed aquatic products |
26 | 基本建设支出预算 | budget norm for capital construction 基本建设支出 capital construction expenditure;capital expenditure |
27 | 基本建设大包干 | capital construction products completed 基本建设程序 capital construction procedure |
28 | 减价彩券 | cut down price;markdown;reduction in price;allowance;cheapen;cut price;price markdown;price concession;give a discount;shade the price;abatement;price breaks;grant a discount;allow a discount;price cutting;reduce price |
29 | 量的规律 | determinateness in magnitude;quantitative determination;quantitative definitions of |
30 | 建筑业劳动 | Economic Planning and Advisory Council for the Construction Industries |
31 | 基本核算单位 | fundamental turn for the better(in the national financial and economic situation) |
32 | 开办费的资本化值 | initial expenditure;preliminary expenses;organizational costs;establishment charge;promotion expenses;initial cost of business;organization expenses;organization cost |
33 | 企业的好坏 | linking of enterprise’s total sum of wages with its economic performance |
34 | 基本建设项目基金 | preliminary design of a capital construction project |
35 | 平衡式上班制 | price subsidies for stabilizing the people’s livelihood |
36 | 剪刀差量 | scissor gap;scissors difference(between industrial and agricultural prices);price scissors;scissors differential in the prices of |
37 | 包销订货 | state’s plan to monopolize the sales and contracts of(private industry) |
38 | 国家财政直接安排的支出 | total of outstanding foreign loans borrowed as part of state revenue |
39 | 交易速度 | transfer tax;transaction tax;sales tax;turnover tax;trade tax;tax on transaction |
40 | 逆差的数额[国际收支] | unfavorable trade balance;import surplus;unfavorable balance;adverse balance of trade;deficit;negative balance;adverse balance;trade deficit;passive balance |
1 | Rijn-Schelde-verolme Machinefabriken en Scheepswerven N.V. | 莱因-斯凯尔德-维罗梅工程和造船公司 | |
2 | three difficulties of publishing,i.e.,difficulties in publishing,buying and selling books | 图书三难 | |
3 | (after a deduction is made of the)amount of labor which goes to public funds | 社会基金的一部分劳动 | |
4 | (avoid enterprises)joining together without cooperation | 联而不合 | |
5 | (corresponding amount of materials)re-enters circulation | 流回[物资] | |
6 | (demonstration by example or)guidance to different types of areas | 分类指导 | |
7 | (earn)extra-quota profit with differential rent as its substance | 以级差地租为实体的超额利润 | |
8 | (economic integration has been introduced in the)form of cooperative operation | 合营形式 | |
9 | (enterprises are)rationed a defined amount of fuel and electricity | 凭证定量供应燃料电力 | |
10 | (enterprises)depend on state subsidies(year in and year out) | 吃国家补贴 | |
11 | (enterprises)retained after-tax profits and assumed responsibility for losses | 税后余利分成包干 | |
12 | (find out about the)project for which the loan is intended | 贷款项目 | |
13 | (he)receives(from the public store of articles of consumption)a corresponding quantity of products | 领取相当数量的产品 | |
14 | (insurance company)gives surety against loss by fire | 担保火灾的损失 | |
15 | (interest rate for a foreign currency loan is LIBOR plus)spread | 手续费计息 | |
16 | (it is no)minor patching-up of the economic structure | 细枝末节的修补 | |
17 | (mobilizing all forces in a concerted drive of)overall administration of public security | 社会治安综合治理 | |
18 | (most of)enterprises under the direction administration of(the First Ministry of Machine Building Industry) | 归口企业 | |
19 | (prices at the fairs are)stable with a slight decline | 稳中有降[价格] | |
20 | (producing the)total number of a certain kind of commodity | 一种商品总量 | |
21 | (rural enterprises)provide second jobs for(peasants in their vicinities) | 兼业经营 | |
22 | (satisfy their)multifaceted needs in material life;(satisfy their)various living requirements | 多方面的生活需要 | |
23 | (some small state-owned enterprises can)be run by collectiveson a contract basis | 包给集体经营 | |
24 | (some stores)conduct both wholesale and retail business | 批零兼营 | |
25 | (the nation’s)shallow seashores are used to breed aquatic products | 可养殖浅海滩涂利用率 | |
26 | budget norm for capital construction 基本建设支出 capital construction expenditure;capital expenditure | 基本建设支出预算 | |
27 | capital construction products completed 基本建设程序 capital construction procedure | 基本建设大包干 | |
28 | cut down price;markdown;reduction in price;allowance;cheapen;cut price;price markdown;price concession;give a discount;shade the price;abatement;price breaks;grant a discount;allow a discount;price cutting;reduce price | 减价彩券 | |
29 | determinateness in magnitude;quantitative determination;quantitative definitions of | 量的规律 | |
30 | Economic Planning and Advisory Council for the Construction Industries | 建筑业劳动 | |
31 | fundamental turn for the better(in the national financial and economic situation) | 基本核算单位 | |
32 | initial expenditure;preliminary expenses;organizational costs;establishment charge;promotion expenses;initial cost of business;organization expenses;organization cost | 开办费的资本化值 | |
33 | linking of enterprise’s total sum of wages with its economic performance | 企业的好坏 | |
34 | preliminary design of a capital construction project | 基本建设项目基金 | |
35 | price subsidies for stabilizing the people’s livelihood | 平衡式上班制 | |
36 | scissor gap;scissors difference(between industrial and agricultural prices);price scissors;scissors differential in the prices of | 剪刀差量 | |
37 | state’s plan to monopolize the sales and contracts of(private industry) | 包销订货 | |
38 | total of outstanding foreign loans borrowed as part of state revenue | 国家财政直接安排的支出 | |
39 | transfer tax;transaction tax;sales tax;turnover tax;trade tax;tax on transaction | 交易速度 | |
40 | unfavorable trade balance;import surplus;unfavorable balance;adverse balance of trade;deficit;negative balance;adverse balance;trade deficit;passive balance | 逆差的数额[国际收支] |