属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
1 | 改变期限 | postpone the dates;transfer the dates;put off the dates;revise the dates |
2 | 所有制改革关键论 | theory of the reform of ownership as the key to reform |
3 | 计划与市场板块式结合论 | theory on plate-like integration of planning and market |
4 | 农村经济超常规增长论 | theory on rural economic growth in excess of commonpractice |
5 | 本报价单仍须经卖方最后确认方生效 | this offer is subject to sellers’ final confirmation |
6 | 粮食合同定购三挂钩 | three links in grain-purchasing contract,i.e.,output of grain linking with purchasing chemical fertilizer and diesel oil at prices fixed by the state and with advance money stipulated in the contract |
7 | 三班半轮休法 | three-shift rotating rest system in which during each shift another worker joins the work team and substitutes for an original worker who then can rest |
8 | 外币换算中的结汇时间制 | time of settlement basis of foreign currency conversion |
9 | 机手并动时间 | time of simultaneous operations by machine and hand |
10 | 外币换算中的交易时间制 | time of transaction basis of foreign currency conversion |
11 | 生产一种商品所耗费的劳动总量 | total amount of labor spent in the production of a certain kind of commodity |
12 | 农用生产资料货币购买力总量 | total monetary purchasing power of agricultural capital goods |
13 | 基期社会产品产量 | total output of the social product during the base period |
14 | 本年上期总损益 | total profit and loss for the first period of this year |
15 | 农产品价值总量的货币表现 | total value of agricultural products expressed in monetary form |
16 | 商业收购商品总额 | total value of commodities purchased by enterprises |
17 | 工资总额与经济效益挂钩浮动 | total wages float with the rise and fall of economic performance |
18 | 工资总额与生产产量挂钩浮动 | total wages float with the rise and fall of outputs |
19 | 企业管理的转轨变型 | track transfer and pattern transformation of business management |
20 | 传统的合资企业式工业合作 | traditional joint venture type of industrial cooperation |
21 | 新规划的新职位所需训练人员 | training personnel for new jobs necessitated by new layout |
22 | 委托培养硕士生 | training postgraduate for Master’s degree on commission |
23 | 军用技术向民用转移 | transfer of technology from the military to the civilian sector |
24 | 跨行业跨地区的经济联合体 | transindustrial and transregional economic complexes |
25 | 经第三国境内运输的货物 | transit of goods through the territory of another country |
26 | 新旧体制交替并存 | transitional stage of development where both the old and the new structures coexist while the traditional economic structure is being phased out |
27 | 科技成果向现实生产力转化 | translation of research results into real productive forces |
28 | 联合国跨国公司中心 | Transnational Corporation Center for the United Nations Organization |
29 | 路企运输协作 | transport cooperation between railway departments and enterprises |
30 | 新种类产品试制费 | trial production fees for new varieties of products |
31 | 闽南三角地区经济开放区 | Triangular Economic Area in Southern Fujian Province |
32 | 经济建设保护法庭 | tribunal for the protection of economic development |
33 | 双水内冷汽轮发电机 | tubogenerator with inner water-cooled stator and rotor |
34 | 按行政隶属关系上交利润 | turn over profits to the administrative unit to which they belong |
35 | 公私存款中活期存款周转率 | turnover of demand deposits among private and public deposits |
36 | 联合国国际贸易法委员会国际商务仲裁模范法 | UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration |
37 | 跟单信用证统一惯例与做法 | Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits |
38 | 商业票据托收统一规则 | uniform rules for the collection of commercial papers |
39 | 欧洲经济共同体统一商标条例 | Uniform Trade Marks Regulations in European Economic Community |
40 | 承包为主的多种形式的经济责任制 | various forms of the economic responsibility system with contracted jobs as the main content |
1 | postpone the dates;transfer the dates;put off the dates;revise the dates | 改变期限 | |
2 | theory of the reform of ownership as the key to reform | 所有制改革关键论 | |
3 | theory on plate-like integration of planning and market | 计划与市场板块式结合论 | |
4 | theory on rural economic growth in excess of commonpractice | 农村经济超常规增长论 | |
5 | this offer is subject to sellers’ final confirmation | 本报价单仍须经卖方最后确认方生效 | |
6 | three links in grain-purchasing contract,i.e.,output of grain linking with purchasing chemical fertilizer and diesel oil at prices fixed by the state and with advance money stipulated in the contract | 粮食合同定购三挂钩 | |
7 | three-shift rotating rest system in which during each shift another worker joins the work team and substitutes for an original worker who then can rest | 三班半轮休法 | |
8 | time of settlement basis of foreign currency conversion | 外币换算中的结汇时间制 | |
9 | time of simultaneous operations by machine and hand | 机手并动时间 | |
10 | time of transaction basis of foreign currency conversion | 外币换算中的交易时间制 | |
11 | total amount of labor spent in the production of a certain kind of commodity | 生产一种商品所耗费的劳动总量 | |
12 | total monetary purchasing power of agricultural capital goods | 农用生产资料货币购买力总量 | |
13 | total output of the social product during the base period | 基期社会产品产量 | |
14 | total profit and loss for the first period of this year | 本年上期总损益 | |
15 | total value of agricultural products expressed in monetary form | 农产品价值总量的货币表现 | |
16 | total value of commodities purchased by enterprises | 商业收购商品总额 | |
17 | total wages float with the rise and fall of economic performance | 工资总额与经济效益挂钩浮动 | |
18 | total wages float with the rise and fall of outputs | 工资总额与生产产量挂钩浮动 | |
19 | track transfer and pattern transformation of business management | 企业管理的转轨变型 | |
20 | traditional joint venture type of industrial cooperation | 传统的合资企业式工业合作 | |
21 | training personnel for new jobs necessitated by new layout | 新规划的新职位所需训练人员 | |
22 | training postgraduate for Master’s degree on commission | 委托培养硕士生 | |
23 | transfer of technology from the military to the civilian sector | 军用技术向民用转移 | |
24 | transindustrial and transregional economic complexes | 跨行业跨地区的经济联合体 | |
25 | transit of goods through the territory of another country | 经第三国境内运输的货物 | |
26 | transitional stage of development where both the old and the new structures coexist while the traditional economic structure is being phased out | 新旧体制交替并存 | |
27 | translation of research results into real productive forces | 科技成果向现实生产力转化 | |
28 | Transnational Corporation Center for the United Nations Organization | 联合国跨国公司中心 | |
29 | transport cooperation between railway departments and enterprises | 路企运输协作 | |
30 | trial production fees for new varieties of products | 新种类产品试制费 | |
31 | Triangular Economic Area in Southern Fujian Province | 闽南三角地区经济开放区 | |
32 | tribunal for the protection of economic development | 经济建设保护法庭 | |
33 | tubogenerator with inner water-cooled stator and rotor | 双水内冷汽轮发电机 | |
34 | turn over profits to the administrative unit to which they belong | 按行政隶属关系上交利润 | |
35 | turnover of demand deposits among private and public deposits | 公私存款中活期存款周转率 | |
36 | UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration | 联合国国际贸易法委员会国际商务仲裁模范法 | |
37 | Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits | 跟单信用证统一惯例与做法 | |
38 | uniform rules for the collection of commercial papers | 商业票据托收统一规则 | |
39 | Uniform Trade Marks Regulations in European Economic Community | 欧洲经济共同体统一商标条例 | |
40 | various forms of the economic responsibility system with contracted jobs as the main content | 承包为主的多种形式的经济责任制 |