

    比较级:deadlier 最高级:deadliest
    详解 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库


    例句1. certain mixtures of drugs can be deadly


    例句3. I noted their deadly seriousness


    例句4. he was deadly pale and too weak to speak


    形容词 变体/同根词

    We are in Zimbabwe, ground zero of the deadliest epidemic known to mankind.
    Now, all this comes on the heels of what was the deadliest attack here since the they ended their push, their offensive near the coast.
    Orissa was recently devastated by the deadliest cyclone of the century causing death and destruction on an unheard of scale.
    The toxin contained in the organs of fugu, or puffer fish, is said to be 1300 times deadlier than cyanide.
    Therefore, agricultural, herding societies will carry deadlier germs than will hunter-gatherers or people that farm only plants.
    Since it first emerged in 1997, avian influenza has become deadlier and more resilient.

    动词 变体/同根词

    As third in the line of succession, she would only become queen if her brothers both died or became ineligible.
    Having been in excellent health, Vaughan Williams died suddenly in the early hours of 26 August 1958 at Hanover Terrace.
    Collections of the songs were published, preserving many that could otherwise have vanished as oral traditions died out.
    This dude at the club was trying to kill us so I deaded him, and then I had to collect from Spice.
    (transitive) To prevent by disabling; stop. || (transitive) To make dead; to deaden; to deprive of life, force, or vigour. || (Britain, transitive, slang) To kill.
    (intransitive) To stop living; to become dead; to undergo death. || followed by of; general use: || followed by from; general use, though somewhat more common in the context of medicine or the sciences: || followed by for; often expressing wider contextual motivations, though sometimes indicating direct causes: || (now rare) followed by with as an indication of direct cause: || (still current) followed by with as an indication of manner: || (transitive) To stop living and undergo (a specified death). || (intransitive, figuratively) To yearn intensely. || (intransitive) To be utterly cut off by family or friends, as if dead. || (intransitive, figuratively) To become spiritually dead; to lose hope. || (intransitive, colloquial, hyperbolic) To be mortified or shocked by a situation. || (figuratively, intransitive, hyperbolic) To be so overcome with emotion or laughter as to be incapacitated. || (intransitive, of a machine) To stop working, to break down. || (intransitive, of a computer program) To abort, to terminate (as an error condition). || To perish; to cease to exist; to become lost or extinct. || To sink; to faint; to pine; to languish, with weakness, discouragement, love, etc. || (often with "to") To become indifferent; to cease to be subject. || (video game) To be killed by an enemy. Usually followed by to or another preposition. || (architecture) To disappear gradually in another surface, as where mouldings are lost in a sloped or curved face. || To become vapid, flat, or spiritless, as liquor. || (of a stand-up comedian or a joke) To fail to evoke laughter from the audience.
    When I die and they lay me to rest, I’m going to go to the place that’s the best.
    As the night wore on, the commotion in the streets would gradually die.
    Sandra would be driving somewhere, and without warning, the engine would die.

    She saw that he stood on the verge of lunacy, if he had not already stepped across it. It was impossible to doubt, that, whatever painful efficacy there might be in the secret sting of remorse, a deadlier venom had been infused into it by the hand that proffered relief.



    What if, by some fate or deadlier chance, eyes other than his spied behind and saw the horrible change?



    It is possible that the virus could become deadlier . But experts believe it is not likely to happen. Extremely sick people are also less likely to socialize and spread the virus to others.


    属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-新冠病毒是否会不断涌现新变种? -

    ||1:Mr Hadi has had to move some of his ragtag army from the north to deal with separatists and jihadists in the south.||2:That leaves Marib largely in the hands of Sunni tribes that support Islah, an Islamist movement.||3:Many fiercely oppose the Houthis, fearing they will try to revive the country’s ancient Shia imamate.||4:But they also worry that Prince Muhammad might soon withdraw.||5:Some therefore think that they should follow the lead of the tribesmen in Jawf who negotiated with the Houthis and helped them push into the province.||6:Hanging over all of this is the threat of covid-19. The war has knocked out half of Yemen’s clinics and hospitals.||7:Over three quarters of its 28m people need some kind of humanitarian aid.||8:An outbreak of cholera last year was one of the world’s worst, says the un. An outbreak of covid-19 could be even deadlier .


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-也门战争(2) -

    ||1:Surprisingly for a tale of fatal lung disease, however, the tone is gently ironic, a levity that offsets the symbolism and philosophy.||2:Officially, Hans is a visitor, but he lives the life of a patient, which revolves around gossip, walks, infatuations, intellectual discussions, five hearty meals a day and a strict regimen of bed rest, temperature- taking and alcohol rubs.||3:Hans takes to this high-altitude life better than Joachim, an officer who longs to return to the army.||4:He does—and comes back to the mountain even sicker.||5:Hans, by contrast, seems cured, and at the close leaves for the even deadlier battlefield.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-家庭娱乐专栏--"高原"病(2) -

    A new report from the United States surgeon general finds that smoking tobacco is even deadlier than had been known. The report says smoking causes birth defects - a leading cause of death among babies. It also links smoking to cancer of the liver and colon, diabetes and other diseases.

    来自美国公共卫生署长(surgeon general)的一份新的报告发现,吸烟比我们已知的更为致命。该报告称,吸烟会导致先天性缺陷,这是婴儿死亡的首要原因。它还将吸烟与肝癌、结肠癌、糖尿病等疾病联系起来。

    属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-吸烟会导致肺癌以外的多种疾病 -

    The current surgeon-general, Boris Lushniak, marked the half-century with a report on January 17th, declaring smoking even deadlier than previously thought.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-卷烟工业 强弩之末 -

    The intestines, ovaries and liver of fugu (or blowfish) contain a poison called tetrodotoxin, which is 1, 200 times deadlier than cyanide.



    There have been larger and deadlier battles since, though, as war has become at once more modern and more primitive;



    The emergence and spread of drug-resistant germs makes treating it much harder and could make the disease even deadlier .



    What happened there if, in the bowels of one of their pigs, a virus mutated and took on a deadlier form?



    Though falciparum is far deadlier than vivax, it is cleared from the body in a few weeks.



    All this is hard to square with the notion that wars have become more frequent and deadlier since the end of the cold war.



    Working in tandem, they are targeting the marines’ patrols every day, with greater cunning and deadlier results than in the past.



    They search the ocean depths hunting for evidence left by predators deadlier than great white sharks.



    The reality of greenhouse effect is more speculative, though its possible consequences are far deadlier .



    Exhibit A: Halo Reach, which trumps the original trilogy with highly evolved combat, crazier weapons, smarter baddies, and deadlier moves.


