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属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
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属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
1 | 出乎意料 | against expectation;contrary to expectation;contrary to expectations;beyond expectation;come out of the blue;cap the climax;against expectations |
2 | 乱七八糟 | all in a tumble;in a litter;in random fashion;in confusion;all in a huddle |
3 | 从头到尾 | all the way;from hub to tire;from stem to stern;from a to z;from top to tail;every inch;right through;from cover to cover |
4 | 无足轻重 | are of little moment;is of little moment;count for little;am of no moment;were of no moment;is of no moment;was of little moment;were of little moment;was of no moment |
5 | 万无一失 | are on the safe side;were on the safe side;am on the safe side;is on the safe side;was on the safe side |
6 | 不知所措 | at one’s wit’s end;be not of one’s wit;at a nonplus;be at a stand;all at sea;be at a loss;at a loose end |
7 | 三心两意 | be in two minds about;be of two about;be of two minds;be of two minds about |
8 | 孤注一掷 | bet one’s {bottom dollars|bottom dollar|last dollars|last dollar} |
9 | 恩将仇报 | bitten the hand that feeds one;quit love with hate;bite the hand that feeds one |
10 | 不能自拔 | cannot help yourselves;couldnot help herself;cannot help myself;cannot help ourselves;cannot help himself;couldnot help myself;couldnot help himself;cannot help yourself;cannot help themselves;cannot help herself |
11 | 莫名其妙 | cannot make head or tail of it;be all adrift;can make neither head nor tail |
12 | 胆小如鼠 | cannot say boo to a goose;as bold as an essex lion;couldnot say boh to a goose;couldnot say boo to a goose;as timid as a hare;couldnot say bo to a goose;as valiant as an essex lion |
13 | 多此一举 | carried coals to newcastle;bring coals to newcastle;carry owls to athens;brought coals to newcastle;sent coals to newcastle;sent owls to athens;carry coals to newcastle |
14 | 半途而废 | drop by the wayside;do by halves;fall by the wayside;fell by the wayside;did by halves |
15 | 千方百计 | employ all available means;pull out all stops;left no stone unturned;do everything to |
16 | 束手无策 | find herself in the mire;find themselves in the mire;find themselves in the mire;find himself in the mire;find ourselves in the mire;find myself in the mire;find yourself in the mire |
17 | 敷衍塞责 | gone through the motions of;go through the motions;went through the motions of |
18 | 化为乌有 | gone up in smoke;vanish into the iod;go glimmering;dwindle away into nothing |
19 | 卑躬屈节 | grovel in the dirt;grovel in the dust;lick the dust;grovel at the feet of |
20 | 不知不觉 | in spite of itself;in spite of themselves;in spite of myself;in spite of herself;in spite of yourselves;in spite of yourself;in spite of himself |
21 | 发号施令 | lay down the law;laid down the law;queen over;call the shots;call the turn |
22 | 大惊小怪 | like a hen with one chicken;make a fuss;fuss up;storm in a teacup;storm in teacup;made a fuss;tempest in a teapot;tempest in a bucket;made a fuss of;tempest in a barrel;make a fuss of |
23 | 不失时机 | lose no time;not let the grass grow under my feet;not let the grass grow under one’s feet |
24 | 十之八九 | nine tenths;twenty to one;ten to one;two to one;ninety-nine time out of a hundred |
25 | 弄巧成拙 | overshoot himself;overreach ourselves;overreach themselves;overreach myself;go for wood and come home shorn;overreach yourself;overreach himself;overshoot myself;overreach herself;overshoot herself |
26 | 权衡利弊 | pres and cons;took one thing with another;strike a balance between;take one thing with another;taken one thing with another |
27 | 半斤八两 | six of one and half a dozen of the other;the pot calls the kettle black |
28 | 不辞而别 | slip off;slipped off;took french leave;take french leave;taken french leave |
29 | 不遗余力 | spare no pains;to the best of their power;to the best of power;spare no efforts;to the best of one’s power |
30 | 不言而喻 | spoke for himself;spoke for myself;go without saying;gone without saying;spoke for themselves;spoke for ourselves;speak for itself;spoke for yourself;spoke for herself |
31 | 千真万确 | sure as one lives;sure as fate;sure as eggs is eggs;sure as nails;sure as a gun;sure as eggs sre eggs |
32 | 半信半疑 | take with a pinch of salt;took with a grain of salt;taken with a grain of salt;took with a pinch of salt;taken with a pinch of salt |
33 | 默默无闻 | taken a back seat;fallen into oblivion;fell into oblivion;took a back seat |
34 | 不祥之兆 | the handwriting on the wall;the writing on the wall;the finger on the wall |
35 | 不顾一切 | throw the helve after the hatchet;went to great lengths;fling caution to the winds;gone to great lengths |
36 | 不翼而飞 | took wings to itself;taken to itself wings;taken wings to itself;take to itself wings;take to itself;took to itself wings;take wings to itself |
37 | 如履薄冰 | tread upon eggs;trodden as upon eggs;trod on eggs;trodden as on eggs;trodden upon eggs;trod as on eggs;trodden on eggs;trod upon eggs;trod as upon eggs;tread as upon eggs |
38 | 赴汤蹈火 | went through fire and water;went through hell and high water;gone through hell and high water;go through hell and water;go through fire and flood;gone through fire and water |
39 | 不辞劳苦 | went to the trouble;go to the trouble;taken the trouble;spare no pains;took the trouble;gone to the trouble;take the trouble |
40 | 全心全意 | with one’s whole heart;body and soul;with all one’s heart;with one’s whole soul |
1 | against expectation;contrary to expectation;contrary to expectations;beyond expectation;come out of the blue;cap the climax;against expectations | 出乎意料 | |
2 | all in a tumble;in a litter;in random fashion;in confusion;all in a huddle | 乱七八糟 | |
3 | all the way;from hub to tire;from stem to stern;from a to z;from top to tail;every inch;right through;from cover to cover | 从头到尾 | |
4 | are of little moment;is of little moment;count for little;am of no moment;were of no moment;is of no moment;was of little moment;were of little moment;was of no moment | 无足轻重 | |
5 | are on the safe side;were on the safe side;am on the safe side;is on the safe side;was on the safe side | 万无一失 | |
6 | at one’s wit’s end;be not of one’s wit;at a nonplus;be at a stand;all at sea;be at a loss;at a loose end | 不知所措 | |
7 | be in two minds about;be of two about;be of two minds;be of two minds about | 三心两意 | |
8 | bet one’s {bottom dollars|bottom dollar|last dollars|last dollar} | 孤注一掷 | |
9 | bitten the hand that feeds one;quit love with hate;bite the hand that feeds one | 恩将仇报 | |
10 | cannot help yourselves;couldnot help herself;cannot help myself;cannot help ourselves;cannot help himself;couldnot help myself;couldnot help himself;cannot help yourself;cannot help themselves;cannot help herself | 不能自拔 | |
11 | cannot make head or tail of it;be all adrift;can make neither head nor tail | 莫名其妙 | |
12 | cannot say boo to a goose;as bold as an essex lion;couldnot say boh to a goose;couldnot say boo to a goose;as timid as a hare;couldnot say bo to a goose;as valiant as an essex lion | 胆小如鼠 | |
13 | carried coals to newcastle;bring coals to newcastle;carry owls to athens;brought coals to newcastle;sent coals to newcastle;sent owls to athens;carry coals to newcastle | 多此一举 | |
14 | drop by the wayside;do by halves;fall by the wayside;fell by the wayside;did by halves | 半途而废 | |
15 | employ all available means;pull out all stops;left no stone unturned;do everything to | 千方百计 | |
16 | find herself in the mire;find themselves in the mire;find themselves in the mire;find himself in the mire;find ourselves in the mire;find myself in the mire;find yourself in the mire | 束手无策 | |
17 | gone through the motions of;go through the motions;went through the motions of | 敷衍塞责 | |
18 | gone up in smoke;vanish into the iod;go glimmering;dwindle away into nothing | 化为乌有 | |
19 | grovel in the dirt;grovel in the dust;lick the dust;grovel at the feet of | 卑躬屈节 | |
20 | in spite of itself;in spite of themselves;in spite of myself;in spite of herself;in spite of yourselves;in spite of yourself;in spite of himself | 不知不觉 | |
21 | lay down the law;laid down the law;queen over;call the shots;call the turn | 发号施令 | |
22 | like a hen with one chicken;make a fuss;fuss up;storm in a teacup;storm in teacup;made a fuss;tempest in a teapot;tempest in a bucket;made a fuss of;tempest in a barrel;make a fuss of | 大惊小怪 | |
23 | lose no time;not let the grass grow under my feet;not let the grass grow under one’s feet | 不失时机 | |
24 | nine tenths;twenty to one;ten to one;two to one;ninety-nine time out of a hundred | 十之八九 | |
25 | overshoot himself;overreach ourselves;overreach themselves;overreach myself;go for wood and come home shorn;overreach yourself;overreach himself;overshoot myself;overreach herself;overshoot herself | 弄巧成拙 | |
26 | pres and cons;took one thing with another;strike a balance between;take one thing with another;taken one thing with another | 权衡利弊 | |
27 | six of one and half a dozen of the other;the pot calls the kettle black | 半斤八两 | |
28 | slip off;slipped off;took french leave;take french leave;taken french leave | 不辞而别 | |
29 | spare no pains;to the best of their power;to the best of power;spare no efforts;to the best of one’s power | 不遗余力 | |
30 | spoke for himself;spoke for myself;go without saying;gone without saying;spoke for themselves;spoke for ourselves;speak for itself;spoke for yourself;spoke for herself | 不言而喻 | |
31 | sure as one lives;sure as fate;sure as eggs is eggs;sure as nails;sure as a gun;sure as eggs sre eggs | 千真万确 | |
32 | take with a pinch of salt;took with a grain of salt;taken with a grain of salt;took with a pinch of salt;taken with a pinch of salt | 半信半疑 | |
33 | taken a back seat;fallen into oblivion;fell into oblivion;took a back seat | 默默无闻 | |
34 | the handwriting on the wall;the writing on the wall;the finger on the wall | 不祥之兆 | |
35 | throw the helve after the hatchet;went to great lengths;fling caution to the winds;gone to great lengths | 不顾一切 | |
36 | took wings to itself;taken to itself wings;taken wings to itself;take to itself wings;take to itself;took to itself wings;take wings to itself | 不翼而飞 | |
37 | tread upon eggs;trodden as upon eggs;trod on eggs;trodden as on eggs;trodden upon eggs;trod as on eggs;trodden on eggs;trod upon eggs;trod as upon eggs;tread as upon eggs | 如履薄冰 | |
38 | went through fire and water;went through hell and high water;gone through hell and high water;go through hell and water;go through fire and flood;gone through fire and water | 赴汤蹈火 | |
39 | went to the trouble;go to the trouble;taken the trouble;spare no pains;took the trouble;gone to the trouble;take the trouble | 不辞劳苦 | |
40 | with one’s whole heart;body and soul;with all one’s heart;with one’s whole soul | 全心全意 |