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属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
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属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
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属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
1 | 十恶不赦 | 1.a crime which is past forgiving;2.to be too wicked to be pardoned;3.atrocious |
2 | 十拿九稳 | 1.as sure as a gun;to be quite certain of;quite certain 2.Out of ten attempts,nine will be successful.3.The chances are ten to one.4.to be in the bag;well in hand;almost certain;90 percent sure;to have no doubts about;practically certain |
3 | 如蚁附膻 | 1.like ants seeking something rank-smelling;2.a swarm of people running after unwholesome things or leaning on influential people support |
4 | 萎靡不振 | 1.to be low in spirits;2.dejected and apathetic;3.dejection and laxity |
5 | 出其不意 | 1.to catch somebody unawares;2.unawares;3.sneak |
6 | 容光焕发 | 1.to lighten;2.(of a person’s face,etc.)to light up(with);to glow(with);a shining or beaming)countenance |
7 | 如法炮制 | 1.to prepare herbal medicine by the prescribed method;2.to follow a set pattern |
8 | 如雷贯耳 | 1.to reverberate like thunder;2.One’s famous name has long been known to people. |
9 | 门可罗雀 | 1.You can catch sparrows on the doorstep.;2.where visitors are few and far between |
10 | 日月如梭 | 2.Time flies.;1.The sun and the moon move back and forth like a shuttle. |
11 | 未老先衰 | 2.to become senile before one’s time;to become an old man before one has scarcely passed middle life |
12 | 维妙维肖 | absolutely lifelike;remarkably true to life;so skillfully imitated as to be indistinguishable from the original |
13 | 如日中天 | at the apex(zenith)of one’s power,career,etc.;like the sun at high noon |
14 | 如愿以偿 | to achieve what one wishes;to have one’s wish fulfilled;to obtain what is desired |
15 | 日理万机 | to attend to numerous affairs of state every day;to be occupied with myriads of state affairs |
16 | 未卜先知 | to be able to foresee the future;to foresee accurately;to have foresight |
17 | 惟命是从 | to be absolutely(or slavishly)obedient;to accept sb.’s instructions without a murmur;to be under sb.’s thumb;to be at sb.’s disposal;always to do as one is told |
18 | 失魂落魄 | to be beside oneself with fear;to be battered out of one’s senses;to lose one’s wits;to be driven to distraction |
19 | 如出一辙 | to be exactly the same as;to be no different from;to be very similar;to be cut from the same cloth |
20 | 如坐针毡 | to be on tenterhooks;to be(or sit)on thorns;to be on the anxious bench;to feel as if sitting on a bed of nails;to be on pins and needles |
21 | 惟我独尊 | to be puffed up with pride3.overweening;arrogant;egoistic;to stand upon one’s pantofles;terribly self-conceited;2.to pride oneself upon one’s ability |
22 | 为富不仁 | to be wealthy but unkind;to be rich and cruel;to be one of the heartless rich |
23 | 融会贯通 | to blend harmoniously and grasp thoroughly;to digest;to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject |
24 | 为所欲为 | to do whatever one likes;to have(or take)one’s full swing;to get(or have)one’s own way;to act on one’s own will |
25 | 尸位素餐 | to entrench oneself in a position and do no useful work |
26 | 如释重负 | to feel as if relieved of a heavy load;to feel a sense of relief;to be a weight off one’s mind;to take a load off sb.’s mind |
27 | 每况愈下 | to go downhill;steadily worse 2.to go from bad to worse;1.progressively worse |
28 | 为虎作伥 | to help a villain do evil;to play the jackal to the tiger;to hold a candle to the devil;to make common cause with an evildoer |
29 | 为国捐躯 | to offer one’s life on the altar of one’s country;to lay down one’s life for one’s country;to die for the sake of one’s country;to sacrifice one’s life for the fatherland |
30 | 省吃俭用 | to pull in one’s belt;to live in a small way;to pinch and scrape;to save money on food and expenses |
31 | 围魏救赵 | to relieve the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers |
32 | 如履薄冰 | to skate over thin ice;to act with extreme caution;to be very careful;to tread on thin ice |
33 | 出人头地 | to stand out among one’s fellows;to come to the front;to become outstanding;to get on;to make careers |
34 | 如胶似漆 | to stick to each other like glue or lacquer;to be deeply attached to each other;to remain glued to each other |
35 | 委曲求全 | to stoop to compromise;to make great concessions for the purpose of accommodating to a situation;to compromise out of consideration for the general interest |
36 | 盛气凌人 | to throw one’s weight about(or around);brash;2.to be(or get)on one’s high horse |
37 | 违法乱纪 | to violate the law and discipline;to break the law and violate discipline |
38 | 美不胜收 | too many beautiful or excellent things to be fully appreciated;more beauty than one can take in |
39 | 入乡随俗 | Wherever you are,follow local customs.;On arrival in a new place,learn about their local customs.;Do in Rome as Rome does(or as the Romans do). |
40 | 如虎添翼 | with might redoubled;greatly strengthened or reinforced;with added strength |
1 | 1.a crime which is past forgiving;2.to be too wicked to be pardoned;3.atrocious | 十恶不赦 | |
2 | 1.as sure as a gun;to be quite certain of;quite certain 2.Out of ten attempts,nine will be successful.3.The chances are ten to one.4.to be in the bag;well in hand;almost certain;90 percent sure;to have no doubts about;practically certain | 十拿九稳 | |
3 | 1.like ants seeking something rank-smelling;2.a swarm of people running after unwholesome things or leaning on influential people support | 如蚁附膻 | |
4 | 1.to be low in spirits;2.dejected and apathetic;3.dejection and laxity | 萎靡不振 | |
5 | 1.to catch somebody unawares;2.unawares;3.sneak | 出其不意 | |
6 | 1.to lighten;2.(of a person’s face,etc.)to light up(with);to glow(with);a shining or beaming)countenance | 容光焕发 | |
7 | 1.to prepare herbal medicine by the prescribed method;2.to follow a set pattern | 如法炮制 | |
8 | 1.to reverberate like thunder;2.One’s famous name has long been known to people. | 如雷贯耳 | |
9 | 1.You can catch sparrows on the doorstep.;2.where visitors are few and far between | 门可罗雀 | |
10 | 2.Time flies.;1.The sun and the moon move back and forth like a shuttle. | 日月如梭 | |
11 | 2.to become senile before one’s time;to become an old man before one has scarcely passed middle life | 未老先衰 | |
12 | absolutely lifelike;remarkably true to life;so skillfully imitated as to be indistinguishable from the original | 维妙维肖 | |
13 | at the apex(zenith)of one’s power,career,etc.;like the sun at high noon | 如日中天 | |
14 | to achieve what one wishes;to have one’s wish fulfilled;to obtain what is desired | 如愿以偿 | |
15 | to attend to numerous affairs of state every day;to be occupied with myriads of state affairs | 日理万机 | |
16 | to be able to foresee the future;to foresee accurately;to have foresight | 未卜先知 | |
17 | to be absolutely(or slavishly)obedient;to accept sb.’s instructions without a murmur;to be under sb.’s thumb;to be at sb.’s disposal;always to do as one is told | 惟命是从 | |
18 | to be beside oneself with fear;to be battered out of one’s senses;to lose one’s wits;to be driven to distraction | 失魂落魄 | |
19 | to be exactly the same as;to be no different from;to be very similar;to be cut from the same cloth | 如出一辙 | |
20 | to be on tenterhooks;to be(or sit)on thorns;to be on the anxious bench;to feel as if sitting on a bed of nails;to be on pins and needles | 如坐针毡 | |
21 | to be puffed up with pride3.overweening;arrogant;egoistic;to stand upon one’s pantofles;terribly self-conceited;2.to pride oneself upon one’s ability | 惟我独尊 | |
22 | to be wealthy but unkind;to be rich and cruel;to be one of the heartless rich | 为富不仁 | |
23 | to blend harmoniously and grasp thoroughly;to digest;to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject | 融会贯通 | |
24 | to do whatever one likes;to have(or take)one’s full swing;to get(or have)one’s own way;to act on one’s own will | 为所欲为 | |
25 | to entrench oneself in a position and do no useful work | 尸位素餐 | |
26 | to feel as if relieved of a heavy load;to feel a sense of relief;to be a weight off one’s mind;to take a load off sb.’s mind | 如释重负 | |
27 | to go downhill;steadily worse 2.to go from bad to worse;1.progressively worse | 每况愈下 | |
28 | to help a villain do evil;to play the jackal to the tiger;to hold a candle to the devil;to make common cause with an evildoer | 为虎作伥 | |
29 | to offer one’s life on the altar of one’s country;to lay down one’s life for one’s country;to die for the sake of one’s country;to sacrifice one’s life for the fatherland | 为国捐躯 | |
30 | to pull in one’s belt;to live in a small way;to pinch and scrape;to save money on food and expenses | 省吃俭用 | |
31 | to relieve the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers | 围魏救赵 | |
32 | to skate over thin ice;to act with extreme caution;to be very careful;to tread on thin ice | 如履薄冰 | |
33 | to stand out among one’s fellows;to come to the front;to become outstanding;to get on;to make careers | 出人头地 | |
34 | to stick to each other like glue or lacquer;to be deeply attached to each other;to remain glued to each other | 如胶似漆 | |
35 | to stoop to compromise;to make great concessions for the purpose of accommodating to a situation;to compromise out of consideration for the general interest | 委曲求全 | |
36 | to throw one’s weight about(or around);brash;2.to be(or get)on one’s high horse | 盛气凌人 | |
37 | to violate the law and discipline;to break the law and violate discipline | 违法乱纪 | |
38 | too many beautiful or excellent things to be fully appreciated;more beauty than one can take in | 美不胜收 | |
39 | Wherever you are,follow local customs.;On arrival in a new place,learn about their local customs.;Do in Rome as Rome does(or as the Romans do). | 入乡随俗 | |
40 | with might redoubled;greatly strengthened or reinforced;with added strength | 如虎添翼 |