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属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
1 | 振聋发聩 | (said of ringing statements)to rouse the deaf and enlighten the benighted;to awaken the laggard and to arouse the phlegmatic |
2 | 好色之徒 | 1. lecher;2. Lothario;3. lewdster;4. satyr;5. Casanova;6. amorist |
3 | 危急存亡之秋 | 1.at the critical juncture of life and death;2.at the moment of life and death |
4 | 富贵不能淫 | 1.Neither riches nor honors can lead one astray.;2.utterly incorruptible |
5 | 换汤不换药 | 1.the same medicine differently prepared;2.to change only the form but not the content |
6 | 小巫见大巫 | 1.to pale into insignificance in comparison with;2.a man of little learning in the presence of a great scholar |
7 | 真金不怕火炼 | 2.A person of integrity can stand any tests.;1.True gold fears no fire. |
8 | 天无绝人之路 | 2.Heaven will always leave a door open.;1.Heaven never seals off all the exits. |
9 | 井水不犯河水 | 2.not to interfere with each other’s affairs;1.Well water does not intrude into river water. |
10 | 节外生枝 | 2.to raise obstacles;1.Side issues or new problems crop up unexpectedly.;to bring about extra complications;to deliberately complicate an issue;to cause complications |
11 | 瑞雪兆丰年 | A fall of seasonable snow gives promise of a fruitful year. |
12 | 疾风知劲草 | adversity tests the character of a man;strong winds test the sturdiness of grass |
13 | 诸如此类 | and all;and that;this,that and the other;something of the kind;and the like |
14 | 死里逃生 | be a close shave;escape with bad life;escape by a hair’s breadth;hairbreadth escape |
15 | 徒劳无益 | beaten my head against a wall;send coals to newcastle;burn daylight;to no end |
16 | 狡兔三窟 | elaborate precautions made for self-protection;1.A wily hare has three burrows.;2.A crafty person has more than one hideout.3.many provisions for cunning escape |
17 | 盛气凌人 | gave yourself airs;given herself airs;throw your weight about;came the bully over;threw your weights around;give myself airs;thrown their weights about |
18 | 装腔作势 | give myself airs;given herself airs;struck an attitude;gave yourself airs |
19 | 筋疲力尽 | had had it;be exhausted;burnt yourself out;burnt herself out;jiggered up;dead on your feet;burn ourselves out |
20 | 总而言之 | in a whole;the long and the short of it;all in a word;add up to add up;in sum |
21 | 无关紧要 | it makes no matter that;cut no ice with;it matters little;count for little |
22 | 众所周知 | it will be well-known that;it may be well-known that;as is now well known;as now well known;as it is known;it can be well-known that;it is known that;it is a matter of common observation that;it must be well-known that;as is well known |
23 | 听其自然 | let it have its swing;leave a thing as it is;leave the matter to take its own course;let things slide |
24 | 小题大做 | make a mountains of a molehills;make mountains out of molehills;storm in a teacup |
25 | 无官一身轻 | One feels carefree when he is relieved of official duties. |
26 | 枉费心机 | overreach myself;overreach ourselves;flog a dead horse;overreach herself;overreach himself;overreach yourself;overreach themselves |
27 | 小题大作 | storm in teacup;make a federal case out of;make a mountain out of a molehill |
28 | 自言自语 | talk to himself;muse aloud to oneself;talk to themselves;talk to ourselves;murmur to oneself;mouth to oneself;talk to yourself;muse to;talk to herself;talk to myself |
29 | 贪多嚼不烂 | to bite off more than one can chew;to want more than one can effectively use |
30 | 快刀斩乱麻 | to cut a tangled skein of jute with a sharp knife;to cut the Gordian knot |
31 | 节衣缩食 | to economize on food and clothing;to scrimp and save;to live a frugal life |
32 | 洁身自好 | to exercise self-control so as to protect oneself from immorality;2. to mind one’s own business in order to keep out of trouble;to keep one’s nose clean;1.to refuse to be contaminated by evil influence;to preserve one’s purity |
33 | 争先恐后 | to fall over one another;to rush on to be the first;to rival for priority;to strive to be the first and fear to lag behind |
34 | 一棍子打死 | to finish off with one blow;to knock somebody down at one stroke;to completely negate |
35 | 脚踏两只船 | to have it both ways;to be undecided;to hedge one’s bets;to sit on the fence;to straddle the fence |
36 | 一鼻孔出气 | to hold identical opinions;to breathe through the same nostrils;to sing the same tune |
37 | 依样画葫芦 | to imitate others or to follow the beaten path without questioning;to copy mechanically |
38 | 揭竿而起 | to start an uprising;to rise in rebellion;to start a revolution;to raise the standard of revolt |
39 | 敢怒而不敢言 | to suppress one’s rage;to choke with silent fury;to be forced to keep one’s resentment to oneself |
40 | 竭尽全力 | to the {best|utmost} of one’s ability;with all one’s might;go to great lengths;go to all length |
1 | (said of ringing statements)to rouse the deaf and enlighten the benighted;to awaken the laggard and to arouse the phlegmatic | 振聋发聩 | |
2 | 1. lecher;2. Lothario;3. lewdster;4. satyr;5. Casanova;6. amorist | 好色之徒 | |
3 | 1.at the critical juncture of life and death;2.at the moment of life and death | 危急存亡之秋 | |
4 | 1.Neither riches nor honors can lead one astray.;2.utterly incorruptible | 富贵不能淫 | |
5 | 1.the same medicine differently prepared;2.to change only the form but not the content | 换汤不换药 | |
6 | 1.to pale into insignificance in comparison with;2.a man of little learning in the presence of a great scholar | 小巫见大巫 | |
7 | 2.A person of integrity can stand any tests.;1.True gold fears no fire. | 真金不怕火炼 | |
8 | 2.Heaven will always leave a door open.;1.Heaven never seals off all the exits. | 天无绝人之路 | |
9 | 2.not to interfere with each other’s affairs;1.Well water does not intrude into river water. | 井水不犯河水 | |
10 | 2.to raise obstacles;1.Side issues or new problems crop up unexpectedly.;to bring about extra complications;to deliberately complicate an issue;to cause complications | 节外生枝 | |
11 | A fall of seasonable snow gives promise of a fruitful year. | 瑞雪兆丰年 | |
12 | adversity tests the character of a man;strong winds test the sturdiness of grass | 疾风知劲草 | |
13 | and all;and that;this,that and the other;something of the kind;and the like | 诸如此类 | |
14 | be a close shave;escape with bad life;escape by a hair’s breadth;hairbreadth escape | 死里逃生 | |
15 | beaten my head against a wall;send coals to newcastle;burn daylight;to no end | 徒劳无益 | |
16 | elaborate precautions made for self-protection;1.A wily hare has three burrows.;2.A crafty person has more than one hideout.3.many provisions for cunning escape | 狡兔三窟 | |
17 | gave yourself airs;given herself airs;throw your weight about;came the bully over;threw your weights around;give myself airs;thrown their weights about | 盛气凌人 | |
18 | give myself airs;given herself airs;struck an attitude;gave yourself airs | 装腔作势 | |
19 | had had it;be exhausted;burnt yourself out;burnt herself out;jiggered up;dead on your feet;burn ourselves out | 筋疲力尽 | |
20 | in a whole;the long and the short of it;all in a word;add up to add up;in sum | 总而言之 | |
21 | it makes no matter that;cut no ice with;it matters little;count for little | 无关紧要 | |
22 | it will be well-known that;it may be well-known that;as is now well known;as now well known;as it is known;it can be well-known that;it is known that;it is a matter of common observation that;it must be well-known that;as is well known | 众所周知 | |
23 | let it have its swing;leave a thing as it is;leave the matter to take its own course;let things slide | 听其自然 | |
24 | make a mountains of a molehills;make mountains out of molehills;storm in a teacup | 小题大做 | |
25 | One feels carefree when he is relieved of official duties. | 无官一身轻 | |
26 | overreach myself;overreach ourselves;flog a dead horse;overreach herself;overreach himself;overreach yourself;overreach themselves | 枉费心机 | |
27 | storm in teacup;make a federal case out of;make a mountain out of a molehill | 小题大作 | |
28 | talk to himself;muse aloud to oneself;talk to themselves;talk to ourselves;murmur to oneself;mouth to oneself;talk to yourself;muse to;talk to herself;talk to myself | 自言自语 | |
29 | to bite off more than one can chew;to want more than one can effectively use | 贪多嚼不烂 | |
30 | to cut a tangled skein of jute with a sharp knife;to cut the Gordian knot | 快刀斩乱麻 | |
31 | to economize on food and clothing;to scrimp and save;to live a frugal life | 节衣缩食 | |
32 | to exercise self-control so as to protect oneself from immorality;2. to mind one’s own business in order to keep out of trouble;to keep one’s nose clean;1.to refuse to be contaminated by evil influence;to preserve one’s purity | 洁身自好 | |
33 | to fall over one another;to rush on to be the first;to rival for priority;to strive to be the first and fear to lag behind | 争先恐后 | |
34 | to finish off with one blow;to knock somebody down at one stroke;to completely negate | 一棍子打死 | |
35 | to have it both ways;to be undecided;to hedge one’s bets;to sit on the fence;to straddle the fence | 脚踏两只船 | |
36 | to hold identical opinions;to breathe through the same nostrils;to sing the same tune | 一鼻孔出气 | |
37 | to imitate others or to follow the beaten path without questioning;to copy mechanically | 依样画葫芦 | |
38 | to start an uprising;to rise in rebellion;to start a revolution;to raise the standard of revolt | 揭竿而起 | |
39 | to suppress one’s rage;to choke with silent fury;to be forced to keep one’s resentment to oneself | 敢怒而不敢言 | |
40 | to the {best|utmost} of one’s ability;with all one’s might;go to great lengths;go to all length | 竭尽全力 |