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    译典分类展示:法律规范名称 次级分类:

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    1 残疾人专用品免征进口税收暂行规定 Interim Measures for Exemption From the Import Duties on the Special-purpose Articles for the Disabled

    2 对外经济开放地区环境管理暂行规定 Interim Provisions for the Administration of the Environment in the Economic Zones Open to the outside World

    3 关于外国人私有房屋管理的若干规定 Provisions Concerning the Administration of Private Houses Owned by Foreigners

    4 国务院关于保障民用航空安全的通知 Announcement of the State Council for Ensuring Safety in Civil Aviation

    5 国务院关于边境贸易有关问题的通知 Circular of the State Council Regarding Relevant Issues on Frontier Trade

    6 国务院关于鼓励台湾同胞投资的规定 Provisions of the State Council Concerning the Encouragement of Investments by Compatriots From Taiwan

    7 上海市房地产登记资料查阅暂行规定 Interim Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Inquiry of Real Estate Registration Materials

    8 上海市户外广告设置规划和管理办法 Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Installation,Planning and Administration of Outdoor Advertisements

    9 上海市空中飞行器广告管理若干规定 Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Control of Aerial Advertising by Measures of Aircraft

    10 上海市文化教育事业建设费征收办法 Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Collecting the Construction Dues for Cultural and Educational Undertakings

    11 设立境外中国产业投资基金管理办法 Measures for Controlling the Establishment of Overseas Funds for Investment in Chinese Industry

    12 中华人民共和国海洋倾废管理条例 Rules of Marine Waste Discharge Management of the People’s Republic of China

    13 中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法 Law of The People’s Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection

    14 中华人民共和国政府关于领海的声明 Declaration of the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the Territorial Sea

    15 中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法 Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures

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