属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
属类:汉语成语 -汉英成语
1 | 学而优则仕 | (a Confucian slogan for education)a good scholar can become an official;he who excels in study can follow an official career |
2 | 衣锦还乡 | (after acquiring wealth and honor)return to one’s old home town in full glory |
3 | 一枝一栖 | (for people out of luck)find a sheltering place or a small job |
4 | 养精蓄锐 | (in preparation for a challenging task ahead)nurse one’s strength |
5 | 休养生息 | (of a nation after an upheaval)recuperate and rebuild itself |
6 | 一泻千里 | (of a river)rushing along;(of a calligrapher)a bold and following style |
7 | 雅俗共赏 | (of a work of art or literature)suit both refined and popular tastes |
8 | 喧宾夺主 | (of importance)the secondary supersedes the primary |
9 | 摇身一变 | (of then said of an upstart,turn-coat,etc.)suddenly transform oneself into another kind of person |
10 | 言不尽意 | (often used at the end of a letter)what I have said or written does not convey all I have on my mind |
11 | 一气呵成 | (said of a literary piece,painting etc.)complete in one go so that there is coherence in thought and unity in style. |
12 | 一字千金 | (said of a superb piece of writing)every word is worth its weight in gold |
13 | 一目了然 | (said of clarity in presentation)understand fully at one glance |
14 | 以讹传讹 | (said of rumours)spread incorrectly what is already incorrect |
15 | 一唱一和 | (said of two persons on the same side of an argument,etc.)one echoes the other |
16 | 血气方刚 | (said of young)full of vigor and vitality and easily excited |
17 | 血气方刚 | (said of youth)full of vigor and vitality and easily excited |
18 | 一息尚存 | as long as one is alive(often followed by a vow to do something) |
19 | 摇头晃脑 | assume an air of self-approbation or self-satisfaction |
20 | 一举两得 | attain two objectives or gian two advantages by a single move |
21 | 贻笑大方 | become a laughing stock(by showing one’s ignorance) |
22 | 徇私枉法 | bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends |
23 | 血肉横飞 | bodies strewn in all directions-a carnage or a battle scene |
24 | 以逸待劳 | conserve strength while the enemy tires himself through a long march |
25 | 眼高手低 | criticize the performance of others which one cannot equal or better oneself,have high aspirations but low abilities |
26 | 一本万利 | gain enormous profit out of a small capital investment |
27 | 信赏必罚 | give rewards or punishment strictly and impartially |
28 | 胸有成竹 | have a thought-out plan to cope with whatever may arise |
29 | 旋转乾坤 | have immense power to change nature or the established order of a country |
30 | 夜长梦多 | if a problem or an issue is not settled promptly,twists and obstacles will arise |
31 | 羊质虎皮 | impressive in appearance but disappointing in substance |
32 | 形影不离 | inseparable(usually said of lovers or devoted couples) |
33 | 一劳永逸 | make a great effort to accomplish something once and for all to save future trouble |
34 | 不耻下问 | not feel shame to ask of and learn from one’s inferior |
35 | 一网打尽 | of criminals,rebels or other undesirable elements round up the whole lot |
36 | 行远自迩 | one must start with the easy or basic things before one proceeds to deal with the difficult or profound subjects |
37 | 一饭千金 | reward a benefactor handsomely for past help or favor |
38 | 以身作则 | set an example by one’s own action,(said of people holding responsible positions or the head of a family) |
39 | 一了百了 | when the key issue is solved,the solution of the whole problem will be expedited |
40 | 言犹在耳 | words still ring in one’s ears(but the speaker has already forgotten them) |
1 | (a Confucian slogan for education)a good scholar can become an official;he who excels in study can follow an official career | 学而优则仕 | |
2 | (after acquiring wealth and honor)return to one’s old home town in full glory | 衣锦还乡 | |
3 | (for people out of luck)find a sheltering place or a small job | 一枝一栖 | |
4 | (in preparation for a challenging task ahead)nurse one’s strength | 养精蓄锐 | |
5 | (of a nation after an upheaval)recuperate and rebuild itself | 休养生息 | |
6 | (of a river)rushing along;(of a calligrapher)a bold and following style | 一泻千里 | |
7 | (of a work of art or literature)suit both refined and popular tastes | 雅俗共赏 | |
8 | (of importance)the secondary supersedes the primary | 喧宾夺主 | |
9 | (of then said of an upstart,turn-coat,etc.)suddenly transform oneself into another kind of person | 摇身一变 | |
10 | (often used at the end of a letter)what I have said or written does not convey all I have on my mind | 言不尽意 | |
11 | (said of a literary piece,painting etc.)complete in one go so that there is coherence in thought and unity in style. | 一气呵成 | |
12 | (said of a superb piece of writing)every word is worth its weight in gold | 一字千金 | |
13 | (said of clarity in presentation)understand fully at one glance | 一目了然 | |
14 | (said of rumours)spread incorrectly what is already incorrect | 以讹传讹 | |
15 | (said of two persons on the same side of an argument,etc.)one echoes the other | 一唱一和 | |
16 | (said of young)full of vigor and vitality and easily excited | 血气方刚 | |
17 | (said of youth)full of vigor and vitality and easily excited | 血气方刚 | |
18 | as long as one is alive(often followed by a vow to do something) | 一息尚存 | |
19 | assume an air of self-approbation or self-satisfaction | 摇头晃脑 | |
20 | attain two objectives or gian two advantages by a single move | 一举两得 | |
21 | become a laughing stock(by showing one’s ignorance) | 贻笑大方 | |
22 | bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends | 徇私枉法 | |
23 | bodies strewn in all directions-a carnage or a battle scene | 血肉横飞 | |
24 | conserve strength while the enemy tires himself through a long march | 以逸待劳 | |
25 | criticize the performance of others which one cannot equal or better oneself,have high aspirations but low abilities | 眼高手低 | |
26 | gain enormous profit out of a small capital investment | 一本万利 | |
27 | give rewards or punishment strictly and impartially | 信赏必罚 | |
28 | have a thought-out plan to cope with whatever may arise | 胸有成竹 | |
29 | have immense power to change nature or the established order of a country | 旋转乾坤 | |
30 | if a problem or an issue is not settled promptly,twists and obstacles will arise | 夜长梦多 | |
31 | impressive in appearance but disappointing in substance | 羊质虎皮 | |
32 | inseparable(usually said of lovers or devoted couples) | 形影不离 | |
33 | make a great effort to accomplish something once and for all to save future trouble | 一劳永逸 | |
34 | not feel shame to ask of and learn from one’s inferior | 不耻下问 | |
35 | of criminals,rebels or other undesirable elements round up the whole lot | 一网打尽 | |
36 | one must start with the easy or basic things before one proceeds to deal with the difficult or profound subjects | 行远自迩 | |
37 | reward a benefactor handsomely for past help or favor | 一饭千金 | |
38 | set an example by one’s own action,(said of people holding responsible positions or the head of a family) | 以身作则 | |
39 | when the key issue is solved,the solution of the whole problem will be expedited | 一了百了 | |
40 | words still ring in one’s ears(but the speaker has already forgotten them) | 言犹在耳 |