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    译典分类展示:法学专业 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 休弃 cast off one’s wife and send her home;put one’s wife away and send her home;repudiate

    2 恤金 wergild;pension paid for a person disabled on duty;pension for the dependents of a person who died while on duty;weregild

    3 恤刑 be cautious in imposing punishments to show benevolence

    4 续约 renew a contract or treaty;supplementary contract;renewed contract or treaty

    5 宣判 pronounce a judgment or sentence;pronouncement of judgment;rendition of judgment sentencing;bring sb. in;pass a sentence or judgment;render judgment

    6 讯问 inquisition;interrogatory;interrogation;sit upon;quaestio;interrogative;inquire about

    7 押送 under escort;escort in transportation;escort of goods in transportation

    8 严打 crackdown on criminal activities by law enforcement departments;"strike-hard" campaign

    9 要件 essentials;essential elements;requirement;important document;important condition

    10 依法 in accordance with law;by operation of law;pursuant to law;according to law;in conformity with a law;in conformity with legal provisions;in jure

    11 移交 remit;deliver into one’s custody;removal;relegation;remove;relegate to;delivery

    12 遗书 last will and testament;letter or note left by one immediately before death or suicide;last will

    13 印鉴 a specimen seal impression for checking when marking payments

    14 优抚 and to family members of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen;give special care to disabled servicemen

    15 有功 have rendered great service;meritorious;have performed meritorious service
