属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-小男孩推翻镇上的打雪仗禁令
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-小男孩推翻镇上的打雪仗禁令
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-小男孩推翻镇上的打雪仗禁令
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-小男孩推翻镇上的打雪仗禁令
1 | “我告诉你,当我一看见丹尼,我就轻轻地笑了。” | I had a quiet laugh when I saw dane , I tell you. | |
2 | “要的东西可多着呐,”朱丽雅心醉神迷地嘘着气说。“一架录音机,一条阿尔萨斯种狼狗--或者也许要一条丹麦大狗--还有十万英镑…” | “Lots of things,” breathed Julia ecstatically. “A tape recorder, and an Alsatian-or perhaps a Great Dane , and a hundred thousand pounds… | |
3 | 布朗克斯区:美国纽约市的行政区,位于曼哈顿北部大陆,纽约东南部。曾为荷兰西印度公司工作的一个丹麦人,琼纳斯·布朗克(卒于1643年)最早定居,该地区于1898年成为大纽约的一部分。 | Bronx:a borough of New York City in southeast New York on the mainland north of Manhattan. It was first settled by Jonas Bronck (died c. 1643), a Dane in the service of the Dutch West India Company, and became part of Greater New York in 1898. | |
4 | 丹麦民族;(全体)丹麦人; | the Dane s | |
5 | 丹麦种大狗. | a Great Dane | |
6 | 对不起,我不能同戴恩同住一套房间。 | I am sorry , I can’t share a flat with Dane . | |
7 | 而且,我也要看看我的狗那忠诚、信任的眼睛---那严肃、机灵的小斯洛蒂·达基和那高大、健壮、善解人意的大达英·赫尔加,它们热情温柔和顽皮的友谊对我是个巨大的安慰。 | And I should like to look into the loyal, trusting eyes of my dogs-the grave, canny little Scottie, Darkie, and the stalwart, understanding Great Dane , Helga, whose warm, tender , and playful friendships are so comforting to me | |
8 | 佛瑞德还为大丹犬起了一个名字--史酷比,据说他是从法兰克·辛那屈的即兴音乐作品《黑夜中的陌生人》中获得的灵感,这首歌中的唱词是这样的 | He is also credited with coming up with the name for the Great Dane -Scooby-Doo-reportedly inspired by Frank Sinatra’s improvised vocals on Strangers in The Night, who sang | |
9 | 关于谁是此法令的草拟者颇多争论,但鲁弗斯?金与内森?戴恩可能是主要执笔人。 | The authorship of the Ordinance is a matter of controversy, but it seems probable that Rufus King and Nathan Dane were its principal authors | |
10 | 麦琪,每天都会用信来使邮局赚到一点钱的,至少要写给丹尼。 | Meggie would enrich the postal service with letters every day, at least to dane | |
11 | 如果一个丹麦人与一个荷兰人在罗马相遇,他们会不约而同地用英语交谈。 | A dane and a Dutch person meeting in Rome will almost automatically find themselves speaking to each other in English | |
12 | 他按其出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人,但他在30 岁时成了英国公民. | He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark,but he became a British citizen at the age of 30. | |
13 | 他是个性子好动的孩子,一头金发,满脸雀斑,有点像丹麦人或挪威人。 | He was a very active lad, fair-haired, freckled, with a touch of the Dane or Norwegian about him | |
14 | 他原籍丹麦。 | He is a Dane by origin. | |
15 | 9岁的戴恩·贝斯特(Dane Best)跟父母与弟弟一起住在塞弗伦斯镇。他把推翻打雪仗禁令当作自己的使命。 | Nine-year-old Dane Best lives in Severance with his parents and little brother. He has made it his mission to get the snowball-fight ban overturned. | |
16 | 戴恩的母亲布鲁克·贝斯特(Brooke Best)对 The Greeley Tribune 报表示,她的儿子在一个半月前发现,在镇里扔雪球是非法的。从那以后,他一直在谈论如何改变这种状况。 | Dane ’s mother, Brooke Best, told The Greeley Tribune newspaper that her son found out it was illegal to throw snowballs within town limits about a month and a half ago. Since then, he has been talking about how to change that. | |
17 | 戴恩跟同学们写信支持推翻这项禁令。 | Dane wrote letters with his classmates in support of overturning the ban. | |
18 | 戴恩说他认为这项法律“已经过时了。” | Dane says he believes the law is "outdated." | |
19 | 因此这也需要像迪恩这样有说服力的人来作为此次活动幕后的领导者。 | But it may require someone as forceful as the Dane to take on the biggest platforms. | |
20 | “丹尼,你在干什么?马上从这里面出来!” | "Dane ! What are you up to? Come out of there this instant! " | |
21 | “汉森太贪了。”这丹麦人说。 | "Hansen was greedy, " the Dane said. | |
22 | 2010年2月2日:一只名为“巨人乔治”的丑角丹麦种大狗是当前吉尼斯世界纪录的保持者。 | February 2, 2010: A harlequin Great Dane named ’Giant George’ is the current Guinness World Record holder. | |
23 | 比较大戴恩的艰巨,或柔软灰狗到poofy波美拉尼亚娇小的奇瓦瓦州。 | Compare the petite Chihuahua with the daunting Great Dane , or the lithe greyhound to the poofy Pomeranian. | |
24 | 不幸的是,没人认谈论关于丹麦人什么时候能结束大满贯冠军荒的事。 | Unfortunately for the Dane , no one was talking about her snapping out of a much-maligned Grand Slam drought. | |
25 | 大丹犬妈妈辛苦地在一胎产下17只小狗宝宝之后,终于如释重负。 | This Great Dane has her work cut out after she gave birth to 17 puppies. | |
26 | 丹尼对他很感兴趣,老是想和他说话,老是缠绵地想要接近他,这使贾斯丁非常妒忌。 | Dane had taken a fancy to him, hung on his words, lingered near him; Justine was plain jealous. | |
27 | 丹尼尔也讨厌坐在车里。他是不会去打报告的。 | Dane hates sitting in the car too. He won’t tell. | |
28 | 但就法律与文化而言,专家DaneWaters称,“加州全然不同。” | Legally and culturally, says Dane Waters, an expert, "California is a different animal altogether. " | |
29 | 但是要是有人来我家的话,第一个问候他们的就是一个160磅的大丹狗。 | But people come to my house, and the first thing that greets them is a 160 pound Great Dane . | |
30 | 敢问我们中间谁没有过碰到一条大丹犬在百老汇游荡的窘况,我打包票你们说过:这东西到底是要去哪儿? | Who amongst us hasn’t seen a Great Dane trotting across Broadway and said: Where on Earth is that thing going home to? |