1 | 与35个港口相连接的多式联运驳船服务遍及长江和珠江三角洲,而自营支线网络则覆盖了华北、华中和华南海岸的13个港口。 | The Yangtze River and Pearl River Delta are well catered for too, by intermodal barge, with 35 port connections, while a dedicated feeder service calls at 13 ports along the northern, central and southern coasts of China. | |
2 | 在单纯性AG增高型代谢性酸中毒,HCO3-与未测定阴离子(A-)交换。这种交换导致阴离子间隙值增高(一个“△”)和[HCO3-]的下降(另一个“△”)。 | In a simple elevated-gap metabolic acidosis, HCO3-is exchanged for an unmeasured anion (A-). This exchange results in an increase in the anion gap (a “delta ”)and a decrease in the [HCO3-](a “delta”). | |
3 | 在计算混合性代谢性酸碱平衡紊乱的“△-△”时使用的规则,也适用于三重性酸碱失衡的诊断。 | The same guidelines for using the “delta -delta” calculation for mixed metabolic disorders apply to the diagnosis of triple acid-base disorders. | |
4 | 在使用“△-△”计算时常遵循下列规则:·只有在AG增高型代谢性酸中毒出现时才能使用。 | The following guidelines are useful when using the “delta -delta” calculation: ·It can be used only if an elevated-gap metabolic acidosis is present. | |
5 | 在现代密西西比三角洲的海湾中正形成着牡蛎生物丘。 | Oyster biostromes are forming in the bays of the modern Mississippi delta | |
6 | 在珠江三角洲播放两条免费无线频道:亚视本港台和国际台(获得珠江三角洲落地权) | beam its two free-to-air channels-ATV World and ATV Home-to the Pearl River Delta region | |
7 | 这部电影讲述了克里在湄公河三角洲的炮艇上巡逻的经历,以及他后来在反战运动中所扮演的角色。 | But when asked what he hopes audiences will take from the 90-minute profile of Kerry’s war service patrolling the Mekong Delta on gunboats | |
8 | 这些研究者们也同时发现血尿素氮(BUN)水平超过8.28mmol/L(如发生在脱水时)的病人其“△-△”的敏感性和特异性较低。 | These same researchers also found that a blood urea nitrogen (BUN)level greater than 23 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)[as occurs in dehydration] lowers the sensitivity and specificity of the “delta -delta” calculation. | |
9 | 总理朱镕基上周来港,支持兴建大桥连接香港和珠江三角洲西岸。 | Premier Zhu Rongji gave his backing to a bridge between Hong Kong and the west bank of the delta during his visit to Hong Kong last week. | |
10 | 最近由Paulson和Gadallah做的研究发现,如果DKA病人两个“△”之间的差值大于8mmol/L,可能出现混合性的代谢性紊乱。 | a recent sturdy conducted by Paulson and Gadallah found that if a discrepancy of more than 8 mEq/L exists between the two “delta ” values in patients with DKA, then a mixed metabolic disorder is likely to be present. |