1 | 既然我的生意被夺走了,我不知道我会变得怎么样。 | Now that I am deprived of my trade, I don’t know what will become of me. | |
2 | 她10岁时就失学了。 | She was deprived of schooling at ten. | |
3 | 她失明已有多年了。 | She has been deprived of sight for some years. | |
4 | 经济发展的目标是通过社会安排以保证所有参与者的“可持续生存”(借用印度社会学家乔治·德·苏扎的说法),特别是中国社会中的弱势群体。 | The goal of economic development is to implement social arrangements that secure the ″sustained survival″ (a phrase I owe to the Indian sociologist George D’ Souza)of all players, especially the most vulnerable and deprived groups of society. | |
5 | 经理扣发了我一周的工资。 | The manager deprived me of a week’s wages | |
6 | 况且,根据继承法,您也不能剥夺我的继承权,至少不能剥夺我的全部继承权,--我之所以要特别提出这一点,因为这也是一种强迫我嫁人的力量。 | Besides, the provident law has deprived you of the power to disinherit me, at least entirely, as it has also of the power to compel me to marry Monsieur This or Monsieur That | |
7 | 老师不准调皮学生休假。 | The teacher deprived the naughty students of recess. | |
8 | 联合国被剥夺自由少年最低限度标准规则 | United Nations standard minimum rules for juveniles deprived of their liberty | |
9 | 买方可能享有的要求损害赔偿的任何权利,不因他行使采取其它补救办法的权利而丧失。 | The buyer is not deprived of any right he may have to claim damages by exercising his right to other remedies. | |
10 | 曼纽尔-瓦肯汉姆认为,法国最高行政法庭1995年的禁令是歧视性的,而且剥夺了他的工作机会--他的工作就是在迪斯科舞厅里被壮汉们抛来掷去。 | Manuel Wackenheim had argued the 1995 ban by France’s highest administrative court was discriminatory and deprived him of a job being hurled around discotheques by burly men | |
11 | 每一个人都平等,平等地贫穷。 | Everyone is equal; equally deprived | |
12 | 每一夜他们都被剥夺一生都在一起的美好时光。每当看到克利斯伸手去关凯特床头的灯时,我都不禁想疗养院里的这条规章多么不合理。 | Overnight they’ re deprived of a comfort of a lifetime. How very foolish such policies are, I would think as I watched Chris reach up and turn off the light above Kate’s bed. | |
13 | 你们光临此地,表明匮乏者和易受伤害者、特别是妇女和儿童的绝望,值得你们光临此地,花一点你们宝贵的时间。 | By being here, you have shown that the despair of the deprived and of the vulnerable, particularly the women and children, is worth the expense of your journey and a little of your precious time | |
14 | 农村地区在文化方面也受到其他方面的压抑。 | Rural districts were culturally deprived in other ways | |
15 | 诺瓦蒂埃当时成了显赫一时的人物,要不是为了他,拿破仑无疑早就把维尔福免职了,这个一七九三年的吉伦特党人和一八○六年的上议员保护了这个不久前保护过他的人,帝国正在复活期间,但已不难预见它的二次倾覆了。 | Napoleon would, doubtless, have deprived Villefort of his office had it not been for Noirtier, who was all powerful at court, and thus the Girondin of 1793 and the Senator of 1806 protected him who so lately had been his protector | |
16 | 譬如政府官员设法把精神不健全的人自社会安全计划中排队。理论上,这一办法是要除掉装病的人。实际,苛刻的裁减(最终又被法院恢复)剥夺了成千残疾人的生计并将很多人逼上街头。 | Administration officials sought,for instance,to purge mentally disabled people from the Social Security program.Theoretically,the idea was to root out malingerers.In practice the harsh cuts,ultimately restored by the courts,deprived thousands of handicapped people of subsistence and pushed many into the streets. | |
17 | 钱葆生小腿上还吃着那两响“实弹”的误伤,牺牲了一层油皮。 | A couple of stray bullets had hit Chien Pao-sheng in the leg and deprived him of a chunk of his greasy hide | |
18 | 缺失,匮乏被掠夺后的状况;缺失 | The condition of being deprived ;privation. | |
19 | 人民剥夺了国王的权势。 | The people deprived the king of his power. | |
20 | 任何人的财产不得任意剥夺。 | No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property | |
21 | 任何人的国籍不得任意剥夺,亦不得否认其改变国籍的权利。 | No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality | |
22 | 如果警察或其他州或联邦官员无合理原因、违反规定对你实行逮捕,或者有人非法剥夺你的自由。 | If you have been the subject of an arrest by the police or other state or federal official which took place without probable cause, in bad faith or if someone deprived you of your liberty. | |
23 | 如果你再闯红灯,你的执照就会被吊销。 | If you run against the traffic lights again, you’ll be deprived of your license. | |
24 | 如果再加上不正当的关系,就上演了奴隶社会的现代版:相互利用,贪婪,道德败坏,缺乏关心和真爱。 | When the story includes sex, the situation clearly reflects a modem version of slavery, characterized by mutual exploitation, lust, and moral degradation, which is deprived of feelings of care and love. | |
25 | 如果在没有合理理由、违反规定的情况下违法剥夺了你的自由,你可提起诉讼并要求赔偿损失。 | If it took place without probable cause, in bad faith, or if it illegally deprived you of your liberty, you may be able to file a lawsuit and recover damages. | |
26 | 甚至在失去生殖器官后,我们的人仍然比所有施刑者加在一起更像男人一千倍。 | Even when they had been deprived of their virile organs, our men were still a thousand times more men than all their tormentors together | |
27 | 十年内乱期间,这位直言不讳的教授被关进了牛棚,推动了人身自由 | During the ten-year internal chaos (1966~1976), the outspoken professor was confined in a house where the so-called “monsters and demons” were held and was deprived of personal freedom | |
28 | 史沫特莱出身于美国劳工阶级贫困而无权的那一部分。 | Smedley sprang from a poor and deprived section of the American working class | |
29 | 世界上任何有文化的人,如果不懂英语就算不上是受过良好教育的人。 | Any literate person on the face of the globe is deprived if he does not know English. | |
30 | 他被剥夺了权利。 | He was deprived of his rights |