1 | 她昨晚口红抹得太厚,而衣裳穿得又稍嫌太薄,这常常是女人绝望的迹象。 | She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes;that is always a sigh of despair in a woman. | |
2 | 绝望之余,她想出了一个无可奈何的计策。 | Out of sheer despair she at once concocted a reckless scheme | |
3 | 爵士乐曲发出破碎、伤心的节奏,倒象是绝望的独步舞曲。 | The ragtime had a cracked, heartbroken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair | |
4 | 君士坦丁分辨不清这些争论,开始对联合教会的事感到绝望,因为亚历山德拉的形势很紧张,从最上层到最下层的每一个人都有自己的立场。 | Constantine could not make head or tail of these quarrels and began to despair of ever obtaining a united Church, for the situation in alexandria was tense and everyone, from the highest to the lowest, was taking! | |
5 | 看到我方球员屡投不中,不由教人扼腕叹息。 | I can’t help but sign with despair when I see the players on our side missing the basket so often. | |
6 | 看着这块大部头,我束手无策。 | I looked at this bulky volume in despair | |
7 | 领导十字军的腓特烈是个古怪的人,一个自由的思想家和异教徒,由于使两个教皇陷于绝境而被第三个教皇格列高利九世处以绝罚。 | Frederick I1 was an odd man to lead a crusade--a free-thinker and heretic who, having driven two popes to despair , was excommunicated by a third, Gregory IX | |
8 | 每天,在电视新闻里,在报纸上,我们都会看到处于极度悲伤或绝望的状态中的人们的照片。 | Every day, on the newscasts and in the papers, we see pictures of people in extreme conditions of grief and despair | |
9 | 那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。 | Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed. | |
10 | 你不什么他是什么心情-总是一会儿绝望,一会儿又得意洋洋,反复无常。 | You never know what mood you’re going to find him in-always wavering between despair and elation. | |
11 | 你乘坐的是通向怀疑,厌倦与绝望的下行电梯(詹姆斯·沃尔科特) | You’re on the down escalator to doubt,dullsville,and despair (James Wolcott) | |
12 | 你们光临此地,表明匮乏者和易受伤害者、特别是妇女和儿童的绝望,值得你们光临此地,花一点你们宝贵的时间。 | By being here, you have shown that the despair of the deprived and of the vulnerable, particularly the women and children, is worth the expense of your journey and a little of your precious time | |
13 | 朋友们,终有一天,人们再也不能忍受被抛进屈辱的深渊,经受冷酷的、无了期的绝望。 | There comes a time my friends when people get tired of being plunged across the abyss of humiliation, when they experience the bleakness of nagging despair | |
14 | 拼命由于绝望而不顾一切 | Recklessness arising from despair . | |
15 | 乔里恩脸上显出尴尬和失望的样子。 | Jolyon’s face expressed quizzical despair | |
16 | 全年当中她时而乐观,时而消沉。 | All year she has fluctuated between optimism and despair | |
17 | 然而他愈想着这些事,那矛盾性的暴躁和颓丧却在他心头愈加强烈了。 | but the more he thought about everything, the sharper became his conflicting moods of anger and despair | |
18 | 人到了绝望时思想便会麻痹,不受控制。 | they assumed a kind of stupefied and mechanical quality which is peculiar to despair | |
19 | 人心是广漠寥廓的天地,人在面对良心、省察胸中抱负和日常行动时往往黯然神伤! | What a solemn thing is this infinity which every man bears within him, and which he measures with despair against the caprices of his brain and the actions of his life! | |
20 | 任何成员不得通过使用第1条第1款和第2款所指的任何补贴而对其他成员的利益造成不利影响,即: | The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron not to despair but to revenge, and he replied with a satire in the manner of Pope called English Bards and Scotch Reviewers | |
21 | 仍是这么含糊地应用了阿家翁的口吻,吴荪甫就站起来走了,满心的暴躁中还夹带了一种自己也不能理解的异样的颓丧。 | Having disposed of Wu Wei-cheng and Ma Ching-shan in the patronizing tone of a family elder, Wu Sun-fu got up and walked out. His growing irascibility was now accompanied by a strange, unaccountable feeling of despair | |
22 | 如果承认一个精力充沛,用心善良的年轻人不得不失望的话,那我感到太遗憾了。 | I should be very sorry to admit that a robust and well-disposed young man is driven to despair | |
23 | 如果约翰逊一家的不幸从表面上看是他们自己造成的话,那么,谁又能肯定地说他们绝望不是因为常常担心无家可归而引起的呢? | And if the Johnsons seemed their own worst enemies,who is to say with conviction that the perpetual threat of homelessness did not contribute to their despair ? | |
24 | 十四年的绝望和十年的希望把我造成了一个上帝的信徒,难道我现在又要再成为听凭命运摆布的人? | Oh, shall I then, again become a fatalist, whom fourteen years of despair and ten of hope had rendered a believer in providence? | |
25 | 随着时光的消逝,厄秀拉生命的源泉似乎渐趋枯竭,在虚无缥渺之中绝望渐浓。 | As the day wore on, the life-blood seemed to ebb away from Ursula, and within the emptiness a heavy despair gathered | |
26 | 所有外界的事物也正配合着她失望的情绪。 | All outward objects harmonised with her despair | |
27 | 所有这些情绪--爱、敬畏、恐惧、失望、痛苦、伤心、放松、愤怒、烦乱--成了每天的一部分,只要我任其自然地产生和消失,每天也就过去,晚上也睡得香。 | All of these feelings--love, awe, fear, despair , pain, grief, relief, anger, distraction--were part of any day, and as long as I let them gush over and through me in their natural waves, I made it through each day and slept soundly at night | |
28 | 他感到绝望而自杀了。 | He surrendered himself to despair and committed suicide. | |
29 | 他更加感得两方面的妥协已经无望,他瞪出了眼睛,望着赵伯韬,哀求似的姑且再问一句:“伯翁还有旁的意见么? | The realization of this fact made him despair of ever effecting a rapprochement between the two sides. Staring at Chao Po-tao with eyes wide with anxiety, he asked imploringly, "Haven’t you any other ideas, Mr. Chao? | |
30 | 他举起双手表示绝望。 | He raised his hands in a gesture of despair . |