属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日笛悠悠 比尔·米林
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国乡绅 一路顺风
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国社会病 水蜡树和贫困
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-购物游戏 时装零售和社交媒体
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-野生水獭 Otters in the wild
1 | 从乡村到海滨,英格兰最美丽的地方是在德文郡。 | From the countryside to the coast, England is at its most beautiful in devon | |
2 | 但什么是德文郡最好的东西? | But the best thing about devon ? | |
3 | 洪水泛滥,淹没了德文郡的广大地区. | Widespread flooding is affecting large areas of Devon . | |
4 | 尽情享受这些美味佳饼吧!当你回忆起德文郡的时候,你心里永远会有一种满足的心情。 | Simply enjoy these tasty little treats and you will remember devon with a glow for ever more | |
5 | 南哈姆斯(德文郡西南)的小渔村不会让人如此紧张。 | Less stressful are the tiny fishing villages of the South Hams (south-west devon ) | |
6 | 让我们一大早就起身驱车去德文郡。 | Let’s get up bright and early and drive down to Devon . | |
7 | 我们打算在德文郡租间农舍住一个月. | We’re taking a cottage in Devon for a month. | |
8 | 沿着德文郡蜿蜒的乡间小路驾车本身就乐趣无穷。 | Driving along devon ’s winding country lanes is a treat all of its own | |
9 | 因此广播电台刚刚播完夏天的热浪来临的消息,我就快乐地前往英格兰西南部的德文郡以躲避伦敦的高温,结果却遭到了倾盆大雨。 | So with news of a summer heatwave just announced on the radio, I headed happily for England’s south-west county of Devon to escape the high temperatures of London, only to be welcomed by torrential rain | |
10 | 英国Culm河河漫滩沉积物中磷素时空变化研究 | Spatio-Temporal Variation of the Accumulation of Sediment-Associated Phosphorus on the Floodplain of the River Culm, Devon , UK | |
11 | 在德文郡海边的市镇 | A town on the sea in Devon | |
12 | 在德文郡这样的地方,道路会特别狭窄,特别曲折。当你租车的时候,你得选择小型的,经济的,这样你从A地到B地时,就不会搞出一身汗。 | In places like devon , where roads can be extremely narrow and winding, when you hire a car you need to opt for something small and economical so you can get from A to B without breaking out in a sweat! | |
13 | 在我看来,南德文郡的绿色。实在是很多的,但是它色调的柔和与亮度却过于单一。 | There is too much green, to my thinking, with too much uniformity in its soft, bright tone, in South Devon . | |
14 | ||1:他后来把风笛赠给了飞马桥博物馆。战后,他在德文郡的道利什作一名心理护理员,在整个漫长而平静的职业生涯里,飞马桥是他常常故地重游的地方。有时,他还重温吹笛过桥。||2:在一次重温时,他身着全式苏格兰装束,将风笛置于臂湾,一位满头褪色红发、身着整洁连衣裙的不再年轻的女士向他走来,在他脸颊上留下追忆的欣吻。 | ||1: He gave the pipes later to the museum at the Pegasus Bridge, which he often revisited, and sometimes piped across, during his long and quiet post-war career as a mental nurse at Dawlish in Devon . ||2: On one such visit, in full Highland rig with his pipes in his arms, he was approached by a smartly dressed woman of a certain age, with faded red hair, who planted a joyous kiss of remembrance on his cheek. | |
15 | ||1:只有依托于某个特定的氛围中,在土地,房屋,客人,动物,食物,宴会交相辉映的背景下,才能看到绅士文明高贵的一面。||2:绅士阶层的秩序感、社会感和幸福感也是通过对自然景观的描述来表现。||3:一切以钱为基础,同伦敦、威斯敏斯特(伦敦议会所在地)有关的事情通常对繁荣发展都至关重要。||4:许多乡绅都是下议院的议员。||5:在玫瑰战争、宗教改革、以及十七世纪动荡期,生存往往取决于站对立场。||6: 上世纪四十年代,基督教社会主义党人Richard Acland将自己大部分土地转让给国民信托组织,这在当时独一无二。 ||7: 十八世纪,Henry Lascelles靠在巴巴多斯的蔗糖种植园和剥削非奴积累大量财富,但并不是每个人都像他一样冷酷无情。但总体来说,这是关于这样一个精明谨慎、自我革新的阶层如何影响政治和经济的故事。 | ||1: At its best the gentry’s idea of goodness and civilisation was attached to a particular place and an “interfolding of people, land, animals, food, housing and hospitality”. ||2: A sense of order, sociability and well-being was expressed through landscape. ||3: Everything depended on an underpinning of money and a connection with London and Westminster was generally essential to prosperity. ||4: Many of the gentry were members of the House of Commons. ||5: Survival was often contingent on being on the “right” side during the Wars of the Roses, at the time of the Reformation, through the upheavals of the 17th century. ||6: In the 1940s Sir Richard Acland, a Christian socialist, made over the bulk of his large estate in Devon to the National Trust, but he was an exception. ||7: Not everyone was as ruthless as Henry Lascelles, who in the 1700s amassed a fortune through sugar plantations in Barbados and the exploitation of African slaves; but in general the story is of “the political and economic dominance of a…cannily self-renewing class”. | |
16 | ||1:自2008年起,英格兰最大的几个都市区的犯罪率下降速度是全国平均数的5倍。||2:未成年人怀孕现象现在在伯明翰这样的大城市已经比较少见了,但在农村地区,比如德文郡,却在上升。||3:变化最大的是学校。||4:在1997年,英国教育局,即英国学校的监管当局,宣布东伦敦陶尔哈姆莱茨区的学校是全英国最差的。||5:而在去年,陶尔哈姆莱茨区的贫困学生在GCSE中的成绩和全国其他地区的孩子一样好。||6:这种趋势也许并不是很显眼,部分是因为英国整体都很优秀的成绩。||7:但是这样的变化也表现在其他地方:美国大城市的暴力犯罪在1991年到2012年间下降了61%,而全国平均只下降了36%。 | ||1:Since 2008 the murder rate in England’s biggest metropolitan areas—London, Manchester and the West Midlands—has declined five times faster than in the country as a whole.||2:Teenage pregnancy, now much rarer in big cities like Birmingham, has ticked up in rural places such as Devon .||3:Most dramatic is the change in schools.||4:In 1997 Ofsted, Britain’s schools inspector, declared the schools of Tower Hamlets, an east London borough, the worst in Britain.||5:Last year poor children in Tower Hamlets did as well in GCSEs, exams taken at 16, as did all children in the country as a whole.||6:These trends are especially stark in Britain, partly because of the country’s excellent statistics.||7:But they can be traced elsewhere too: violent crime dropped by 61% in America’s biggest cities between 1991 and 2012, but by only 36% nationally. | |
17 | 普雷斯科特这样称,云计算的普及,任何地方都可以创业,即便是在德文郡这样以奶油下午茶闻名而不是数码产品的地方。 | Thanks to the ubiquity of cloud computing, entrepreneurs can start firms anywhere, says Mr Prescott. Even in Devon , a county better known for cream teas than digital cookies. | |
18 | 这是一本让人爱不释手的书,描述了她在英国长达一年的搜寻水獭之旅,从德文郡到苏格兰,再从坎布里亚到威尔士,穿过魅人的原野,亲历季节变迁,就为一睹水獭容颜和遇到致力于水獭研究的人们。 | This mesmerising book describes her year-long quest across Britain, from Devon to Scotland, Cumbria to Wales, through seductive wild places and changing seasons, for a glimpse of otters and to meet people who dedicate their lives to them. | |
19 | “我们从来没经历过这样的冬天,”McGovern说道,她有两个女儿,11岁的Morgan和7岁的Devon,还有一个儿子,3岁的Garrett。 | "We’ve never had a winter like this, " says McGovern, who has two daughters, Morgan, 11, and Devon , 7, and a son, Garrett, 3. | |
20 | 17岁的德文,一直自己支付自己的手机费用和车费,但是最近她的经济拮据起来。 | Devon , 17, is used to paying her own cell phone and car expenses. But lately it’s been harder. | |
21 | 1990年在英国德文郡,威尔士王妃行走在一群挥舞着国旗的孩子们间。 | The Princess of Wales walks among crowds of children waving flags during her visit to Devon , England, in 1990. | |
22 | 澳大利亚南德温良种肉牛及其杂交改良效果 | Characteristics of Australian South Devon and Its Crossbred Improving Effects | |
23 | 本周二(9月13日)在英格兰德文郡拍摄新片《黑影》的强尼·戴普新片吸血鬼造型相当瘆人! | Johnny Depp looks ghoulish on the set of his latest film Dark Shadows on Tuesday (September 13) in South Devon , England. | |
24 | 彼得斯先生遵循传统,但却乐于接受新事物,在萨里郡和德文郡自己的工作室里,他发现电动工具大有用处。 | Mr Peters, steeped in that ethic but open to things new, found power tools useful in his own workshops in Surrey and in Devon . | |
25 | 传说,坐上摩天轮就是幸福,当摩天论转到最高处的时候,虔诚的许下一个愿望,那样,你的那个愿望就会得以实现。 | each ferris wheel is filled of happiness. When the ferris rotates much closer to the highest point, devon . | |
26 | 德文郡的一个农场将其一个旧谷仓变成了时尚俱乐部。 | One farm in Devon turned its old barn into a swingers’ club. | |
27 | 德文郡在印度很有名,偏远地区的古吉拉特邦村民都知道这个名字。 | Devon is so well known in India that villagers in remote parts of Gujarat recognize the name. | |
28 | 该卡由德文郡蒂弗顿的一个书画设计公司制造,大约做了200张。 | It was created by a graphic design company based in Tiverton, Devon , and about 200 have been made. | |
29 | 没什么地方比西德文郡更能体现芝加哥的多样性,这里已经成了南亚族群区的主干道。 | Nowhere is Chicago’s diversity more evident than on West Devon Avenue, which has become the main thoroughfare of the South Asian community. | |
30 | 南德温牛胚胎移植研究 | Embryo transfer of South Devon cattle |