属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-租房网VS旅馆 人人有房
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-影院经济学 在里面更大
1 | ||1:尽管旅店老板正游说监管者取缔住房分享服务,但他们仍淡化这类公司给其行业带来的威胁。||2:万豪、四季、希尔顿的高管们说这类公司并没有在他们的核心市场展开竞争;丽嘉副总裁最近表示从来没听过Airbnb。||3:Airbnb自身也这么认为,声称其业务并没有取代现存旅馆而是创造了新需求。||4:一月,Airbnb老板布莱恩说:“我保持乐观态度,将不会和旅馆发生正面冲突。” | ||1: EVEN as they lobby regulators to crack down on residential sharing services, hoteliers play down the threat such companies pose to their industry. ||2: The top brass at the Marriott, Four Seasons and Hilton chains have all said that these firms do not compete for their core market of accommodating high-end and business travellers; a vice-president of The Ritz-Carlton group recently claimed she had not even heard of Airbnb. ||3: And Airbnb itself agrees, arguing that it does not displace existing lodging but is creating new demand. ||4: “I’m optimistic that there isn’t going to be a war” with hotels, Brian Chesky, its boss, said in January. | |
2 | ||1:然而,气候变化对无数人来说是一个可怕的威胁——即使不是绝对利害攸关,也是全球性的威胁。||2:它至少会使数千万人流离失所;它将破坏数十亿人赖以生存的农场;它会使水井和水管干涸;洪水会淹没地势较低的地方,随着时间的推移,地势较高的地方也会被淹没。||3:的确会有这种可能,至少在短期内是这样的。||4:但是,人类控制排放的时间越长,危险就越大,好处也就越少,发生一些真正灾难性意外的风险也就越大。 | ||1:Climate change is, though, a dire threat to countless people— one that is planetary in scope if not in its absolute stakes.||2:It will displace tens of millions, at the very least; it will disrupt farms on which billions rely; it will dry up wells and water mains; it will flood low-lying places—and, as time goes by, higher-standing ones, too.||3:True, it will also provide some opportunities, at least in the near term.||4:But the longer humanity takes to curb emissions, the greater the dangers and sparser the benefits—and the larger the risk of some truly catastrophic surprises. | |
3 | 我们并不试图取代好莱坞电影,他说。 | We are not trying to displace Hollywood films, he says. | |
4 | “其它地方的增长有助于缓冲危机,但没有什么能抵消美国经济衰退。” | "Growth elsewhere helps cushion the shock but nothing can displace a slowdown in the US, " he said. | |
5 | IEA预计,按照目前的水平,这一储量足以替代欧洲未来40年的天然气进口量。 | That would be enough, the IEA calculates, to displace 40 years of gas imports at current levels. | |
6 | MrBuhari及其它前PDP的大佬们也看到了取代他的机会。 | Mr Buhari and other former PDP bigwigs see a chance to displace him. | |
7 | 保护气体会令人窒息导致受伤或死亡 | Shielding Gases Can Displace Air and May Cause Injury or Death | |
8 | 贝克说,“根本的事实”是,“中国既不能取代美国,而美国也不能遏制中国。” | The "fundamental truth" was that "China can no more displace the US than the US can contain China" . | |
9 | 超磁致伸缩驱动器磁场输出位移的有限元分析 | Finite Element Analysis for Displace Output of Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator | |
10 | 但传统习惯却很难改变。 | Yet traditions are difficult to displace . | |
11 | 但耐特知道帝国并不是永恒的。景气循环会换掉领先者,即使是“耐克”。 | Knight, however, does not believe empires last forever. Business cycles will displace front-runners, even Nike. | |
12 | 但是,更重要的是WebSphereMQ集群没有取代点对点网络。 | But, more importantly, the WebSphere MQ cluster does not displace the point-to-point network. | |
13 | 当缺乏投资机会时,流入的资本仅仅化身为国内储蓄,促进促进消费而已。 | When investment opportunities are scarce, capital inflows simply displace domestic savings and encourage consumption. | |
14 | 对于那些认为没有谁可以取代美元成为世界储备货币的人而言,香港令人震惊。 | For those who think that nothing can displace the greenback as the world’s reserve currency, Hong Kong comes as a shock. | |
15 | 而且,许多新的常规习惯会代替一些已经形成了的习惯,所以这个步骤的起始部分会比后面部分要难得多。 | Furthermore, most new routines have to displace an already-formed one, so the initial parts of the process will be harder than later parts. | |
16 | 而它们具有取代当地物种的潜能,使生态系统受到威胁,同时可使损失费用和预防性措施的费用高达数十亿美元。 | This has potential to displace local marine species, threaten ecosystems and cause billions of dollars in damage and preventive control. | |
17 | 而以色列定居者在此扎根时间越长,达成最终协议后迁移他们的难度就越大。 | The longer the settlers have to dig in, the harder it will be to displace them under a final agreement. | |
18 | 高压限流熔断器的合理选用与等效替换 | Reasonable Choice and Equivalent Displace of High Voltage Fuse | |
19 | 和其他重建项目一样,高铁线路通常只是转移,而非创造经济活动。 | High-speed lines, like other regeneration projects, often displace economic activity rather than create it. | |
20 | 即使你失败了,公司要想解雇你,也很难办。 | The company would have a difficult time trying to displace you, even if you failed. | |
21 | 降低表面张力,润湿,溶解污点,置换污渍,乳化油污 | Reduce Surface Tension, Better Wetting, Solubilize Stains, Displace Soils, Emulsify Oils | |
22 | 较大的重型飞机比较小的轻型飞机要移动更多的空气、制造更大的提升力以支持飞行。 | A larger and heavier aircraft must displace more air and create more lift to sustain flight, compared with small, light aircraft. | |
23 | 今天他们不但占有这个领域40%的市场,而且也顺其自然的取代了当地电缆运营商成为香港付费电视的主要提供商。 | Today it has more than 40% of the market and is on course to displace the local cable operator as the main provider of pay-TV in Hong Kong. | |
24 | 美元是有缺陷的,但是它的那些潜在的替代者也是一样。 | The dollar is flawed, but so are the candidates to displace it. | |
25 | 那么,我们如何才能消除欺诈行为呢? | So how can we displace a fraud? | |
26 | 难道我不想从桌面系统中取代微软? | Do I want to displace Microsoftoff the desktop? | |
27 | 取代错误的思想概念和规划环境研究的方案在他们学校 | and displace misconceptions and to plan programmes in environmental | |
28 | 然而,行业分析人士认为,低价电脑将取代其它电脑。 | But industry experts believe the low-cost devices will displace other computers. | |
29 | 如果在这类仪器的附近发生一次强烈的地震,一般就会使记录出格,甚至可能损坏仪器。 | A strong earthquake near the instrument will usually displace the reading off scale or may even damage the instrument. | |
30 | 舍费尔说,“如果你要替换它,它恢复到自己的平衡值的趋势会更小。” | If you displace it, there is less of a tendency to come to its own equilibrium value. |