1 | 1997年2月,我和我的同事们宣布了第一头从成体细胞克隆出的哺乳动物--多利羊的出生。 | In February 1997, my colleagues and 1 announced the arrival of dolly the sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell | |
2 | PPL(克隆绵羊多莉的那家公司)已经提出一项专利申请,其中包括将克隆的人类胚胎作为知识产品。 | PPL, the company that cloned the sheep named dolly , has applied for a patent that includes cloned human embryos as intellectual property | |
3 | 矮轮平推车;小轮手推车 | A low-wheeled cart;a dolly . | |
4 | 本文简介:第一头克隆羊多利出生一年多以后,曾参与该项研究的一个科学家讨论了人的克隆,最后得出结论:人的克隆不但不道德.而且不安全,还有可能制造出21世纪的畸形人。 | IN THIS ARTICLE: More than a year after the birth of Dolly , the first cloned sheep, one of the scientists who was involved discusses human cloning and concludes that it would he unethical, unsafe and could produce 21st-century freaks | |
5 | 从来没有出过什么风头的道莉突然发了疯。 | Dolly , who had never been conspicuous for anything, went mad suddenly | |
6 | 导演从摄影车上看下面的演员。 | The director look down at the actor from the dolly . | |
7 | 第一例克隆动物试验在英国完成,克隆出的是一只名叫多利的羊,后来证明这项工作声名狼藉,极不可靠,期间克隆出来许多残疾的动物。 | Work on cloning animals, pioneered in Britain with Dolly the sheep, has proved notoriously unreliable and resulted in many cases of deformity | |
8 | 对于许多不是科学家的人来说,克隆多利引起了他们起克隆人的恐惧。教皇立即呼吁全世界禁止克隆人 | To many non-scientists, Dolly ’s cloning raised the spectre of human cloning. The Pope promptly called for a worldwide ban on human cloning. | |
9 | 多利诞生的过程是这样开始的:通过一个叫细胞合成的过程,把一个成体细胞核移植到一个取自供体动物的未受精的卵子上。 | The process that led to dolly began with the transfer of the nucleus of an adult cell to an unfertilised egg taken from a donor animal by a process known as cell fusion | |
10 | 基于PIC单片机的轨检车数据采集系统的设计 | The Design of the Track Inspection Dolly ’s Data Acquisition System Based on the PIC Single-chip Computer | |
11 | 基于RENESAS嵌入式MCU的数控小车系统 | Numeric Control Dolly System of Embedded MCU Based on RENESAS | |
12 | 克隆动物是否衰老得更快呢?随着年龄的增大,基因会逐渐磨损,这可能意味着18个月大的多利其实具有8岁羊的基因和生理机能。 | Do cloned animals wear out faster? Genes tend to accumulate wear and tear with age. This may mean that 18-month-old Dolly really has the genes and physiology of an eight-year-old. | |
13 | 例如:《乞丐与荡妇》、《俄克拉荷马!》、《南太平洋之恋》、《国王与我》、《窈窕淑女》、《俏红娘》和《合唱诗》等。 | Examples are "Porgy and Bess", "Oklahoma!","South Pacific", "My Fair Lady", "Hello, dolly !" and "A Chorus Line" | |
14 | 美国舞蹈演员,曾编舞和执导了许多音乐舞剧,其中包括《你好,多丽!》(1964年)。 | american dancer who choreographed and directed many musicals, including Hello Dolly ! (1964). | |
15 | 胚胎学家威尔马特在苏格兰的罗斯林研究所领导了研究小组将多利赋予生命,在以下《时代》杂志的一篇文章中,他解释了为什么他认为就克隆的争论人们没有领会它的真正意义。 | In the following essay for TIME, embryologist Wilmut, who led the team that brought dolly to life at Scotland’s Roslin Institute, explains why he believes the debate over cloning people has largely missed the point | |
16 | 摄影机连同三角架装在镜头车或称摄影移动车上。从镜头车上拍摄的镜头叫推拉拍摄的镜头。有些镜头是从摄影升降机上拍摄的。 | The camera, together with its tripod, is mounted on a doily. Shots made from it are dolly , tracking, trucking, or perambulator shots. Some shots are. made from camera cranes. | |
17 | 兽医的工作"。 | He dismissed the Dolly studies as"veterinary animal work | |
18 | 说我的兄弟有朝一日会堕落到身败名裂,会把那一脸容光消磨尽,会落到我早已司空见惯的那般光景,我怎么肯相信呢。 | In the back-kitchen Dolly Reid…chanted a lugubrious ditty, befitting her condition as a widow, coming to nothing, all that light in his face gone out, in the condition I’d already seen so many others | |
19 | 苏格兰爱丁堡罗斯林学院的"多莉"之父伊恩·威尔穆特以及一些顶尖专家透露:人类克隆会和动物克隆一样有着同样的命运。 | Top expertsincluding the creator of dolly the sheepIan Wilmut of the Roslin Institute in EdinburghScotlandrevealed that human clones could meet the same fate | |
20 | 听到多利的消息,许多人都作出了发自内心的本能反应,而且这种反应的强度显然仍未减弱。 | Many people had a genuine gut reaction to news of Dolly , and that apparently remains undiminished in its intensity | |
21 | 同时,跨国公司还在对人类的染色体、细胞、组织和器官申请专利。PPL(克隆绵羊多莉的那家公司)已经提出一项专利申请,其中包括将克隆的人类胚胎作为知识产品。 | Transnational firms are also patenting human chromosomes, cells, tissues and organs. PPL, the company that cloned the sheep named Dolly , has applied for a patent that includes cloned human embryos as intellectual property. | |
22 | 我们最大的顾客来源是年轻貌美的摩登女工。 | Our biggest source of customers are the dolly -birds working-class girls. | |
23 | 我只需他的脸部特写,所以当小女孩向他献花时我将照相机推近。 | I want a picture just of his face,so I dolly in when the little girl presented him with a bunch of flowers. | |
24 | 义愤的怒吼声回响在从华盛顿到中国的大地上,这是自苏格兰爱丁堡罗斯林研究院的研究者宣布成功地克隆出一只名叫多利的绵羊以来一直潜伏着的一场辩论的最近一次爆发。 | Howls of outrage echoed from Washington to China. It was the latest eruption in a debate that has been simmering ever since Scottish researchers at Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute announced the cloning of a lamb called Dolly . | |
25 | 在多利之前,有277例试验以失败告终。 | Before dolly , there were 277 failures | |
26 | 这两人谈完话后,就把摄影机往后推,以便照出屋子的全景。 | When the two men have finished talking,dolly out so that we get a view of the whole house. | |
27 | 这摄影机可用矮盘车随目标移动. | The camera can dolly along with the subject. | |
28 | 真正的克隆技术最初体现在两年前首次露面的多莉羊身上;它是取自一个发育完整的细胞,之后重新激活其内的基因组,把这个细胞发育的指令重新调到原始状态。 | True cloning, as first shown with Dolly the sheep two years ago, involves taking a developed cell and reactivating the genome within, resetting its developmental instructions to a pristine state | |
29 | 只要拉拉它身上的一条细绳,这个蓝眼睛、金发的娃娃就会说道,"我叫苏西",不过这都没有关系。 | It didn’t matter that you could pull a string and hear the blue-eyed, golden-haired dolly say, "My name is Susie." | |
30 | 注意到多利是277个克隆卵中唯一的存活者 | Noting that Dolly was the only one of 277 cloned eggs to survive |