属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-撒哈拉以南非洲地区小麦需求猛涨
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人类与狗狗 Human beings and dog
1 | 在中国西北,没有任何当地动物驯化的迹象。 | In northwestern China, there is no evidence for endemic domestication of any animals | |
2 | 中华鲟水族馆驯养研究 | Research on Domestication of Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis)in an Aquarium | |
3 | ||“而猫的起点就不一样了,它们一开始是单独行动的掠食者,只有从家养的时候才开始与其他成员有交流,大概是从5000年前开始的。所以它们缺少理解人类肢体语言、主人意图等的进化基础。||” | ||Cats had a different starting point; they were originally solitary predators and they only really became sociable with one another probably during domestication , so perhaps only 5,000 years ago or something.|| So they have much less of an evolutionary basis for understanding our body language, for understanding our intentions and so on." | |
4 | “小麦一直是北非的一种商品类作物。北非是罗马帝国的粮食基地。小麦的生产和驯化始于北非、土耳其和伊拉克。因为这一传统原因,小麦一直在这里生长。” | "Wheat was always a commodity crop in North Africa. North Africa was the grain basket for the Roman Empire. And wheat production and domestication started in North Africa, Turkey, Iraq. So for traditional reasons, wheat was always there." | |
5 | ||1:狗与狼的基因99.6%是一样的。||2:这使得狗与狼的关系远比人类与黑猩猩的更近(人类与黑猩猩的基因有96%是相同的),但这并不意味着狗狗的大脑与狼的工作原理是一样的。||3:的确,绝大多数的狗狗对人类和自己的同类都表现的很友好,于此截然相反的是,狼对其它动物的反应则表现为多疑和攻击性。||4: “家饲驯化是一个漫长而复杂的过程” Mr Bradshaw写到,“每一条生活在今天的狗狗都是这一变迁的产物,曾有是一种群居的野生犬科动物-灰狼,经过了彻底的演变,从而变成了一种独一无二的动物”。 ||5:如果说有什么相同的话,狗不再是成熟的犬科动物而是停留在了幼年状态,它们终其一生要依靠它们的饲主才能生活。 | ||1: Dogs share 99.6% of the same DNA as wolves. ||2: That makes dogs closer to wolves than we are to chimps (with which we have about 96% of our DNA in common), but it does not mean that their brains work like those of wolves. ||3: Indeed, the outgoing affability of most dogs towards humans and other dogs is in sharp contrast to the mix of fear and aggression with which wolves react to animals from other packs. ||4: “Domestication has been a long and complex process,” Mr Bradshaw writes. “Every dog alive today is a product of this transition. What was once another one of the wild social canids, the grey wolf, has been altered radically, to the point that it has become its own unique animal.” ||5: If anything, dogs resemble juvenile rather than fully adult canids, a sort of arrested development which accounts for the way they remain dependent on their human owners throughout their lives. | |
6 | ||1:我们适应的太快了,真是不可思议。||2:这份报纸是在沙发和餐桌上进行写作、编辑和制作的。||3:一月和二月仿佛是一个古老的纪元——公元前(冠状病毒前)到新的公元(居家后)。||4:这种转变可能与19世纪和20世纪的职场大变革相匹敌。||5:Twitter已经表示,允许所有员工永久居家办公,Facebook预计其一半员工将在10年内完成这项转变。 | ||1:It is remarkable how quickly we have adapted.||2:The newspaper has been written, edited and produced from couches and kitchen tables.||3:January and February seem like an ancient era-the BC (before coronavints) to the new AD (after domestication ).||4:The shift may rival great workplace transformations in the 19th and 20th centuries.||5:Twitter has already said that all its employees will be allowed to work from home permanently and Facebook expects half its staff to do so within a decade. | |
7 | ||1:在她的小说中,不可避免地是母亲、祖母、阿姨、姐妹用爱发号施令的网把家庭和社区维系在一起: 加紧努力,梳头,做你的家务,闭上你的嘴。||2:她做了同样的事情,养育两个儿子,在无休止的工作和家庭生活中,她找到空隙来进行自己的写作。||3:在全国各地的厨房里,黑人妇女缝制着灰色的棉花,或者把苏打水倒在掌心的皱褶里做饼干。||4:他们在混乱中带来了秩序,就像她的写作一样。 | ||1:In her novels it was inevitably mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters who kept families and communities together with that mesh of loving bossiness: pull up your socks, comb your head, do your chores, hush your mouth.||2:She’d done the same, raising two sons, fitting her writing into chinks in the endless round of work and domestication .||3:In kitchens across the land black women stitched grey cotton, or poured soda into the crease of a palm to make biscuits.||4:They brought order out of chaos, as her writing did. | |
8 | “克隆”的意义流变与外来词的汉化 | Meaning Changes of "Clone" and The Domestication of Borrowed Words in Chinese Language | |
9 | 氨氮、氮氧化物对产甲烷菌有一定的抑制作用,但可以通过驯化去除毒性。 | Ammonium nitrogen and nitrogen oxides are toxic to methanogenic bacteria, however, their toxicities can be decreased through domestication . | |
10 | 贝尔格莱德灵芝人工驯化栽培及其化学成分分析 | Artificial Domestication Cultivation and Chemical Components Analysis of Ganoderma lucidum Strains from Belgrade | |
11 | 本土化:百年中国油画的主题词 | Domestication : The Theme of the Centennial of Chinese Painting | |
12 | 本文还就长白山区野生观赏树木资的保护、利用与引种驯化提出了具体建议。 | Suggestions are given for protection, utilization and domestication of these wild ornamental trees. | |
13 | 苯酚降解菌的分离、驯化与固定化研究 | Study on Isolation, Domestication and Immobilization of Phenol-degrading Bacteria Strains | |
14 | 丙烯腈反应器的内构件国产化 | Domestication of Acrylonitrile Reactor Internals | |
15 | 餐厨垃圾高温厌氧消化接种物的驯化研究 | Domestication of inoculums in treating food waste by thermophilic anaerobic digestion | |
16 | 草莓脱毒试管苗炼苗及移栽技术研究 | Study on Domestication and Transplantation of Strawberry Virus, -free Plantlets | |
17 | 从读者的需求看跨文化翻译中的归化与异化 | On Domestication and Foreignization of Cross-Cultural Translation Viewed from Readers | |
18 | 从归化趋向异化——电影片名翻译刍议 | The Trend of the Translation of the Movie Title: from Domestication towards Foreignization | |
19 | 从权势差异的角度再谈归化与异化 | Towards Domestication and Foreignization from the Point of Power Differentials | |
20 | 从文化差异看比喻翻译--翻译中的归化和异化 | Cultural Difference and Metaphor Translation --Foreignization and Domestication in Translation | |
21 | 从文化交流角度看归化与异化的选择 | Foreignization or Domestication from the Perspective of Cultural Interaction | |
22 | 从文化趋同看归化和异化 | Domestication and Foreignization in the Context of Cultural Homogenization | |
23 | 大菱鲆南移网箱养殖试验 | South Domestication and Mariculture of Turbot in the Net Cages | |
24 | 第四纪冰河时代结束,人们开始耕种谷物之前的时期气候变化无常。 | The period leading up to the domestication of cereals was one of erratic climate change, as the last ice age ended. | |
25 | 电影片名翻译的归化与异化 | Domestication and Foreignization in Translation of the Movie Title | |
26 | 冬枣试管苗驯化及移植条件研究 | Domestication and transplantation of miropropagated shoots of winter jujube variety Lubeidongzao | |
27 | 法律英语汉译中归化与异化之选择 | Choice Between Domestication and Foreignization in Legal English Translation | |
28 | 翻译中的归化与异化—《苔丝》两种汉译本的比较研究 | On Domestication and Foreignization-A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of Tess of the D’Urbervilles | |
29 | 翻译中的归化与异化之争及其融合 | On the Disputation and Integration between Domestication and Foreignization in Translation | |
30 | 干燥机进料搅笼轴断裂原因分析及国产化改进 | Fracture Analysis of a Feeding Mixing Axis in a Dryer and Its Improvements in Domestication |