1 | 而我母亲跪在多米尼加大使馆的前面用她蹩脚的西班牙语乞求放自己一条生路。 | She found herself on her knees in front of the Dominican embassy begging for her life in broken Spanish. | |
2 | 风暴引发的洪水和泥石流已经造成了38000人被迫离开家园。与此同时,多米尼加共和国也受到了艾琳的影响,所幸只是擦肩而过。 | Floods and mudslides forced 38, 000 people from their homes in the Dominican Republic, which received a glancing blow from the storm. | |
3 | 风暴云覆盖了多米尼加共和国的一部分,和全部的波多黎各。 | Storm clouds cover part of the Dominican Republic, and all of Puerto Rico. | |
4 | 该书情节跌宕起伏,整本书贯穿了拉斯维加斯、洛杉矶、海地以及多米尼加共和国。 | The plot is convoluted and the action sprawls, spanning Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. | |
5 | 国际计划组织在多米尼加共和国的的同事现在正准备加入边境线的护航人潮,据说那里排队的人越来越多。 | Our Plan colleagues in the Dominican Republic will now set off to join the growing convoy that is reportedly queuing up at the border. | |
6 | 跻身前五名中的其他几位佳丽分别来自多米尼加共和国、墨西哥和俄罗斯。 | The rest of the top five were from the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Russia. | |
7 | 柬埔寨的进步在别的地方得到长足仿效,从朝鲜到罗马尼亚再到多米尼加共和国。 | The progress in Cambodia is mirrored by strides elsewhere, from South Korea to Romania and the Dominican Republic. | |
8 | 她曾看到多明我修女会在悉尼大学服务。 | She had seen Dominican sisters serving at the University of Sydney. | |
9 | 兰戈尔先生在多米尼加共和国拥有一处海滩别墅,但是据说因疏忽而未就从中获得的75,000美元的租金收入缴税。 | Mr Rangel owns a beach house in the Dominican Republic, but allegedly neglected to pay taxes on $75, 000 of the rental income from it. | |
10 | 其他人被贩运到多米尼加共和国从事室内和农业工作,条件通常极为恶劣。 | Others, officials say, are smuggled into the Dominican Republic to do domestic and agricultural work, often in appalling conditions. | |
11 | 前一次在1990年代的总统任内,LeonelFernandez成为在六十年来第一位访问海地的多米尼加总统。 | During a previous term in the 1990s, Mr Fernandez became the first Dominican president to visit Haiti in 60 years. | |
12 | 萨尔瓦多、多米尼加共和国等热带地区的森林覆盖面积近年来有所增加。 | Tree cover in tropical areas such as El Salvador and the Dominican Republic has grown in recent years. | |
13 | 塞浦路斯捷克共和国丹麦吉布提多米尼加多米尼加共和国东帝汶厄瓜多尔 | Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador | |
14 | 数百名居民因为洪水流离失所,被迫在教堂、学校或亲戚家寻求庇护。 | Hundreds were displaced by flooding in the Dominican Republic, forced to take refuge in churches, schools or relatives’ homes. | |
15 | 他乘坐专机从该市的主要军事基地哥伦比亚营地,携带着随同的家眷与亲信逃离到多米尼加共和国。 | He flew from Camp Columbia, the city’s main military base, to exile in the Dominican Republic with an entourage of relatives and cronies. | |
16 | 它在波多黎各和多米尼加共和国都设有分公司。 | It already has operations in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. | |
17 | 为了搜索克里奥帕特拉的墓地,来自埃及和多米尼加共和国的考古学家计划最早将于今年开始挖掘工作。 | Archaeologists from Egypt and the Dominican Republic plan to start digging in search of Cleopatra’s tomb as early as this year. | |
18 | 我们还将看到越来越多的“小型佛罗里达”,它们将坐落于墨西哥、巴拿马和多米尼加共和国。 | We’ll also see more and more little bits of Florida that just happen to be located in Mexico, Panama or Dominican Republic. | |
19 | 我深深扎根于布鲁克林区,甚至在多米尼加共和国生活的更久,我一直觉得对于家我已了无牵挂。 | Despite having roots grounded deep in Brooklyn and even deeper in the Dominican Republic, I have always felt disconnected from my home. | |
20 | 我现在在多米尼加共和国,经过又一次昼夜奔波和缺眠少息之后,我已经精疲力尽。 | I’m in the Dominican Republic and exhausted after another night of travel and little sleep. | |
21 | 我在多米尼加共和国就发现了很多欧洲上层社会一族去那里旅游。 | I’ve always gone to the Dominican Republic to party and I find that many upper class Europeans go there. | |
22 | 因此我们需要开始依靠多米尼加共和国圣多明哥或迈阿密的紧急供应链进行工作。 | So we need to start work on an emergency supply chain, either from Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic, or from Miami. | |
23 | 鱼儿到了远方,多米尼加共和国富裕的渔夫驾着大船来非法捕获了。 | There they may be scooped up illegally by richer fishermen, with bigger boats, from the neighbouring Dominican Republic. | |
24 | 与伊斯帕尼奥拉岛上的海地接壤的多米尼加共和国的BBC新闻网读者说他们也感觉到了震动。 | BBC News website readers in the Dominican Republic, whichborders Haiti on the island of Hispaniola, said they had also felt the quake. | |
25 | 在多米尼加共和国住了五年后,我对两地的时间观念有了深刻的理解,也深受其苦。 | Having lived for five years in the Dominican Republic, I am able to understand the two concepts of time but am torn between them. | |
26 | 在空中盘旋了十五分钟,直到飞机没油被迫飞回多米尼加共和国。 | Circled for 15 minutes before fuel forced us to head back to the Dominican Republic. | |
27 | 在周二,还将会有一些新的国家支持这份声明,比如泰国、卢旺达、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯以及多米尼加共和国。 | Supporting the statement Tuesday will be newcomers such as Thailand, Rwanda, El Salvador, Honduras and the Dominican Republic. | |
28 | 这些国家是中国,印度,古巴,多米尼加共和国、委内瑞拉、墨西哥和秘鲁。 | The countries were China, India, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Mexico and Peru. | |
29 | 这要从来自多米尼加共和国的一块树脂化石切片说起。 | It started with a chunk of fossilized resin from the Dominican Republic. | |
30 | 这一濒危物种生活在多米尼加共和国的雅拉瓜国家公园,位于海地岛南部的贝娅塔岛。 | This endangered species lives in Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic and on Beata Island off the southern coast of Hispaniola. |