属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-没有事后诸葛亮 Without hindsight
1 | “不用这么粗鲁。”多萝茜提高了嗓门。 | "Nothing so brutal," dorothy ’s voice rose | |
2 | “多萝茜倒是很靠得住。”她叹了口气。 | "Dorothy is so dependable," she sighed | |
3 | “你怎么不赞成呢,多萝茜?” | Why don’t you come along, dorothy ? | |
4 | 安妮?马克罗里郑重其事地说:“多萝茜,我不知道,你们没来的那阵子我们是怎么过日子的。” | Anne Macrory remarked, "I don’t know, dorothy , how we managed before you came." | |
5 | 当罗西初入社会交界时,专门为她举行了一次拉关系的社交聚会。 | When dorothy came out, she was given a coming-out party in particular | |
6 | 道乐赛.李德氏细胞 | dorothy reed cells ;sternberg-reed cells | |
7 | 弟弟的声音太动听了,多萝茜不由地有些动情了。 | dorothy couldn’t help feeling moved by her brother’s famous voice | |
8 | 多萝茜不等答应便溜之大吉了。 | Without waiting for permission, dorothy escaped | |
9 | 多萝茜喉干舌燥。 | dorothy ’s throat felt so dry | |
10 | 多萝茜叹了口气,“唉,真要命!” | dorothy sighed, "Oh, dear!" | |
11 | 多萝茜心里明白,自己最大的一个毛病,就是爱揣度别人秘而不宣的动机。 | dorothy knew that one of her worst faults was to suspect ulterior motives in others | |
12 | 多萝西买了8个苹果 | Dorothy bought no more than eight apples. | |
13 | 她变得那么容光焕发,使得站在木桶上的多萝茜给危险地迷住了。 | She had grown so luminous even Dorothy , perched on her barrel, was precariously spellbound | |
14 | 她一副超凡脱俗的样子,仿佛刚与小仙人共进过早餐似的(多萝西·伯纳姆) | She’s got that fey look as though she’s had breakfast with a leprechaun(Dorothy Burnham) | |
15 | 她在屋子里慢慢转悠,又走到多萝西的照片前站住了。 | She ambles around the room, coming to rest before Dorothy again | |
16 | 就多萝茜来说,她已打定主意不想把母亲给的那张支票花去一大笔。 | dorothy , for her part, was ready to dismiss the idea of making too large a hole in Mother’s cheque | |
17 | 历史的教训之一是没有什么事永远是可做的好事,也没有什么永远可说的好话。--费希尔 | One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say.--Dorothy Canfield Fisher | |
18 | 母亲不是依赖的对象,而是一个帮助我们摆脱依赖的人。--费西尔 | A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.-- Dorothy Canfield Fisher | |
19 | 我现在还得去牙科医生那儿给多萝西装一副矫牙套。 | I have to make an appointment to get braces for dorothy ’s teeth | |
20 | 笑容还荡漾在脸上,多萝茜又闭上了眼睛。 | While prolonging the smile, dorothy closed her eyes again | |
21 | 这样看来,在莫里顿大道散布流言蜚语的一定是多萝西。 | Then it must have been dorothy who had dropped the rumours at Moreton Drive | |
22 | “我感觉像《绿野仙踪》里的桃乐茜;被一阵旋风刮起,然后在一个地方掉了下来,那里一切都是色彩斑斓,”托马斯?坎贝尔的描述恰如其分,也令人出乎意外。元月一日他成为了纽约大都会艺术博物馆的新任管理人和行政总裁。 | “I FEEL like Dorothy in ‘The Wizard of Oz’; picked up by a whirlwind and dropped down in a land where everything is much more brightly coloured,” says Thomas Campbell, who on January 1st became the new director and CEO of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. His description is both apt and unexpected. | |
23 | ||1:几个月之后Jones说服这相同的大陪审团起诉 Edward Lee Elmore,一个23岁的黑人谋杀一位75岁的白人妇女Dorothy Edwards。||2:她是在自己的卧室衣橱被发现的,身上青肿并被刺了很多刀。||3:Elmore先生在90天内就被判处死刑。||4:这个残酷的例子就是《不公正的剖析》这本书的主题,这本吸引人的书是一位纽约时报资深调查新闻记者雷蒙德·邦纳(Raymond Bonner)写的。||5:尽管大量的间接推测都表明Elmore先生并没有犯罪,但他也将在死刑房耗尽27年。||6:他死刑的罪状最终在戴安娜·霍尔特(Diana Holt)的不懈努力下推翻了,戴安娜·霍尔特(Diana Holt)是他的律师也是这本书的主人翁,他花费了10多年的时间为Elmore声张正义。 | ||1:A few months later Jones persuaded the same grand jury to indict Edward Lee Elmore, a 23-year-old black man, for the murder of Dorothy Edwards, a 75-year-old white woman.||2:She was found inside her bedroom closet, bruised and repeatedly stabbed.||3:Mr Elmore was sentenced to death less than 90 days later.||4:This grim case is the subject of “Anatomy of Injustice”, a gripping and enraging book from Raymond Bonner, a veteran investigative journalist at the New York Times.||5:Mr Elmore would spend 27 years on death row, despite strong circumstantial evidence suggesting that he did not commit the crime.||6:His capital sentence was ultimately overturned thanks to the tireless efforts of Diana Holt, his lawyer and the book’s hero, who spent more than a decade seeking justice on his behalf. | |
24 | ||1:作为《新闻周刊》的前资深记者,纳戈尔斯基似乎对外交官和雇佣文人的故事最感兴趣。||2:即使他们早期的观点有些离谱,也比来观光的同胞稍好一点。||3:知名记者桃乐茜·汤普森是小说家辛克莱·刘易斯的妻子,她1932年出版了一本书,名为《我看到了希特勒!》。||4:她发现希特勒是个“小个子”,有张“演员的脸……能屈能伸”,而总统兴登堡却看似“切削出的岩石”。||5:她写道,希特勒的“悲剧在于他爬得太高”。一年后,希特勒夺取了政权。 | ||1: A veteran journalist, formerly with Newsweek, Mr Nagorski seems most interested in the stories of diplomats and fellow hacks. ||2: They come off a bit better than their sightseeing countrymen, even if their early views were wide of the mark. ||3: Dorothy Thompson, celebrity journalist and wife of the novelist Sinclair Lewis, published a 1932 book called “I Saw Hitler!”. ||4: She found him to be a “Little Man” with an “actor’s face…capable of being pushed out or in”, whereas President Hindenburg appeared “cut out of rock.” ||5: Hitler’s “tragedy” she wrote, “is that he has risen too high.” He seized power a year later. | |
25 | 代偿巨大的野望:Rebecca West和Dorothy Thompson,新时代女性追寻的爱与权力。作者:Susan Hertog。 | Dangerous Ambition: Rebecca West and Dorothy Thompson, New Women in Search of Love and Power. By Susan Hertog. | |
26 | 无论何时,Rebecca West和Dorothy Thompson都吸引着世俗的目光; | Rebecca West and Dorothy Thompson were remarkable—by any standards; | |
27 | “对于牙科学来说,这是一个非常激动人心的时代,”学校负责教育的副院长多罗茜·派瑞说。 | "It’s a very exciting time to be in dentistry, " said Dorothy Perry, the school’s associate dean of education. | |
28 | 《被困的当地民主》,桃乐茜·贺兰德等 | Local Democracy under Siege by Dorothy Holland, et al. | |
29 | 矮小的老婆婆和那三个小矮人一起朝多萝西微笑着,但是多萝西还是不明白是怎么回事。 | The little old woman and the three little men all smiled happily at Dorothy , but Dorothy did not understand. | |
30 | 但必须是一位年轻漂亮、散发着天真与狡黠气息的女孩来扮演多萝西。 | But a beautiful, young girl that exudes innocence and intrigue must be cast as Dorothy . |