1 | 开始服该药时,通常一样用量为120mg/日,以后逐渐增加至360mg/日,在此剂量下病例人出院。 | The drug was started as usual with 120mg/day and gradually increased to 360mg/day, on which dose he was discharged. | |
2 | 考试不及格是一服难咽的苦药。 | Failing the exam was a hard dose to swallow. | |
3 | 科学家们继续实验干扰素的一次有效剂量究竟该用多少。 | Scientists are still experimenting with how much interferon is needed for one effective dose | |
4 | 刻度剂量仪和剂量率仪及确定其对β辐射能量响应所用的β参考辐射 | Reference beta radiations for calibrating dosemeters and dose -rate meters and for determining their response as a function of beta-radiation energy | |
5 | 麻醉品的一次剂量 | A dose of a narcotic drug. | |
6 | 没有麻醉就对动物做外科手术以前很常见;许多人主张动物不会真的觉得痛,最著名的是笛卡儿。尽管已有替代方案(计算机仿真、组织培养试验),在动物身上测试化学物质来找出致命剂量的作法仍旧存在。 | Surgery on animals without anesthesia was once common; many people, most significantly Rene Descartes, claimed that animals did not really feel pain. Testing chemicals on animals to find the lethal dose still occurs despite alternative methods (computer simulations, tissue culture tests). | |
7 | 每次服两片。 | For a dose ,take two tablets. | |
8 | 每个人应该把自己好好地想一想,并且把自己想清楚了的东西,跟知心的朋友们商量一下,跟周围的同志们商量一下,把自己的毛病切实改掉。 | Everyone should carefully examine himself, talk over with his dose friends and the comrades around him whatever he has clarified and really get rid of his own defects | |
9 | 每年重复使用这些除草剂,用的是一般剂量,不会引起残毒的积累。 | At normal dose the repeated application of these herbicides each year should not lead to a build up of residues | |
10 | 每日服三次,每次服一剂。 | Take a dose three times a day. | |
11 | 每天服三次这种止咳糖浆,每次服一剂量。 | Take one dose of this cough syrup three times a day | |
12 | 每天两次,每次豆腐皮一张,不要切碎,酱油麻油冲汤吞服。 | It’s to be taken twice a day, each dose consisting of a soup made with one whole piece of bean-curd skin-don’t cut it up-soy sauce, and sesame oil | |
13 | 免疫接种是预防黄热病惟一的最重要措施。95%的受种者的免疫作用(免疫力)在一周内产生,一次接种就可以保护十年甚至可能终生。 | Immunization is the single most important measure for preventing yellow fever. The protective effect (immunity)occurs within one week in 95% of people vaccinated. A single dose of vaccine provides protection for 10 years and probably for life. | |
14 | 那些小男孩儿巴不得让那欺负人的坏蛋也尝点苦头 | The smaller boys badly wanted to give the bully a dose of his own medicine | |
15 | 你的表走得准吗? | Dose your watch keep very good time? | |
16 | 你需要的是大笑一场. | What you need is a good dose of laughter. | |
17 | 鲇鱼通常在苇根或苇干附近的浅水里产卵。 | The catfish deposits its eggs in shallow water, generally dose to roots or close to reeds | |
18 | 判处死刑缓期执行的,在死刑缓期执行期间,如果没有故意犯罪,二年期满以后,减为无期徒刑。 | If a person sentenced to death with a suspension of execution dose not intentionally commit a crime during the period of suspension, he is to be given a reduction of sentence to life imprisonment upon the expiration of the two-year period. | |
19 | 人们由于吃进辐照食物所遭受的放射剂量,实际上不多于同一时期一个人平均可能遭受到的来自其它放射源的放射的可觉察的极限的百万份之一。 | The lifetime dose of radioactivity to which a person eating irradiated food could be exposed could realistically amount to one-millionth of the recognised limit of average exposure of an individual to radioactivity from other source over the same period. | |
20 | 尚不构成犯罪的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会没收非法所得,并处非法所得 1 倍以上 5 倍以下的罚款; | If the case dose not constitute a crime, the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall confiscate the illegal earnings and impose a fine between one to five times the illegal earnings. | |
21 | 使用辐射显色薄膜和聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂剂量测量系统测量吸收剂量标准方法 | Standard method for using radiochromic film and polymethylmethacrylate dosimetry systems to measure absorbed dose | |
22 | 使用硫酸亚铁剂量计测量水中吸收剂量的标准方法 | Standard method for using the ferrous sulfate(Fricke)dosimeter to measure absorbed dose in water | |
23 | 世界卫生组织已经得出结论:对人类的消费而言,经平均剂量不超过10千居里辐照的食品在营养上是正常和安全的。 | The World Health Organization (WHO)has concluded that foods irradiated up to an overall average dose of 10 KGy (Kilogray)are nutritionally sound and safe for human consumption. | |
24 | 首先,公开演讲比交谈要有更高的组织结构性。公开演说者通常受严格的时间限制,故此它需要比普通交谈更细致的准备。 | First, public speaking is more highly structured than conversation. It usually imposes strict time limitations on the speaker, and it requires more detailed preparation than dose ordinary conversation. | |
25 | 死刑能阻止腐败吗?请加以解释。 | Dose the death penalty deter corruption? Explain. | |
26 | 他配出了一服药。 | He measured out a dose of medicine | |
27 | 体育运动如果是出于强迫,不会有害于身体,但在强迫之下获得的知识,不能保留在头脑--柏拉图 | Bodily exercise, when compulsory, dose no harm to body; But knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind --Plato | |
28 | 为什么不对利奥"以牙还牙"? | Why not give Leo the dose of his own medicine? | |
29 | 未达致死量的毒药 | A sublethal dose of poison | |
30 | 温斯顿倒了快有一茶杯,打起精神,灌药似地一口吞了下去。 | Winston poured out nearly a teacupful, nerved himself for a shock, and gulped it down like a dose of medicine |