1 | 忏悔意识下的鲁迅与陀思妥耶夫斯基 | A Comparative Study of Confessional Consciousness of Lu Xun and Dostoyevsky | |
2 | 人是一种非常富于韧性的动物,什么都能适应!--陀斯妥也夫斯基 | Man is a pliable animal, a being who gets accustomed to everything!--Feodor Dostoyevsky | |
3 | 陀思妥耶夫斯基的著名小说《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中的一个人物声称,如果没有上帝,万事皆无禁忌。 | In dostoyevsky ’s famous novel, The Brothers Karamazov, one of the characters proclaims that if God does not exist, anything is permitted | |
4 | 文明就是对于差异的鼓励。因此文明已成为民主的同义词。所以,为了使大家一致辞而使用武力、暴力、压力,或强迫手段,是既不文明,又不民主的。--甘地 | Civilization is encouragement of differences. Civilization thus becomes a synonym of democracy. Force, violence, pressure, or compulsion with a view to conformity is therefore both uncivilized and undemocratic.--Fedor Dostoyevsky | |
5 | 要爱上帝年创造的万物,爱其中的每一粒沙子。爱第一片树叶,爱上帝之光的每一条光线。爱各种动物,爱各种植物,爱所有的一切。--陀斯妥也夫斯基 | Love all gods’ creation, the whole and every grain of sand in it. Love every leaf, every ray of god’s light, love the animals, love the plants, and love everything.--Feodor Dostoyevsky | |
6 | 这本新自传的主要贡献在于它对陀恩托耶夫斯基的生活和艺术从基督教方面的富有洞察力的议论(玛丽亚·卡尔森) | The major contribution of this new biography.is its insightful discussion of the Christian dimension of Dostoyevsky ’s life and art(Maria Carlson) | |
7 | ||1:对于一些和他信奉同一宗教的人来说,他太离谱了。||2:但是温和的印度风格的爪哇伊斯兰教,巴格达学生圈子中咖啡桌旁的唇枪舌战,以及开罗爱资哈尔大学教条主义的死记硬背都使瓦希德饱受熏陶,他每次都支持言论自由。||3:他成长于一个既虔诚又开放的家庭:鼓励阅读欧洲杂志,大量阅读狄更斯和陀思妥耶夫斯基作品,听莫扎特和詹尼斯·乔普林,同时也鼓励加入伊斯兰教士联合会,该组织是世界上最大的穆斯林组织,具有浓重的乡土色彩并深植于爪哇万物有灵论的传统,该组织由他的祖父组织创建,他的父亲运营。 | ||1:To some of his co-religionists, he went too far.||2:But Mr Wahid had imbibed the gentle, Hindu-flavoured Islam of Java and the café-table cut-and-thrust of Baghdad’s student circles, as well as the doctrinaire rote-learning of al-Azhar University in Cairo, and had plumped for free expression every time.||3:He had also been brought up in a house that was both devout and cosmopolitan: encouraged to read European magazines, to devour Dickens and Dostoyevsky , to listen to Mozart and Janis Joplin, as well as to get involved in Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the world’s largest Muslim organisation, heavily rural and steeped in animist Javanese tradition, which his grandfather had founded and his father had run. | |
8 | 人是什么?--浅谈陀思妥耶夫斯基人性观的困惑 | What is the man? --On Dostoyevsky ’s puzzlement over humanity | |
9 | 如果不是Balzac,Dickens,Dostoyevsky和Tolstoy的时代的低调认真的创作,断断续续的杰出创作但是最终却弱势继承? | Does not the age of Balzac, Dickens, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy dwarf its earnest, fitfully brilliant but ultimately punier successor? | |
10 | 谈陀思妥耶夫斯基中短篇小说创作的“我在之思” | Discussion on "I Think So I Am Here" in Dostoyevsky ’s Short Story Creation | |
11 | 陀思妥耶夫斯基创作思想探源 | Tracing the Origin of Dostoyevsky ’s Literary Thought | |
12 | 陀思妥耶夫斯基的文学精神与其个体人格思想 | Dostoyevsky ’s Literary Spirit and His individual Personality Ideology | |
13 | 我当然写不出能和陀斯妥耶夫斯基或巴尔扎克相比的作品。但我告诉自己这些都不要紧。 | I couldn’t write anything that measured up to Dostoyevsky or Balzac, of course, but I told myself it didn’t matter. | |
14 | 我想,对于一个七年级的学生来说,陀思妥耶夫斯基的十分之一已经足够了。 | A tenth of Dostoyevsky is plenty for a seventh grader, I think. | |
15 | 在公众生活中推行一种关于犯罪和惩罚的“陀斯妥耶夫斯基规则”。 | 10 Introduce a "Dostoyevsky rule" of crime and punishment into public life. | |
16 | 转喻的辩证法:陀思妥耶夫斯基的宗教修辞 | Dialectics of Metonymy: On Dostoyevsky ’s Rhetoric of Religion | |
17 | 作者陀思妥耶夫斯基,这两部经典之作都因对艰险条件下人们内心灵魂的探索而引人注目。 | By Dostoyevsky . These two classics are fascinating for their explorations of the human psyche under extreme conditions. |