1 | 宝玉心中品度黛玉,越发出落的超逸了 | Baoyu observed that Daiyu was looking even more ethereal . | |
2 | 纯乙炔是无色、极易燃气体,带有令人愉快的醚(象醚一样)的气味,但商用纯级的乙炔的气味明显象大蒜。 | Pure acetylene is a colorless, highly flammable gas with an agreeable ethereal (ether-like)odor, but the odor of the commercial purity grade is distinctively garlic-like. | |
3 | 但是他确实注意到当往乙醚溶液中加入微量水时,就出现了一条滞带。 | He did note, however, that a band appeared in addition of a trace of water to such an ethereal solution | |
4 | 概念这玩意儿是看不见摸不着的,何况我这个概念更加虚无飘渺。 | You can’t see ideas especially such highly ethereal ones as mine | |
5 | 她把爱情看得更像是平静的温情,在一个花香馥郁、光影迷离、虚无缥缈、万籁俱寂的氛围里,被拿来温柔地献给心爱的人。 | Her idea of love was more that of placid affection, serving the loved one softly in an atmosphere, flower-scented and dim-lighted, of ethereal calm. | |
6 | 她对爱情的想法更像是一种心平气和的柔情,在花香氯氟半明半暗的轻松气氛卫为心爱的人做这做那。 | Her idea of love was more that of placid affection, serving the loved one softly in an atmosphere, flower-scented and dim-lighted, of ethereal calm | |
7 | 她很纯洁、超脱。 | She is pure and ethereal | |
8 | 她美若天仙。 | She has an ethereal beauty. | |
9 | 她是个轻盈苍白的人,有一对超凡脱俗的蓝眼睛,大大的,还有满头丰密的金发。 | She was a pale, ethereal creature, with wide, spiritual blue eyes and a wealth of golden hair | |
10 | 她是一个苍白、轻盈的人。 | She was a pale, ethereal creature | |
11 | 空灵物非物质或轻飘的物质,尤指鬼魂或精灵的透明身躯 | An immaterial or ethereal substance,especially the transparent corporeal presence of a spirit or ghost. | |
12 | 莫内关于干草垛和睡莲的精妙描绘 | Monet’s ethereal descriptions of haystacks and water lilies. | |
13 | 泥土的醉人的芳香叫人懒洋洋的,感到一种远离尘世的宁静。 | Intoxicating earth aromas induced lassitude and ethereal calm | |
14 | 然而到那时,凝聚着她的女性的最真实的生命的精髓,或许巳然蒸发殆尽了。 | In which, perhaps, the ethereal essence, wherein she has her truest life, will be found to have evaporated. | |
15 | 如梦的象梦似的;飘渺的或朦胧的 | Resembling a dream; ethereal or vague | |
16 | 使轻飘,使难以捉摸 | To make or become ethereal . | |
17 | 他们当中可能有一位更炽情的济慈或者更一尘不染的雪莱,而且已经发表了世界将长久记忆的诗篇。 | It may be that among them a more fervid Keats, a more ethereal Shelley has already published numbers the world will willingly remember | |
18 | 它没有和它匹敌的那个谷里那样蓝蔚的大气,那样浓重的土壤和气息。它的空气清新,爽利,飘渺,空灵。 | It lacked the intensely blue atmosphere of the rival vale, and its heavy soils and scents; the new air was clear, bracing, ethereal | |
19 | 我听不懂歌词的含义,但却能领略演唱时的那种凄楚、渺茫和超凡入圣的情绪。 | I could not understand the words, but only the mood, sorrowful, vague and ethereal , of the singing | |
20 | 我也断断续续读了一些这一时代的年轻人的诗作,他们当中可能有一位更为热情的济慈或者更为一尘不染的雪莱,而且已经发表了世界将长久记忆的诗章。 | I have read desultorily the writings of the younger generation. It may be that among them a more fervid Keats, a more ethereal Shelley, has already published numers the world will willingly remember. | |
21 | 物质,除了它的实质性的成分外,被想象为含有某种微妙的流质。 | Matter was supposed to contain, besides its material constituents, an ethereal fluid | |
22 | 新型树状大分子核醚-四硅烷的合成 | Synthesis of a Novel Ethereal Tetrasilane Core for Dendrimer Construction | |
23 | 一种极端是,要消灭所有的猫,而另一种极端是,把猫视为应该自由活动的精灵。 | One extreme wants to exterminate all cats while the other sees cats as ethereal spirits that should be free to wander | |
24 | 有时他好像很正常,有时又难以捉摸,甚至像个幽灵。 | At times he seems rather ordinary.At other times ethereal ,perhaps even spectral. | |
25 | 在Windows平台下开发Ethereal插件的方法与实现 | Method and Implementation of Ethereal Plug-in under Windows Platform | |
26 | 这些服装非常精美而又有仙气,但实在非常昂贵,一件夜礼服标价一万五千美元。 | The clothes are exquisite, ethereal , and very very expensive with a gown costing up to 15,000 US dollars. | |
27 | 这些群山有一种永恒的色彩,明亮的程度近乎于极地。 | The mountain have an ethereal hue with a clearness almost polar in its severity. | |
28 | 最微不足道的罪行在最超越尘俗的天地里引起回响。 | The most insignificant transgression reverberated in the most ethereal worlds | |
29 | ||1:此书开篇引用了约翰·佩里·巴洛于1996年写的一篇文章中的一段话:“工业世界的统治者们,你们是由实体和钢铁组成的乏味巨物,而我来自思想的新家园——网络空间。”他曾是死之华乐队的作词人,而今则是一位网络自由主义者。他还称此书为“网络空间的独立宣言”。||2:这是对互联网的普遍印象饱含诗意的总结:飘逸、虚无的东西——如一朵浮云,可以即刻无处不在,而又永远在电脑屏幕遥远的另一端。 | ||1: “Goverments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind.” So begins John Perry Barlow, once a lyricist for the Grateful Dead and now a cyber-libertarian, in a tract he penned in 1996, entitled, “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace”. ||2: It is a poetic summation of the common image of the internet as an ethereal , non-physical thing—an immanent Cloud that is at once everywhere and for ever on the far side of a screen. | |
30 | ||1:在这场对弈中,布洛克挑战冷酷的死神,影片中他脸上的表情虚无缥缈,再搭配黑死病的背景,让《第七封印》这部电影十分压抑,让人不堪忍受,特别是针对现在的疫情期间。||2:布洛克无法接受上帝的沉默。||3:他渴望笃信信仰,而不是轻率地相信。||4:他嘲笑那些声称文艺是神罚的僧侣,怜悯那些忏悔狂热者,他们拿着十字架和生物,用鞭子抽打自己却毫无知觉。 | ||1:Between the chess game to which Block challenges the grim reaper, the ethereal expression fixed on his face throughout the film, and the backdrop of disease, “The Seventh Seal” can seem unbearably heavy, especially during today’s pandemic.||2:Block cannot come to terms with God’s silence.||3:He yearns to have faith in faith, and not in the facile kind either.||4:He scoffs at the monks who claim that the plague is divine punishment, and pities the penitent zealots, with their crosses and relics, whipping themselves senseless with scourges. |