属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
1 | 叶甫盖尼被她迷住了,从此经常去她家里,但他得到的只是冷漠的接待和让他吻一下她伸出的一只疏远的手。 | Eugene , much attracted to her, frequently went to her house, but he never received more than a cool reception and a distant hand to kiss. | |
2 | 叶甫盖尼的父亲曾经过着一般的上流社会生活。他定期地举行舞会,并通过随便向人借钱来维持他那社会地位。正当他被宣告破产时,叶甫盖尼却得到他的伯父快要去世的消息。 | Eugene ’s father had led the usual life. He gave balls regularly and tried his best to keep up his social position by borrowing recklessly. Just as he was declared a bankrupt, Eugene received word that his uncle was dying. | |
3 | 叶甫盖尼经过两年多的漫游以后又回到了莫斯科。他仍然对生活不感兴趣。有一次他决定去参加一个上流社会的舞会,也仅仅是为了排遣几小时的厌烦情绪。 | After more than two years of wandering, Eugene returned to Moscow. Still indifferent to life, he decided to attend a fashionable ball, simply to escape from boredom for a few hours. | |
4 | 叶甫盖尼特别喜爱《唐璜》和其他愤世嫉俗的作品。他的评注大量暴露了他的自私和幻想的破灭。 | Eugene had been especially fond of Don Juan and other cynical works, and his notes revealed much about his selfishness and disillusionment. | |
5 | 叶甫盖尼在寂寞冷清的庄园里过着隐士般的生活。每天清晨他到一条溪流中去沐浴,阅书读刊,到野外散步,骑马。最后是整夜地沉睡。只有弗拉基米尔偶尔来访。 | On his lonely estate Eugene lived the life of an anchorite. He bathed every morning in a stream, read, walked and rode in the countryside, and slept soundly nights. Only Vladimir called occasionally. | |
6 | 应弗拉基米尔的邀请,叶甫盖尼勉强同意去拉林家作客。当她们家听说这两位青年即将来访时,她们立刻把叶甫盖尼想象为达吉雅娜的求婚者。 | On Vladimir’s invitation Eugene reluctantly agreed to pay a visit to the Larins. When the family heard that the two men were coming, they immediately thought of Eugene as a suitor for Tatyana. | |
7 | 庸才能够解释一切,对任何事情都不感到吃惊。--德拉克洛瓦 | Mediocrities can explain everything, and are surprised at nothing.--Eugene Delacroix | |
8 | 尤金:俄勒冈西部的一座城市,位于赛伦市南部的威拉米特河畔,它是俄勒冈大学的所在地(建立于1872年). | Eugene :a city of western Oregon on the Willamette River south of Salem. It is the seat of the University of Oregon (founded 1872). | |
9 | 尤金辞掉他的工作,在诺佛克享了一两天福,然后动身回家。 | Eugene quit his work and after a luxurious day or two in Norfolk, started homeward | |
10 | 尤金发现南国宾馆几乎门可罗雀。 | Eugene found dixieland almost deserted | |
11 | 尤金扶着他父亲穿过一间伸手不见五指的洗澡间。 | eugene propelled his father through a blind passage of bath room | |
12 | 尤金跪在地上跳棋盘边,手心里握着最后的半元钱,不理会旁边辛格的冷言冷语。 | Eugene knelt beside the checkers, with his last half-dollar in his palm, heedless of Sinkers bitter taunt | |
13 | 尤金恢复了自己的信心。 | eugene got back his heart again | |
14 | 尤金瞧着那副又呆板、又怯弱的面孔。 | eugene looked at the hard weak | |
15 | 尤金一看,恐怖象毒素一样在他周身血液中巡回。 | eugene looked, and horror swarmed like poison through his blood | |
16 | 尤金抓住阿宾滚烫的手腕,心里五脏如焚。 | eugene gripped Ben’s hot wrists: his heart turned rotten | |
17 | 原来读书不多的达吉雅娜,读了他的那些书以后,知道了许多人世间的苦难,终于对叶甫盖尼有了更多的了解。在家里,达吉雅娜的母亲对她毫无办法。这位姑娘似乎对追求她的人都不感兴趣,并拒绝了好几次求婚。 | Tatyana, who had hitherto read very little, learned much bitterness from his books and came to know more of Eugene . At home Tatyana’s mother did not know what to do. The girl seemed to have no interest in suitors and had refused several proposals. | |
18 | 在那儿,一个邮票商克林安排15000美元收购全版“倒转票”,最终成交。 | There, dealer Eugene Klein arranged to buy the sheet for $15,000, and finally did buy it. | |
19 | 在他死了将近50年后,这位诺贝尔文学奖和四次普利策文学奖的获得者、剧作家尤金·奥尼尔的尸检结果第一次被公诸于世。 | Nearly 50 years after the play-wright’s death, the autopsy results of Nobel Prize and four-time Pulitzer Prize winner Eugene O’Neill have been made public for the first time | |
20 | 在这个古怪的地方,尤金出人意料地发展起来。 | In this strange place eugene flourished amazingly | |
21 | 整个冬天,叶甫盖尼守在他那阴暗的房间里读书和沉思。终于,在绝望之余,他未经通报就径直去见达吉雅娜,出其不意地撞见她正在重新阅读他给她的信。 | All that winter Eugene kept to his gloomy room, reading and musing. At last, in desperation, he called on Tatyana unannounced and surprised her rereading his letters. | |
22 | 最后,叶甫盖尼开始给她写信,吐露他那无法实现的渴望。达吉雅娜始终没有作任何表示。 | Finally Eugene began to write her letters in which he expressed his hopeless longing. Still Tatyana gave no sign. | |
23 | ||1:1838年12月16日,一小队白人,历经长途跋涉,在布拉德河一役中击败了为数众多的祖鲁人军队。||2:有人说,白人占上风是因为有枪,而祖鲁人用的却是长矛。||3:还有人说,那是上帝的安排。||4:战前,白人祈祷,如果打赢了这场战役,誓言要纪念胜利日。||5:他们的后代子孙遵循着那个誓言。||6:但是,一个半世纪后,南非大学的一个历史学教授贸然提出,“起誓日”没有什么特别之处,上帝不必眷顾那个创造隔离制度的种族。||7:这让尤金 特雷布兰奇勃然大怒。||8:他带着一帮地方武装分子,闯进了大学报告厅,把滚烫的柏油倾倒在教授身上,然后把羽毛沾在上面。 | ||1:On December 16th 1838, a small band of trekkers defeated a large Zulu army at the Battle of Blood River.||2:Some say the white men prevailed because they had guns, whereas the Zulus made do with spears.||3:But others think God intervened.||4:Before the battle, the Afrikaners prayed, vowing always to commemorate that day if they won.||5:Their descendants honoured that pledge.||6:But a century and a half later, a disrespectful history professor at the University of South Africa suggested that the “Day of the Covenant” was nothing special and that God was not necessarily rooting for the tribe that created apartheid.||7:Eugene Terre’Blanche was incensed.||8:With a posse of followers, he burst into a lecture hall, poured hot tar on the professor and then decorated him with feathers. | |
24 | ||1:尤金·特雷布兰奇,1941年出生在北部小镇,温特斯多普的一个农场。||2:他的家族一直信奉法国胡格诺派教,据说,自从18世纪60年代就定居在南非。||3:在盎格鲁---布尔人战争中,他的祖父抗击英国人。||4:在那个小镇上,年轻的尤金·特雷布兰奇在同龄人中卓然不同,他不仅带领着学校的橄榄球队,还主持着校园辩论会。||5:离开学校后,他加入了警队,||6:为从政者提供保护,并在警察的文化团体中上台表演,那个表演团也是他组织的。||7:他的表演才能才是他成功的关健所在。||8:他那如同巧克力糖般香甜的嗓音富于变化,整个人散发着超凡魅力,浑然天成。||9:在舞台上,他时而声如洪钟,时而鬓鬓耳语,并将有关圣经、历史和启示录的主题混编在一起。||10:他称纳尔逊·曼德拉为“罗奔岛的巴巴拉”。||11: 在其恶名达致顶峰之际,只要他动一动嘴皮子 ,成千上成的布尔人马上就能起兵造反。 | ||1: Eugene Ney Terre’Blanche was born on a farm in Ventersdorp, a small town in the north, in 1941. ||2: His family was of French Huguenot stock, and was said to have been in South Africa since the 1760s. ||3: His grandfather had fought against the British during the Anglo-Boer war. ||4: The young Terre’Blanche stood out among his small-town peers, leading both the school rugby team and its debating club. ||5: On leaving school, he joined the police. ||6: He provided protection for politicians, and acted in plays staged by the Police Cultural Group, which he also ran. ||7: His thespian skills were the key to his success. ||8: He had a rich, chocolatey voice and genuine charisma. ||9: Alternately thundering and whispering from the podium, he wove together biblical, historical and apocalyptic themes. ||10: He called Nelson Mandela “Barabbas from Robben Island”. ||11: At the peak of his notoriety, said that tens of thousands of commandos would rise up when he gave the word. | |
25 | 但是,刑事司法学院的约翰?杰伊,原来曾身为一位警察的他却认为这样的一个监管本身就是一件很讽刺的事情,因为机构本身会疏远很多纽约警察厅想要亲近的群体来诱使他们提供一些关于极端分子的信息。只能说是自作孽不可活。 | The irony about this surveillance, says Eugene O’Donnell of John Jay College of Criminal Justice—a former policeman himself—is that it is alienating the very groups the NYPD need to keep sweet in order to induce them to give information about extremists. “This dragnet approach was a recipe for trouble,” he says. | |
26 | 尤金·耐·特雷布兰奇,一名布尔人宣传活动家,卒于4月3日,终年69岁 | Eugene Ney Terre’Blanche, a Boer demagogue, died on April 3rd, aged 69 | |
27 | 尤金·特雷布兰奇 | Eugene Terre’Blanche | |
28 | “人与上帝的关系”:尤金·奥尼尔悲剧创作主题探析 | "The relationship between God and man" : an analysis of the tragedy theme of Eugene O’Neill | |
29 | “现在,在她的头上的天花板上就有一个破洞在那里。我根本没有时间修理它”尤金承认说。 | "At the moment, she’s there with a hole in the ceiling over her head. I don’t have time to fix it, " Eugene admits. | |
30 | 《琼斯皇》是尤金。奥尼尔的第一部表现主义戏剧。 | The Emperor Jones is Eugene O’Neill’s first expressionistic play. |