1 | 有限单元法不能排除变分法。 | The finite element method does not exhaust the possibilities for variational methods | |
2 | 有些技术员利用红外线排气分析仪来迅速检测燃油箱周围的少量的蒸气泄漏。 | Some technicians use the infrared exhaust analyzer to quickly detect small vapor losses from around fuel tank | |
3 | 在二行程发动机中,进气和压缩行以及作功和排气行分别合并在一起的,这使得二行程发动机每两个行程,即曲轴旋转一周,就完成一次工作循环。 | In the two-stroke-cycle, or two-cycle, engine, the intake and compression strokes and the power and exhaust strokes are in a sense combined. This permits the engine to produce a power stroke every two piston strokes, or every crankshaft rotation. | |
4 | 在发动机中,凸轮轴上的凸轮控制进气门和排气门的开启和关闭.每个气门有一凸轮,每一个气缸就有两个凸轮。 | In the engine, cams on the camshaft cause the intake and exhaust valves to open. There is a cam on the camshaft for each valve, or two cams per cylinder. | |
5 | 在很多发动机内,恒温控制器装在进气岐管或排气岐管的空腔中。 | In many engines, the thermostat is located in a well in the intake or exhaust manifold | |
6 | 在活塞到达下止点时,或者是活塞下限时,活塞开始向上运动。同时,进气门关闭,排气门也关闭,所以这时的气缸是封闭的。 | After the piston reaches BDC, or the lower limit of its travel, it begins to move upward. As this happens, the intake valve closes. The exhaust valve is also closed, so that the cylinder is sealed. | |
7 | 在四冲程内燃机里,每一循环需要活塞的四次冲程(即吸气、压缩、动力和排气),同时曲轴旋转两周。 | In four-stroke engines, each cycle requires four strokes of the piston-intake, compression, power (expansion), and exhaust -and two revolutions of the crankshaft. | |
8 | 在严寒天气,他们的排气管在灰色的街道上吐着缕缕白烟。 | In the sub-zero weather, their exhaust plumb white in the grey street. | |
9 | 轧轧轧的轮机声和洋油臭,飞散在这和平的绿的田野。 | The peaceful green countryside was filled with the chugging of the boat engine and the stink of its exhaust | |
10 | 作为一个国家,新加坡很小,小到你只需几天就能游遍她所有的景点,但作为一个多种族并存、高度开放的社会,新加坡很大,大到能够容纳各种文化在这里并行繁衍。 | Singapore is so small a country that you can exhaust all her scenic spots within a few days, and yet it is such an open and expansive society that races live in harmony and cultures flourish side by side |