1 | “告诉我,您在阿里·铁贝林的手下荣幸服务过,您曾否在他的宫廷里见过一套比我们眼前更亮的服装?” | and tell me, did you ever see at the court of Ali Tepelini, whom you so gloriously and valiantly served, a more exquisite beauty or richer costume? | |
2 | “它们的确很精致,”他说道,“只是它们必需要吞下去才能奏效,而一个快要晕倒的人,却常常无法做到这一步,所以我还是宁愿用我自己的那种特效药。” | "They are indeed exquisite ," he said; "but as they are necessarily submitted to the process of deglutition--a function which it is frequently impossible for a fainting person to accomplish--I prefer my own specific." | |
3 | “这是个有趣的问题,”享利勋爵说,他觉得嘲弄这孩子不自觉的自负能获得极大的乐趣。 | "It is an interesting question," said Lord Henry, who found an exquisite pleasure in playing on the lad’s unconscious egotism | |
4 | 1980年.在西安附近出土了2辆铜车马俑,每辆车配4匹马。它们证实了当时精湛的铸铜工艺水平。 | Two bronze chariots, each with four horses, were. unearthed near Xi’an in 1980, and they prove to be the exquisite examples of the bronze craftsmanship of the age. | |
5 | 白领丽人,配上这种小巧的皮包,则更显出绰约风采。 | White-collar ladies will show their charming and graceful bearing with an exquisite little handbag of this kind. | |
6 | 宝玉听了,自是羡慕而已.大家入座,小丫鬟捧上茶来.宝玉自觉清香异味,纯美非常,因又问何名 | As Baoyu marvelled at this they took seats and young maids served tea with such a pure scent, exquisite flavour and refreshing quality that again he asked its name. | |
7 | 本厂家具做工讲究,美观耐用。 | Our factory’s furniture, made with exquisite workmanship, is pleasing to the eye and stands wear and tear. | |
8 | 本疗养院靠山傍水,幢幢精美的别墅待君光临。 | Our sanatorium stands leaning against the hills and facing the river. You are welcome to stay in one of our exquisite villas. | |
9 | 本美容美发厅愿为新婚夫妇精美化妆。 | Our Beauty salon is willing to serve newly-married couples with exquisite makeup. | |
10 | 不管您的口味更喜欢现代粤菜还是传统点心和美味佳肴,天香楼总有好吃的让你吃得高兴! | Regardless of whether your taste is for modern Cantonese cuisine or more traditional Tim Sum and exquisite delicacies, there is something to please everyone at Tian Hsiang Restaurant. | |
11 | 传统绣工精湛 | Exquisite traditional embroidery art | |
12 | 创作了大量的反映草原生活的作品,具有浓郁的生活气息、绚丽的民族色彩和精深的舞蹈技艺。 | All the works he produced have a strong sense of life, various folk colors and exquisite dance skills. | |
13 | 此类舞蹈的表演者通过道具增强了手臂的功能,扩展了人体的艺术表现力,使表现范围更加广阔,技艺更加精湛。 | By using common tools, the performers enhance their arms’ function, strengthen the expression of human bodies, expand the sphere of art and make their skills more exquisite . | |
14 | 打开“阳光”牌蔬菜罐头,香气四溢,犹如身处阳光下的菜园。 | With the opening of the Sunshine brand vegetable can, you will find yourself in the place which is suffused with an exquisite fragrance all around, just like staying in a vegetable garden in the sunshine. | |
15 | 大方鼎虽然形大体重,但制作工艺非常精巧。 | Though the ding is big and heavy, its workmanship is exquisite . | |
16 | 但那渴望全无粗野、世俗的成分〔那两瓣嘴唇阐述她所使用的词语时的每一动作都带给他难以描述的欢乐。 | But there was nothing gross or earthly about this yearning. It gave him exquisite delight to watch every movement and play of those lips as they enunciated the words she spoke | |
17 | 当窗边的男人娓娓地道出这一切时,房子另一边的男士就会闭上眼睛想像着如画的风景。 | As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene. | |
18 | 地上镶嵌着一幅很小然而非常优美的画面。 | In the pavement was inserted a small and most exquisite mosaic | |
19 | 对于音乐非常灵敏的耳朵 | an exquisite ear for music | |
20 | 对于这几句说得极其温婉有礼的话,马尔塞夫夫人答道:“我的儿子真是幸运极了,阁下,他竟能结识您这样一位朋友,我感谢上帝促成了这件事。” | At these words, uttered with the most exquisite sweetness and politeness, Madame de Morcerf replied. "It is very fortunate for my son, monsieur, that he found such a friend, and I thank God that things are thus." | |
21 | 对这位学者来说,精神食粮更胜于锦衣美食 | For this learned man, spiritual food is far more enjoyable than exquisite clothing and fine food | |
22 | 富有激情的男人可能会这样形容:她是"一块精美的宝石",是"天女下凡","倾国倾城",而英国人则轻描淡写地说上一句:"嗯,她长得还行。" | "Whereas a man of more emotional temperament might describe her as "an exquisite jewel", "divine", "precious", the Englishmen will flatly state "Um, she’s all right"" | |
23 | 该刺绣厂的每件绣品做工都很讲究。 | This embroidery factory has produced every piece of embroidery with exquisite workmanship. | |
24 | 该地毯织造厂,以用料讲究、图案新颖、色泽秀丽、工艺精湛而著称。 | This carpet weaving mill is famous for selected materials, novel designs, beautiful colours and exquisite workmanship of its products. | |
25 | 该服装厂的闻名之处就是做工讲究。 | The factory is well known for the exquisite workmanship of clothes. | |
26 | 高级钟表,精美耐用。 | Clocks and watches of high grade are exquisite and durable. | |
27 | 国庆期间,凡在本店购买金额达一百元以上者,均奉送精美礼品一份。 | We offer an exquisite gift to any customer who makes a purchase at our shop of 100 yuan or more during National Day. | |
28 | 海上那绚丽多姿的景色使他难受,他恨不得露丝在场跟他共同欣赏。 | He was tortured by the exquisite beauty of the world, and wished that Ruth were there to share it with him | |
29 | 海丝特除掉那耻辱的标志之后,深深长叹一声,她的精神就此解脱了耻辱和苦闷的重荷,轻松得简直飘然欲仙了!她如今感到了自由,才明白那重荷的份量! | The stigma gone, Hester heaved a long, deep sigh, in which the burden of shame and anguish departed from her spirit. Oh, exquisite relief! She had not known the weight, until she felt the freedom! | |
30 | 亨利七世小教堂(约1503年始建)采用垂直哥德式,以其扇形拱顶著称。 | The chapel of Henry VII (begun c. 1503)is noted for its exquisite fan vaulting. |