属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老人的故事 Old man’s tales
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老人的故事 Old man’s tales
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老人的故事 Old man’s tales
1 | 在整理这些信息的过程中,我们开始研究猎鹰车的销售数据。 | As we processed this information, we began to look at the sales figures from the falcon | |
2 | 照片之事传到洛杉矶副地方检察官艾丽斯·汉德耳中。她要知道演“鹰与雪人”的影星是否涉嫌哄骗。 | Word of the photo reached the ears of Deputy Los Angeles District Attorney Alice Hand,who wants to know if the star of"The Falcon and the Snowman"is guilty of a snow job. | |
3 | 这种车一下子就成了畅销货,可以同猎鹰和野马并驾齐驱。 | This made the car a great success and put in the category of the falcon and the Mustang | |
4 | 鸷鸟之疾,至于毁折者,节也。 | The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim. | |
5 | 中国西部地区猎隼(Falco cherrug)繁殖生物学与保护 | Breeding Biology of Saker Falcon Falco cherrug and Protection Plan in Tibet, Qinghai and Xinjiang, the West of China | |
6 | 周游世界须有猪嘴巴,鹿的腿,鹰的双眼,驴的耳,骆驼的肩膀和猿猴的脸,尤其需要的是要有满口袋的金钱和耐心 | To travel through the world it is necessary to have the mouth of hog, the legs of a stag, the eyes of a falcon , the ears of an ass, shoulders of a camel, and the face of an ape, and overplus, a satchel full of money and patience | |
7 | ||1:1893年,英国亨利·莫蒂默·杜兰爵士在沙漠上划下了一条边界线,以此来分隔阿富汗和英属印度西北部(如今的巴基斯坦)之间的边界。||2:在划边界的过程中,他草率的把普什图的家园分隔开了,在《流浪的猎鹰》书中,这条边界是贯穿全文的主线。||3:这本书经过了贾米尔·艾哈迈德精雕细琢,是第一部以普什图和俾路支部落为背景的小说,这两个部落支撑起了巴基斯坦荒凉的西部。 | ||1:In 1893 Sir Henry Mortimer Durand drew a line in the sand, marking a border between Afghanistan and north-west British India, now Pakistan.||2:In doing so, he carelessly carved up the Pushtun homeland.||3:That line runs like a thread through “The Wandering Falcon ”, Jamil Ahmad’s finely crafted first novel of stories set amid the Pushtun and Baluchi tribes that make up Pakistan’s wild west. | |
8 | ||1:表面上,Tor Baz是《流浪的猎鹰》的关键人物,在地上,男人们相互厮杀,女人们被以一磅鸦片的价钱卖掉,而他却如鹰般在空中翱翔。||2:他是用来帮助读者理解时间发生的顺序的。||3:在第一个故事中他由未婚父母生出—鉴于残酷的法律,他们受到了惩罚—到最后一个故向事时他有了自己的妻子。||4:他神秘地出现在故事中间—时而作为导,时而作为告密人—这个在宏大故事背景中的小角色,使古老的部落习俗与局势动荡的新兴国家形成了鲜明对比.。 | ||1:Tor Baz is ostensibly the focus of “The Wandering Falcon ”, gliding through the sky as men murder each other and women are sold for a pound of opium on the ground below.||2:His function is to help the reader understand the passage of time.||3:Born to unwed parents in the first story—and witness to the brutal justice they receive as a result—by the final tale Tor Baz takes a wife.||4:He appears, quietly, in the intervening stories—here a guide, here an informer—a bit player in a much larger narrative that contrasts the ancient customs of the tribes with the rocky adolescence of the new state. | |
9 | ||1:两位女性让人最印象深刻的相似性在于她们看似天性使然的坚定自我和无所畏惧。||2:在Thompson1920年27岁生日的那一天,这位美国年轻女子仅持一文件夹,心携能够取得自由时事记者的工作资格并穿越欧洲去见证俄国沙皇革命余波的目标,孤身一人远赴没有亲朋所在的英国。||3:到1927年,她已定居柏林,成为首位欧洲新闻署的女性负责人。||4: West的父亲----爱尔兰记者,抛弃妻子之时,她才8岁。幸而至19岁时已经是一位评论家和散文家,并“弃名声于不顾”地以初生牛犊之势发表了前辈级作家Arnold Bennett和George Bernard Shaw删减过的批判性评论。 ||5: West女士直到1983年90岁与世长辞之前从未间断过写作,并曾得到让人梦寐以求的《纽约客》编辑Harold Ross的暗藏丰盛赞誉的来信:“请以我们写个故事吧,真实的虚构的都可以!” ||6:1941年,West出版了举世闻名的书:《黑色的小羊羔和灰色的猎鹰》---叙述了巴尔干半岛的历史以及对纳粹主义兴起的沉思。 | ||1: The most striking similarity between Thompson and West is their seemingly innate self-belief and fearlessness. ||2: On her 27th birthday in 1920 the American-born Thompson sailed for England. With no contacts but with portfolio in hand, her goal was to gain credentials as a freelance reporter and make her way across Europe to witness the aftermath of the revolution in Russia. ||3: By 1927 she was living in Berlin as the first female head of a news bureau in Europe. ||4: West, the daughter of an Anglo-Irish journalist who abandoned the family when she was eight, was a reviewer and essayist by the time she was 19, when “regardless of reputation” she published cutting critiques of established writers such as Arnold Bennett and George Bernard Shaw. ||5: West wrote consistently until her death at 90 in 1983, and was in the enviable position of having Harold Ross, the editor of the New Yorker, write to her, pleading: “Please write any story you want for us, fact or fiction.” ||6: In 1941 West published her best-known book, “Black Lamb and Grey Falcon ”, a history of the Balkans and a meditation on the rise of Nazism. | |
10 | ||1:自从1950年开始,在伊朗,巴基斯坦和阿富汗的边界这个岩层剥落,饱受风雨侵蚀的,崎岖的小山群地域中,艾哈迈德先生经历了二十年的历程在该地区的向着东北方向进行研究。||2:书中,艾哈迈德以“黑鹰”“为题,独辟一节,通过主人公托尔·巴兹追忆那些经历之地。一路中,其边走边停,向读者娓娓道来那些半自治游牧区生活:以迁徙为生的游牧民族卡罗兹,生活安逸却又饱受折磨的古加尔,还有瓦济里斯人与马苏德人间的恩恩怨怨。 | ||1:Starting in the 1950s from “the tangle of crumbling, weather-beaten and broken hills, where the borders of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan meet”, Mr Ahmad works his way north-east over the course of two decades.||2:He pauses along the way to describe life in the semi-autonomous tribal areas—the migratory patterns of the nomadic Kharots, the “quiet, tormented lives” of the Gujjars, the ancient feud between the Wazirs and the Mahsuds—using as a guide a recurring character, Tor Baz, the “black falcon ” of the title. | |
11 | 流浪的鹰。贾米尔·艾哈迈德著。 | The Wandering Falcon . By Jamil Ahmad. | |
12 | “猎鹰”项目是美国国防部研发快速打击武器系统计划的组成部分。 | The Falcon project is part of the US defence department’s plans to develop a rapid-strike weapons system. | |
13 | “梦想由此构成。”《马耳他猎鹰》(1941年) | "The stuff that dreams are made of. " The Maltese Falcon , 1941. | |
14 | “千年隼”激光炮的精确一击消灭了维德的一驾僚机。 | A well-placed shot from the Millennium Falcon ’s laser cannons destroyed one of Vader’s wing men. | |
15 | 《马耳他雄鹰》上映时的剧本撰写风格就与《伯恩的霸权》有很大不同。 | The way a script like "The Maltese Falcon " was written is very different from "The Bourne Supremacy. " | |
16 | 1973年,《美国风情画》像(星球大战中的)飞千年鹰号一样一飞冲天,使卢卡斯成为百万富翁。 | In 1973, "American Graffiti" took off like the Millennium Falcon and made Lucas a millionaire. | |
17 | 700多家州及地方法律执行机关及有关部门参与了此次的“猎鹰二号行动”。 | Over 700 state and local law enforcement agencies and departments participated in FALCON II. | |
18 | 阿纳金让千年隼在地面上停留了尽可能长的时间,直到灾难袭来的最后一刻才飞离现场。 | Anakin kept the Falcon grounded as long as he could, soaring away from the cataclysm at the last possible instant. | |
19 | 不同于其他火箭,飞行中,猎鹰9号的上下级不使用爆炸螺栓分离。 | Unlike other rockets, Falcon 9’s upper and lower stages do not use explosive bolts to separate mid-flight. | |
20 | 草枯鹰眼疾, | Keener o’er withered grass his falcon ’s eye, | |
21 | 大约东部时间下午3点钟,液氧开始流入2级Falcon9发射器。 | Liquid oxygen started flowing into the two-stage Falcon 9 launcher at about 3 p. m. EST. | |
22 | 但其将用以运送宇航员到空间站的猎鹰九型火箭,还尚未进行过发射。 | But its Falcon 9 rocket, the one that would be used to carry astronauts to the space station, has yet to have its first launching. | |
23 | 第二天早晨,国王看见那只猎鹰终于盘旋在御花园上空。 | The next morning, the king saw the other falcon soaring above his gorgeous garden freely. | |
24 | 该标识既是一只真实的猎鹰,又是猎鹰(Falcons)这个单词的首字母‘F’。 | This logo doubles as an actual Falcon , and an ’F’ for Falcons. | |
25 | 届时,X空间公司希望能够一年发射10支猎鹰大推力火箭。 | In time, SpaceX hopes to launch 10 Falcon Heavy rockets a year. | |
26 | 今天,我很高兴宣布联邦执法官署完成“猎鹰二号行动”。 | Today, I am pleased to announce that the Marshals Service has just concluded Operation FALCON II. | |
27 | 猎鹰9号的第一级有9个引擎,即使一个或多个引擎故障,仍然可以到达预定轨道。 | Talk about nine lives. With nine engines on the first stage, Falcon 9 can reach orbit even if one or more fails. | |
28 | 猎鹰9号的这次发射不执行载人任务,但是如果发射失败,将会引起国会对美国航天局计划的反对。 | No one will ride on this Falcon 9 flight, but failure will encourage congressional opposition to NASA’s plan. | |
29 | 猎鹰9号刚通过对它的第一次考验,这枚私人公司的火箭最终可能将人送进轨道。 | Falcon 9, a private space rocket that might eventually carry people into orbit, has just passed its first test | |
30 | 猎鹰9号集合了很多安全性能,避免了困扰其他火箭的问题。 | Falcon 9 incorporates safety features to avoid problems that have plagued other rockets. |