属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梦之味 Scent of dreams
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-沙海遗珠 An overlooked master
1 | 图式熟悉程度及其对英语学习者阅读理解的影响 | Content Familiarity and its Effects on ESL Learners’ English Reading Comprehension | |
2 | 我们敬佩他精通那么多种语言。 | We admire his familiarity with so many languages. | |
3 | 我所从事的工作对数学能力和计算机网络能力都有很高的要求,但我总能做得令人满意。 | My work required strong mathematics skills and some familiarity with computer networks; however, I never failed to fulfill it satisfactorily. | |
4 | 新石器时代的人们向着了解天体方面又迈出了一小步。 | neolithic people have taken one more small step toward increasing their familiarity with the heavens | |
5 | 由于长期以来一直与危险打交道,他已经对危险麻木不仁了。 | Long familiarity with danger, too, had blunted his sensibilities. | |
6 | 有时候,他们会一起去看看戏,偶尔也会应时令去海边以及纽约各处玩玩,但他们没有结交朋友。赫斯渥对她的态度自然不再是彬彬有礼,而是一种随便的亲密态度。 | Once in a while they would go to a theatre together, occasionally in season to the beaches and different points about the city, but they picked up no acquaintances. Hurstwood naturally abandoned his show of fine manners with her and modified his attitude to one of easy familiarity . | |
7 | 于是他就用熟练的双手,按版裁开,这原是一件挺麻烦的事,但从他的动作可以说明他已经是驾轻就熟习以为常了。 | A flunkey handed him an uncut Times, which he proceeded to cut with a skill which betrayed familiarity with this delicate operation | |
8 | 这个词似乎是从达沃斯专门小组成员们的嘴上自然流出,说明他们多年业来对此已经熟悉。 | The word seemed to fall off the lips of Davos panelists with an ease than suggested years of familiarity . | |
9 | 这个职位要求通晓德语。 | Familiarity with German is required for this position. | |
10 | 这些《纽约时报》的记者几乎都是从美国名牌大学(常青藤)毕业的书生气十足的人,他们不乏自信,但却缺少对实际生活的深入了解。 | This Times reporter is almost certainly a bookish Ivy League graduate with no lack of self-esteem and also no great familiarity with life on the street | |
11 | 这些本领对凯瑟琳来说完全是陌生的,自然使她很钦佩。这股油然而生的钦佩之情,险些使凯瑟琳感觉有些敬而远之… | These powers received due admiration from Catherine, to whom they were entirely new; and the respect which they naturally inspired might have been too great for familiarity … | |
12 | 真正掌握了3000单词,就具备了进一步学习英语的基础。 | Real familiarity with a 3,000 word vocabulary constitutes a good base for further English language learning. | |
13 | 作为该学院为14年级资历的雇员,我不仅熟悉湖北科技学院,而且也被证明是对湖北科技学院社区有贡献的,同时还有对这个职位的要求的独到理解。 | As an employee of 14years of the college, I not only have that familiarity , but also a proven record of dedication to the community, as well some unique insights into the requirements for this position. | |
14 | ||1:迈克尔·富特并不总是备受爱戴。||2:在二战前、中、后的一段时间,他作为一名左翼记者在右翼领袖东马克斯·弗布鲁克旗下工作,他那充满责骂鄙视的文章伤害了一些人的自尊——这些人实际上没有意识到他的文章完全不带有对个人的蓄意伤害。||3:但时间和世故人情消融了他的锐气。||4:“好人,迈克尔”,安东尼·克罗斯兰如是说——20世纪70年代,修正社会主义者安东尼·克罗斯兰在与迈克尔·富特的论战中度过了大部分时光。 | ||1: He was not always so popular. ||2: As a left-wing journalist working for the right-wing proprietor Max Beaverbrook before, during and after the war, the vituperative scorn of his prose injured those who did not realise that it masked a complete lack of personal malice. ||3: But age and familiarity smoothed the sharp edges. ||4: “Sweet man, Michael,” remarked Anthony Crosland, a revisionist socialist who, in the 1970s, had spent most of his time fighting him. | |
15 | ||1:穆里德·巴尔古提在他的回忆录《我在那里出生,我出生在这里》中唤起了这一切。这本回忆录是他2003年的作品《我看到了拉马拉》的续篇。||2:他驱车前往杰里科时经过橄榄树田,橄榄树“被连根拔起,抛却在露天下,就象没有尊严的尸体”,它们周围的田地是“露天的集体坟墓”。||3:从约旦穿越边界,“在巴勒斯坦的门槛”,他必须在检查站里等几个小时,检查站里“汗水粘乎乎地不断淌出来”,空气热浪灼人。||4:这些影像没有让他们的辛酸失去,或是让这种熟悉的辛酸所凝聚的力量失去。||5:相反,它们把流亡的巴勒斯坦人的经历提炼成实实在在的东西。 | ||1: Mourid Barghouti evokes them all in his memoir, “I Was Born There, I Was Born Here”, which continues the story begun in his 2003 work, “I Saw Ramallah”. ||2: Driving to Jericho, he passes fields of olive trees, “uprooted and thrown over under the open sky like dishonoured corpses”, the fields around them an “open collective grave”. ||3: Crossing the border from Jordan, “at the threshold of Palestine”, he must wait for hours at checkpoints where “sweat oozes with sticky insistence” and the air is fried. ||4: These images lose none of their poignancy or power in this familiarity . ||5: Instead they distil the Palestinian experience of exile into something real. | |
16 | ||1:让我们看看Integreon公司将会发生些什么。||2:这个公司仅仅只占用了几个不起眼的安全的办公室。||3:他在马尼拉有300名雇员,其中40人是律师,帮助跨国的律师事务所进行诉讼。||4: 精通美国诉讼。"它让我们能够轻松的对美国的公司进行法律研究,"该公司的区域经理Benjamin Romualdez说。 | ||1: Integreon offers a glimpse of what the future may hold. ||2: The firm occupies just a few discreet, very secure offices. ||3: It employs 300 people in Manila, 40 of them lawyers who help multinational law firms with litigation. ||4: Familiarity with America helps."It makes it very easy for us to do legal research for American firms," says Benjamin Romualdez, the firm’s country manager. | |
17 | ||1:上面提到的圣母玛利亚的圣坛画紧随其后。||2:这幅画是受托为西玛家乡的大教堂画的,自1492年起一直保存在科内利亚诺教堂。||3:有人抱怨说,脱离了背景进行展示,教堂艺术就失去了它的感染力。||4:然而,从上面圆顶千篇一律的叶饰到下面的天使音乐家,每个元素在巴黎都比在科内利亚诺更容易领会欣赏。||5:西玛经常画相同的画面形象。||6:看过整个展览的观众会不止一次地见到圣约翰、圣凯瑟琳和圣杰罗姆(以及他的狮子)。||7:结果观众感到的是温暖愉悦的熟悉感,而不是那种在一系列宗教舞台造型中看着演员的感觉。 | ||1:The altar painting of the Virgin mentioned above soon follows.||2:It was commissioned for the Duomo in Cima’s hometown, and has remained in that Conegliano church since 1492.||3:Some complain that church art loses its force when displayed out of context.||4:Yet each element, from the stylised foliage of the dome above to the angel musicians below, is far easier to see and appreciate in Paris than it is in Conegliano.||5:Cima often painted the same models.||6:The viewer meets St John the Baptist, St Catherine and St Jerome (and his lion) more than once walking through this show.||7:The result is a warm and welcome sense of familiarity , rather than the feeling that one is looking at actors in a series of religious tableaux. | |
18 | ||1:通过发展和收购,他把动视公司打造成了游戏业的巨头。||2:如今动视公司推出的很多游戏都是耳熟能详的,如“托尼·霍克”(又称“滑板天王”或“滑板高手”)、“使命召唤”系列(军事凶杀类游戏)还有“吉他英雄”(玩家必须伴嘈杂的摇滚乐及时的地按下塑料吉他造型的控制器)。||3:上面的每个游戏都有各自的版权,不仅发行版本众多,而且还推出了好几代。||4:这也遭到了不少批评,指责动视公司只会一味地依靠对现有游戏的重复研发。||5:但是科迪克却坚决否定他的公司缺乏创新。||6:他表示:“一小撮的玩家希望每年都能推出全新而且迥异的游戏。事实上,如果只在现有的游戏中进行创新,大家还是非常乐意的。”||7:这次的关键又是抓住一个平衡——老品牌的熟悉感和新特点的创新度之间的平衡。 | ||1: Through both growth and acquisitions he built Activision into a gaming giant. ||2: Today it is known for the “Tony Hawk” skateboarding games, the “Call of Duty” series of military shoot-’em-ups, and its “Guitar Hero” games, in which players must press buttons on a plastic, guitar-shaped controller in time with blaring rock music. ||3: Each of these is a brand in its own right and has spawned numerous versions and sequels. ||4: This has led to criticism that Activision’s approach is too dependent on exploiting and re-exploiting franchises. ||5: But Mr Kotick vigorously denies that his company fails to innovate. ||6: “A small segment of very vocal gamers say everything has to be new and different every year,” he says. “Actually, people are happy with existing franchises, provided you innovate within them.” ||7: The trick, once again, is to strike a balance: between the familiarity of a trusted brand and “innovative and inspiring” new features. | |
19 | “海啸”这个词是极少的几个源于日语而用于全球的词汇之一,专指该国非常熟知的自然灾害。 | THAT "tsunami" is one of the few Japanese words in global use points to the country’s familiarity with natural disaster. | |
20 | “接触和熟悉东西方两种不同的文化”可以译成名词短语 | "their contact and familiarity with two different cultures" . | |
21 | 47岁的她在5日的新闻发布会上说:“我觉得回中国比赛,没有一点紧张感,只有亲切感。回家的感觉真好!” | "I don’t feel any pressure competing in China, but I do have a sense of familiarity , " she said. | |
22 | Lanstein先生这样判断的根据是他对僵尸网络的熟悉,因为他在过去几年中一直在努力关停它们。 | Mr Lanstein based his appraisal on familiarity with Rustock gained while working to shut it down over the past few years. | |
23 | Skinbook利用了用户们熟悉的Facebook网站风格建立会员档案、留言板、论坛和群组。 | Skinbook capitalizes on users’ familiarity with Facebook-style member profiles, messages, forums and groups. | |
24 | 包装是一个产品与消费者心中的品牌熟悉度之间建立联系的视觉符号。 | The packaging is the visual that signals the brand’s familiarity in the mind. | |
25 | 背景知识熟悉程度对标准听写的影响 | The Influence of Familiarity of Background Knowledge on Passage Dictation | |
26 | 本手册适合熟悉基于事件的编程技术的人员使用。 | Familiarity with event based programming techniques in general is assumed throughout this document. | |
27 | 本文所谓「外推」是一走出自我,迈向多元他者,由自己熟悉的范围走向外人、走向陌生人的行动。 | By stratification I mean the act of going outside of oneself to multiple others, from one’s familiarity to outsiders, to strangers. | |
28 | 并且,此效果将被品牌熟悉度、促销讯号及认知需求所干扰。 | Furthermore, the discount effect is moderated by brand familiarity , promotion signal, and need for cognition (NFC). | |
29 | 伯尔曼女士被录用,不是因为她很了解中国,而是因为她熟悉西方现代舞。 | Ms. Berman said she was hired for her familiarity with Western modern dance rather than a knowledge of China. | |
30 | 不过,这也是最大的劣势,因为这样的熟悉程度会阻塞你的灵感。 | However, this is also your greatest disadvantage, as the familiarity will block out your original inspiration. |