属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-史上最佳的苹果手表并非人人适用
1 | 华尔街日报的杰弗里·福勒(Geoffrey A. Fowler)写道,“如果你能容忍只有一天待机时间,不成熟的应用程序和不可避免的淘汰,你就可以佩带这款未来的手表。” | Geoffrey A. Fowler of the Wall Street Journal wrote, "if you can tolerate single-day battery life, half-baked apps and inevitable obsolescence, you can now wear the future on your wrist." | |
2 | 勒存的方法多伦多大学的杰弗里?希尔顿是该领域的泰斗,他将这一方法命名为深度学习不一定局限于计算机视觉领域。 | This approach which Geoffrey Hinton of the University of Toronto, a doyen of the field, has dubbed deep learning need not be confined to computer-vision. | |
3 | 《经济学人》科技版编辑:杰弗里•卡尔 | Geoffrey Carr: science and technology editor, The Economist | |
4 | 2000年春季,杰弗里爵士开始重建这个在家族土地上存在了近一百年的花园。 | In the spring of 2000, Sir Geoffrey began restoring this garden on land that had already been in the family for nearly 100 years. | |
5 | 保守党议员杰弗里•凡•奥登说“秃鹫就在外面,蹲在墙头上”。 | "The vultures are out there, sitting on the wall, " says Geoffrey van Orden, a Tory MEP. | |
6 | 本佳作的作者杰弗里•鲁滨逊,作为联合国主持全民公投特派团成员之一,当时就在东帝汶。 | The author of this fine book, Geoffrey Robinson, was there that day, as a member of the United Nations mission that organised the poll. | |
7 | 本文作者要感谢GeoffreyHambrick为本文提供了有价值的建议和评论。 | The authors would like to thank Geoffrey Hambrick for his suggestions and review. | |
8 | 但空气在接近裂缝的时候速度会越来越快,杰弗里·兰迪斯说,他是美国宇航局在克利夫兰格伦研究中心的一位物理学家。 | But air picks up speed as it approaches a fissure, said Geoffrey Landis, a physicist at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. | |
9 | 但他的观点最近被新墨西哥大学进化生物学家杰弗里•米勒恢复了生机。 | But his ideas were revived recently by Geoffrey Miller, an evolutionary biologist who works at the University of New Mexico. | |
10 | 对百代(EMI)公司的GeoffreyHoundsfield而言,他发明人体扫描仪理所当然地赢得了诺贝尔奖,但却几乎毁掉了百代公司。 | The invention of the body scanner won a deserved Nobel Prize for EMI’s Geoffrey Houndsfield, but almost destroyed the company. | |
11 | 法律、道德和国家间的关系。普林斯顿,纽约:普林斯顿大学出版社,1983年。 | Nardin, Terry. Law, Morality, and the Relations of States. Princeton, N. J. : Princeton University Press, 1983. Garrett, Geoffrey . | |
12 | 吉佛利·例泊满世界旅游组织的助理秘书长并不那么具有煽动性。 | Geoffrey Lipman, assistant secretary-general of the World Tourism Organization, has a less inflammatory take. | |
13 | 杰奥夫雷手脚不太麻利,朝猎手乱开枪当然是不行的。 | It is rather awkward for Geoffrey , of course. It does not do to pepper beaters. | |
14 | 杰弗里·里恩(GeoffreyLean)警告说,在最新欧盟规章中,性别变异化学物很大程度上被忽视了。 | Gender-bending chemicals are largely exempt from new EU regulations, warns Geoffrey Lean. | |
15 | 杰弗里•米勒(GEOFFREYMILLER)是有着一套理论的人,如果他的理论真实可信,那么它将改变常人对自我的看法。 | GEOFFREY MILLER is a man with a theory that, if true, will change the way people think about themselves. | |
16 | 杰弗里保持沉默,总管刹那间察觉到他助理的一种以前没有的成熟。 | Geoffrey went silent, and the seneschal suddenly detected a maturity in his aide that he’d never noticed before. | |
17 | 杰弗里点点头,“他的首席中尉。” | Geoffrey nodded. "His chief lieutenant. " | |
18 | 杰弗里是在未来五年成为骑士的路上,这取决于他的进步速度。 | Geoffrey was in line to become a knight sometime within the next five years, depending on his progress. | |
19 | 杰弗里要在很多年后才有可能构成任何威胁。 | It would be many years before Geoffrey could pose any threat. | |
20 | 她在纽约帕森设计学院研读时尚,之后追随设计师杰佛瑞?宾恩继续加强缝纫技巧。 | She studied fashion at New York’s Parsons School of Design and then further developed her tailoring skills under designer Geoffrey Beene. | |
21 | 尽管如此,雷切尔却爱上了另外的人——杰弗里——他是位帅气的青年,刚刚大学毕业。 | Despite the gifts, Rachael fell in love with another, Geoffrey , a handsome young man just home from university. | |
22 | 就在上一星期,菲斯获得奥斯卡提名,同时获得提名的还有在国王的演讲中和他合作的杰弗里拉什以及海伦娜邦汉卡特。 | Last week Firth was nominated for an Oscar, along with his King’s Speech co-stars Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter. | |
23 | 莱勒引用杰弗里·韦斯特的观点,即物理学的方法可回答我们关于城市的问题。 | Lehrer cites Geoffrey West, who thinks the tools of physics can give us the answers to questions about the city. | |
24 | 另外两位则是城市经济学家杰弗里•迪克斯和财政部前财政预测专家格雷汉姆•帕克。 | The other two are Geoffrey Dicks, a City economist, and Graham Parker, a former fiscal-forecasting specialist at the Treasury. | |
25 | 乔弗瑞-拉什凭借《彼得-塞勒斯的生与死》(THELIFEANDDEATHOFPETERSELLERS)获得最佳电视电影男演员奖。 | Geoffrey Rush of "The Life and Death of Peter Sellers" accepted the award for best actor in a mini-series or television movie. | |
26 | 去年,它们的元数据质量遭到猛烈的抨击,最有名的一个批评来自于GeoffreyNunberg。 | Last year, Google came under harsh criticism for the quality of its metadata, most notably from Geoffrey Nunberg. | |
27 | 他没有兴趣猜谜语,而感谢上帝杰弗里似乎比早前在父之堂的时候冷静很多。 | He was not in the mood for coyness, and thankfully Geoffrey seemed calmer than earlier in the Hall of Fathers. | |
28 | 他听到了其中的急切,虽然他几乎比杰弗里大十岁,他突然感到能力不足。 | He heard the eagerness and, though he was almost ten years older than Geoffrey , he suddenly felt inadequate. | |
29 | 五角大楼新闻发言人杰弗里•莫瑞尔说,没有美国军事设施或者海军舰艇受到损害的报告。 | Geoffrey Morrell, the Pentagon press secretary, said there were no reports of damage to American military facilities or naval vessels. | |
30 | 乡土之路--杰佛里·巴瓦的风景园林设计探索之路解析 | Provincialism--Analysis of the Path to the Research of Landscape Design by Geoffrey Bawa |