属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱的代价 The price of love
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-威尼斯玻璃制品业 吹制的艺术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-戳破房地产泡沫 选择正确的针
1 | 黑暗中蝙蝠飞翔的鬼影. | Ghostly shapes of bats flitting about in the dark | |
2 | 黑暗中看起来似鬼魂的模糊的影子. | vague shapes, looking ghostly in the darkness | |
3 | 黑暗中有些蝙蝠飞翔的鬼影。 | There are some ghostly shapes of bats flitting about in the dark. | |
4 | 幻象一种幽灵形式;幻象 | A ghostly form;a phantom. | |
5 | 她的声音是愉快的,但做作得可怕。 | Her voice was modulated to a ghostly cheerfulness | |
6 | 她吓得面色惨白。 | Her face was ghostly pale with fright | |
7 | 精神上的安慰(教士的劝诫). | ghostly comfort (counsel) | |
8 | 那秦钟早已魂魄离身,只剩得一口悠悠余气在胸,正见许多鬼判持牌提索来捉他 | Qin Zhong was at his last gasp. His spirit, which had already left its body, saw that ghostly guards had come with a warrant and chains to drag him off. | |
9 | 然而,一天晚上,一个幽灵般巨大的阴茎出现在庙宇中,并让雷亚怀了孕。 | One night, however, a ghostly and very large phallus appeared in the vestals’ temple and impregnated Rhea | |
10 | 三分似人七分似鬼 | Looking ghostly more than a man | |
11 | 甚至偶而有什么人,谁都觉得他早死了,却鬼魂一样重新显形,在公审时供出好几百人,而后消失不见,这次是再不出现啦。 | Very occasionally some person whom you had believed dead long since would make a ghostly reappearance at some public trial where he would implicate hundreds of others by his testimony before vanishing, this time for ever | |
12 | 实际上,达利就被告知自己是死去哥哥的转世,而他也承认对死去兄长幽灵般的记忆一直伴随着他的一生。 | Salvador Dalwas actually told that he was the reincarnation of his dead brother, and Dalhimself admitted that the ghostly memory of this lost sibling was to haunt him for the rest of his life | |
13 | 他那一对眼睛也跟卡瑟琳有些儿像,只是变得那么阴森可怕,原先的秀丽连影子都没有了。 | And his eyes, too, were like ghostly Catherine’s, with all their beauty annihilated | |
14 | 听忏悔的神父 | ghostly adviser [ director,father ] | |
15 | 屋里像是有个鬼似的。 | There seems to be a ghostly presence in the room. | |
16 | 一个幽灵的身影出现在舞台上。 | A ghostly figure appeared on the stage. | |
17 | 幽灵般的低语声在他耳边回响。 | A ghostly voice was whispering in his ears | |
18 | 由于青少年的出现而被干扰的这些神秘力量有点发疯,于是制造出所有这些鬼一般的大混乱。 | These mysterious forces, deranged by the presence of teenagers, go slightly crazy and create all the "ghostly " havoc | |
19 | 又过了20年,在地球的另一边,又是肮脏、阴暗的散兵坑,发臭的、鬼域般的战壕,黏湿的、水滴不停的掩体 | And twenty years after, on the other side of the globe, again the filth of murky foxholes, the stench of ghostly trenches, the slime of dripping dugouts | |
20 | 原来老土王并没有死!他突然地站了起来,象幽灵一样双手抱着那个年轻的女人,走下了火葬坛,在那弥漫的烟雾里,他更象是一个妖怪! | The old rajah was not dead, then, since he rose of a sudden, like a spectre, took up his wife in his arms, and descended from the pyre in the midst of the clouds of smoke, which only heightened his ghostly appearance | |
21 | 在黑暗里,我看见前面有一道飘忽的亮光。 | I saw a ghostly light ahead of me in the darkness. | |
22 | 在某人耳边低语的幽灵般的声音 | A ghostly voice whispering in sb’s ear | |
23 | 这里一片寂静,好似荒山之夜,幽灵出没之时。 | There was an almost ghostly quiet about everything, like a night in the mountains | |
24 | 这是一个悲剧,讲的是一个寡妇被诬告杀人,屈打成招后被处极刑,然而在最后一幕中她阴魂出现,洗清了不白之冤。 | It is a tragic piece about a widow who is falsely accused of murder and is executed following a forced confession, but whose name is cleared in the final act when she reappears in a ghostly form. | |
25 | 整个过程,乃是在岌岌可危的背景下举行的一次魔鬼的庆典。 | The whole thing was a ghostly celebration taking place against a background of collapse and ruin | |
26 | ||1: 托马斯·埃洛伊·马丁内斯(Tomás Eloy Martínez)(见上图)是一位杰出的新闻工作者、小说家和学者,曾度过数年流亡生活,在2010年去世。他以庇隆主义心理学研究著称,代表作《圣埃维塔》(Santa Evita)(1995)。 ||2:《炼狱》(Purgatory)(2008)是马丁内斯的最后一部小说。家住新泽西郊区的阿根廷制图师终于与丈夫重聚,但她发觉丈夫和30年前失踪时一样年轻。||3:这些年她不停寻找,虽有证据证明丈夫的死亡,但她始终不为所动,因为这也可能证实她的父亲,一名军政府高级参谋,参与了这起谋杀。||4:小说影射了当时社会的伪善,人与人相互勾结,精神生活和日常消遣平庸乏味——飞碟、肥皂剧、谈论国事和足球(由阿根廷举办并夺冠的不甚光彩的1978年世界杯)。||5:小说中的女主角拒绝接受现实,终日魂劳梦断,反应出一个国家仍在与现实抗争的社会现状。 | ||1: Tomás Eloy Martínez (pictured above), a prominent journalist, novelist and academic who spent years in exile and died in 2010, is known for his explorations of the psychology of Peronism, among them “Santa Evita” (1995). ||2: In “Purgatory” (2008), his last novel, an Argentine cartographer in suburban New Jersey senses that her husband has returned to her, no older than when he disappeared 30 years earlier. ||3: After years of searching, she remains impervious to evidence of his death as it would confirm that her father, a cheerleading propagandist for the junta, connived in his killing. ||4: The novel alludes to the mixture of hypocrisy and collusion that characterised that period, and the banal sentimentality of its distractions—flying saucers, soap operas, fatherland and fútbol (the infamous 1978 World Cup hosted and won by Argentina). ||5: The heroine’s state of denial and her ghostly and erotic delusions mirror a country still struggling with reality. | |
27 | ||1:“艺术家喜欢摆弄新玩意儿,”贝伦戈说。“我们的工作就是让艺术家站在玻璃的角度去思考。”||2:从艺术展“玻璃应力:白光/白热”中可以看到成果。此次展览由弗兰凯蒂宫和威尼斯穆拉诺岛贝伦哥玻璃工坊共同承揽,展品无所不包。||3:一些艺术家确实能“站在玻璃的角度思考。”||4:比如,米罗斯瓦夫·巴尔卡的作品。他的作品用木材和不透明玻璃制成,散发着一种幽灵般的神秘气息。||5:弗朗西斯科·真纳里的作品极简主义三角形。还有加文·特克,他用玻璃吹制了一个具有传奇色彩的排气管,颠覆了传统。||6:其他人,比如翠西·爱美,她也理解了其中的真谛,否则她关于猫的作品就是圣马可附近商店橱窗里那些工艺拙劣的玻璃动物的讽刺。 | ||1: “Artists love new toys to work with,” Mr Berengo says. “What we have to do is make them think in glass.” ||2: The results can be seen in “Glasstress: White Light/White Heat”, an exhibition that is split between the Palazzo Franchetti and a converted studio space on Murano itself. It is a mixed bag. ||3: Some artists can indeed “think in glass”. ||4: Miroslaw Balka’s piece comprises a row of shutters, in wood or opaque glass, that exude a ghostly and ominous air. ||5: Francesco Gennari has gone for triangular minimalism and Gavin Turk has subverted tradition by blowing a larger-than-life glass exhaust pipe. ||6: Others, such as Tracey Emin, have not got the hang of it at all—unless her cat is an ironic comment on the kitsch glass animals found in shop windows off San Marco. | |
28 | ||1:根据政府间气候变化专门委员会的数据,全球气温与工业化前相比上升1.5摄氏度,可能会导致珊瑚礁面积减少70-90%。||2:地球的温度比19世纪高了1摄氏度,海洋也变得越来越温暖,风暴也越来越多,酸性也越来越强。||3:这已经影响到珊瑚与它们共生的单细胞藻类之间的关系,而单细胞藻类赋予了珊瑚颜色。||4:当海水变得异常温暖时,珊瑚会排出藻类,使珊瑚礁呈现出幽灵般的白色。||5:这种“漂白”现象发生的频率是上世纪70年代的5倍。||6:最近一次这样的事件发生在2014年至2017年之间,影响了全球约四分之三的珊瑚礁。||7:同时,海洋化学物质的变化降低了碳酸盐离子的丰度,使得珊瑚更难形成骨骼。 | ||1:According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a rise in global temperatures of 1.5°C relative to pre-industrial times could cause coral reefs to decline by 70-90%.||2:The planet is about 1°C hotter than in the 19th century and its seas are becoming warmer, stormier and more acidic.||3:This is already affecting relations between corals and the single-celled algae with which they live symbiotically, and which give them their colour.||4:When waters become unusually warm, corals eject the algae, leaving reefs a ghostly white.||5:This “bleaching” is happening five times as often as it did in the 1970s.||6:The most recent such event, between 2014 and 2017, affected about three-quarters of the world’s reefs.||7:Meanwhile the changing chemistry of the oceans lowers the abundance of carbonate ions, making it harder for corals to form their skeletons. | |
29 | ||1:是决策者们更加为难的是,欧洲的房地产泡沫往往集中于那些即使其他地方止步不前而其自身发展却依然大踏步前进的首都城市。||2:爱尔兰就提供了一个非常特别的例子。||3:那些从未被入住的房子如幽灵般疯狂的增长。||4:然而在都柏林这样每年都有8,000套住房需求的地方,其去年建造的新房却还不到1,400套。||5:这使得当地的房价在过去的一年里上涨了23%,而该国家其他地区的房价只是适度的增长了5%。 | ||1:To make matters more difficult for policymakers, Europe’s property booms tend to be concentrated in capital cities, which are growing for the most part, even as other regions stagnate.||2:Ireland provides an especially garish example.||3:It is still full of ghostly developments of never-occupied houses.||4:Yet in Dublin, which needs 8,000 new homes a year, fewer than 1,400 were built last year.||5:That has helped to drive local house prices up by 23% over the past year, even as the property market in the rest of the country rose by a modest 5%. | |
30 | ||1:他会把它放在一边,让它像幽灵般的大理石一样闪耀,拥有自己独立的生命。||2:他从不保留自己的任何作品。||3:自从他在一个乡村集市上以100英镑的价格卖了一个小镜框后,他的工作只是为了赚取佣金。||4:他负担不起别的方式,尽管他的作品最终能卖到六位数,但是它们太耗费时间了,他在一生中只做了大概50个。||5:他经常说,雕刻家都是些饥民:他在俄亥俄州阿克伦的中产阶级父母过着舒适的生活,他们很难理解这种生活。 | ||1:And then, leaving the piece bare except for gentle abrading with Dutch rush, as Gibbons would have done, he would set it aside to shine like ghostly marble with its own independent life.||2:He never kept anything he made.||3:Ever since he had sold a small mirror frame for 100 pound at a village fair, he had worked only to commission.||4:He could not afford to do otherwise, for though his pieces eventually sold for six figures they were so time-consuming that he made only about 50 in his life.||5:Carvers were starvers, he often said: an existence his comfortably middle-class parents in Akron, Ohio would have struggled to understand. |