属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF T37-001-2-2001
1 | (2)裱胶,(2)裱合:(2)印刷后,在纸面上加上一层薄胶膜,用热及压力使其融合,以美化外观及增加其耐用性。胶膜有多种,各有不同光泽、耐折及强度的特性。 | Laminating: (1)The application of thin plastic film by heat and pressure to a printed sheet to enhance its appearance and to increase its durability. Various films are available with different gloss , folding and strength characteristics. | |
2 | “好极了,岳父大人,”卡瓦尔康蒂说,这句话暴露了他那下贱的本性,他虽极力想巧用贵族的派头掩饰那种本性,但有时却仍不免要流露出来。 | "Very good, father-in-law," said Cavalcanti, yielding to his low-born nature, which would escape sometimes through the aristocratic gloss with which he sought to conceal it | |
3 | “这倒是妇女的一种有利条件,”她对自己说,“过了二十五岁,她们就象掩饰一种不正当的行为一样来掩饰自己的生日。” | "That is one advantage of woman," she told herself, "after twenty-five they gloss over their birthdays like improprieties." | |
4 | SanaGloss是TOTO开发的釉面保护新技术,通过电离子过滤器制造出超光滑、无孔隙、特别光泽的表面,有效防止污垢和细菌的分子污染。 | SanaGloss is a protective glaze developed by TOTO that forms an ionized barrier and creates a super-smooth, non-porous high-gloss surface repelling particles of dirt or bacteria. | |
5 | 凹版塑料油墨检验方法光泽检验 | Test method for gloss of plastics gravure printing inks | |
6 | 表面的光辉或光彩 | Superficial brilliance or gloss . | |
7 | 表面经过检验合格后,可用抛光剂抛光。 | When inspection indicates the surface to be filled, a rubbing compound may be used to obtain a high gloss | |
8 | 别替他的缺点辩解。 | Don’t gloss over his faults | |
9 | 别掩饰自己的缺点。 | Don’t gloss over your faults. | |
10 | 玻璃粉纸/咭:纸或纸板的一面经高光泽润饰后的产品,间中亦有润饰两面的。生产方法是把质的涂料层和一个加热的铬面圆鼓接触而成。 | Cast coated paper/board: A high gloss finish on both or, more usually, one side of paper or board. Made by drying its enamel type of coating in contact with a heated drum with a chromed surface. | |
11 | 玻璃纸:有光泽,柔软,无色透明的纸,供包装和装饰用.用粘胶法制造. | Cellophane: A soft, high gloss , colourless, transparent paper, used mainly for packing and decorating. It is made by means of viscose process. | |
12 | 布卢姆先生充满好奇地凝视着它那绵软的黑色身姿,看上去干净利落,柔滑的毛皮富于光泽,尾根部一块钮扣状的白斑,绿色的眼睛闪闪发光。 | Mr Bloom watched curiously, kindly, the lithe black form.Clean to see: the gloss of her sleek hide, the white button under the butt of her tail, the green flashing eyes | |
13 | 部长对中东局势的最新发展作了另一番解释. | The minister has put a different gloss on recent developments in the Middle East. | |
14 | 超级砑光机:是一座直立的钢锟和软辊组,它们交替排列,一些锟转动较其他辊快,造成辊与辊之间的滑动,因而把纸磨得十分光滑。纸是离开造纸机后,然后进行超级砑光的。参阅砑光机 | Supercalender: A calendering stack with alternate hard steel rollers and soft rollers, some of which move faster than others, which imparts a high gloss finish to paper as it "slips" between them. Super-calendering is done off the papermaking machine. | |
15 | 承认你的错误,不要想去掩饰它。 | Admit your mistake; don’t try to gloss it over | |
16 | 此树在巴西称作生命树,在定期出现的干旱季节里,这种棕榈树分泌一层蜡,以防止其扇形叶子的水分蒸发。巴西棕榈蜡曾用于加强光泽的上光剂、唱片和炸药,但现在已多被合成蜡所代替。 | During the regular dry seasons in Brazil, where it is called the tree of life, the carnauba palm protects its fanlike fronds from loss of moisture by secreting a coat of carnauba wax. Carnauba has been used in high-gloss polishes, phonograph records, and explosives. Synthetics have replaced it for many applications. | |
17 | 待到他的彬彬有礼的假象逐渐消失后,她发现自己并不喜欢他。 | After his gloss of politeness wore off, she found she did not like him. | |
18 | 道貌岸然的假象. | A gloss of respectability | |
19 | 镀金属线圈.试验方法.第2部分:抛光光泽 | Coil coated metals-Test methods-Part 2 : specular gloss . | |
20 | 对单个词的注释还常用间注法。 | The single word gloss was usually interlined | |
21 | 该公司的年度报告试图掩盖近期的严重亏损。 | The company’s annual report tried to gloss over recent heavy losses. | |
22 | 给…增加光泽、釉或光彩 | To give a gloss ,glaze,or sheen to. | |
23 | 更可恨者,自古来多少轻薄浪子,皆以`好色不淫’为饰,又以`情而不淫’作案,此皆饰非掩丑之语也 | Worse still, all dissolute wretches since ancient times have drawn a distinction between love of beauty and carnal desire, between love and lust, so as to gloss over their immorality. | |
24 | 固化后便形成坚固而易于清洁的反光或哑光表面。 | AQUASOL cures to form a tough, easily cleaned semi or low gloss finish. | |
25 | 光面粉纸:平滑和有光泽的涂布纸,最适合高级彩图印刷。 | Enamel-finish paper: A gloss , smooth, coated paper, excellent for high class colour printing. | |
26 | 光面粉纸:有光泽的纸,与哑光粉纸或涂面画纸有别;它们的表面暗晦。 | Gloss art: Shiny art-paper as opposed to matt art or coated cartridge which have a dull finish. | |
27 | 光泽:物体表面的光度。 | Gloss : The superficial lustre or brightness of a substance. | |
28 | 光泽程度对提高含明胶甜点、涂有奶油的蔬菜及类似产品的吸引力非常重要。 | Gloss is important to the attractiveness of gelatin desserts, buttered vegetables, and the like. | |
29 | 光泽计:量度纸面或油墨层光泽的仪器。它用光线在一个角度下投射于表面上,然后用光电池量度反射光的强度。 | Glossmeter: An instrument to measure the amount of gloss of a paper surface or of a film of ink.It uses a beam of light which is arranged to fall on the surface at a set angle and the reflected ray then falls on a photo-electric cell. | |
30 | 好莱坞的虚荣与繁华似乎强烈吸引着这个女孩。 | The gloss and glitter of Hollywood seemed fascinating to the girl.’ |