属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19594-2-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19594-1-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19583-1-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19583-2-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19590-2-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19590-1-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19593-2-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19593-1-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 124-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 7903-1997
1 | “啊不!”希瑟尖叫起来。她的车冲出了路面,一下子扎进一个隘谷之中,冲向一片树林。 | "No! " Heather shrieked as the car careened off the pavement and plunged into a gully ,charging toward a group of trees. | |
2 | 1:10000及1:50000比例尺DEM信息容量的比较-以陕北韭园沟流域为例 | A Comparison on DEM of Different Scale in Loess Hill and Gully Area | |
3 | 300×500的C级街道排水沟盖.零件 | Gully tops 300500 for road gullies, class C 250; particulars | |
4 | 300×500的C级街道排水沟盖.组装 | Gully tops 300500 for road gullies, class C 250; summary | |
5 | 500×500的街道排水沟盖.C级250和D级400.第1部分:组装 | Gully tops 500500 for road gullies-Class C 250 and class D 400-Part 1: Summary | |
6 | 500×500的街道排水沟盖.C级250和D级400.第2部分:零件 | Gully tops 500500 for road gullies-class C 250 and D 400-Part 2: Particulars | |
7 | A级正方形排水沟盖.零件 | Gully tops class A 15, quadratic; particulars | |
8 | A级正方形排水沟盖.组装 | Gully tops class A 15, quadratic; summary | |
9 | B级正方形排水沟盖.零件 | Gully tops class B 125, quadratic; particulars | |
10 | B级正方形排水沟盖.组装 | Gully tops class B 125, quadratic; summary | |
11 | DEM网格尺寸与沟谷提取精度研究 | Study on Dimensions of DEM Grid and Gully -Valley Extraction Precision | |
12 | 半干旱黄土丘陵区垄沟集雨对紫花苜蓿人工草地土壤水分和产草量的影响 | Effect of Ridge and Furrow Micro-Catchment on Soil Water in Seeded Medicago Sativa Grassland in the Semiarid Loess Hill and Gully Region of Northwestern China | |
13 | 半干旱黄土丘陵区五种植物的生理生态特征比较 | Comparison of Ecophysiological Characteristics of Seven Plant Species in Semiarid Bess hilly-gully Region | |
14 | 半干旱退化山区坡地改造工程对土壤理化性质的影响 | Impacts of Slope-land Rebuilt Engineering on Soil Physical and Chemical Characters in Semi-arid Hilly and Gully Region | |
15 | 草被覆盖下坡沟系统坡面流能量变化特征试验研究 | Experimental Study on Changeable Characteristics of Runoff Energy in Hillslope-Gully Slope Erosion System with Different Grass Coverage | |
16 | 车辆和行人通过区域的排水沟盖和人孔盖.设计要求、型号试验、标志 | Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas-Design requirements, type testing, marking, quality control | |
17 | 川藏公路二郎山隧道和平沟泥石流特征研究与治理设计 | Analysis of Debris Flow Characteristics and Manage Design of the Heping Gully in the West Outlet of Erlang Mountain Tunnel of Sichuan-Tibet Road | |
18 | 大渡河次级支流斯合沟泥石流特征研究 | Study on Debris Flow Characteristics of Sihe Gully in the Branch of Dadu River | |
19 | 东北黑土漫岗区侵蚀沟发展模式研究 | Gully Erosion Developing Model in the Gentle Hilly Black Soil Regions in Northeast China | |
20 | 放牧对黄土高原丘陵沟壑区林草地土壤理化性状的影响 | Effects of Grazing on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Grassland and Forest Floor in Hilly and Gully Regions on the Loess Plateau | |
21 | 高寒草甸典型小流域土壤水分空间变异对比研究 | The Contrast Analysis on the Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Moisture of Two Comparative Gully Catchments of Alpine Meadow | |
22 | 高寒草甸典型小流域雨后土壤水分空间变异特征 | The Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Moisture after Raining in Representative Gully Catchment of the Alpine Meadow | |
23 | 高速公路内安装人孔检修盖和下水盖的使用和选择指南 | Guide to selection and use of gully tops and manhole covers for installation within the highway | |
24 | 工程活动对某水电站大桥沟泥石流的影响 | The Influence of Man’s Engineering Activities on Debris Flow in Daqiao Gully of a Hydropower Station | |
25 | 沟道泥流溃决式运动堆积过程二维数值试验 | Numerical Experiment Study on Gully Mud-flow Deposition in Dike Burst | |
26 | 沟头防护工程 | protection measures of gully head | |
27 | 旱谷(干河床)北非或西南非的山谷、峡谷或河床,除雨季外一直保持干涸 | A valley,gully ,or streambed in northern Africa and southwest Asia that remains dry except during the rainy season. | |
28 | 旱谷被断断续续的河水断开的山谷;干涸的沟壑 | A deep gully cut by an intermittent stream;a dry gulch. | |
29 | 黄土高原沟壑区土地结构与土地资源的合理利用研究 | Study on Structure and Reasonable Utilization of Land Resource in the Gully Area of Loess Plateau | |
30 | 黄土高原沟壑区小流域坡地土壤养分分布特征 | The Distribution of Soil Nutrients on Sloping Land in the Gully Region Watershed of the Loess Plateau |