属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-EN ISO 7346-2-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-EN ISO 7346-3-1997
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-地理工程 前景广阔
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-地理工程学 包含着承诺
1 | 水质对淡水鱼(真骨总目、鲤科)急性致死物质毒性的测定第2部分:半静态法 | Water quality-Determination of the acute lethal toxicity of substances to a freshwater fish [Brachydanio rerio Hamilton -Buchanan (Teleostei, Cyprinidae)]-Part 2: Semi-static method | |
2 | 水质对淡水鱼(真骨总目、鲤科)急性致死物质毒性的测定第3部分:直流法 | Water quality-Determination of the acute lethal toxicity of substances to a freshwater fish [Brachydanio rerio Hamilton -Buchanan (Teleostei, Cyprinidae)]-Part 3: Flow-through method | |
3 | 水质物质对淡水鱼(斑马鱼)急性毒性测定方法 | Water quality-Determination of the acute toxicity of substance to a freshwater fish (Brachydanio rerio Hamilton -Buchanan) | |
4 | 他叫霍华德·汉密尔顿。四年前,他们俩抢劫了格罗里亚·弗伊,一位英国影星,劫走了价值五万英磅的珠宝。 | His name was Howard Hamilton .About four years ago the pair of them robbed Gloria Faye, the British film star, of fifty thousand pounds’ worth of jewelry. | |
5 | 他们胆子的确很大,竟然打算翻越阿尔卑斯山逃出国境。没想到霍华德竟身带赃物被雪崩埋住了。” | It was a very daring robbery, and they planned to cross the border via the mountains. They were both experienced climbers.Hamilton was carrying the loot on him when he fell onto the glacier. | |
6 | 他以独立身份入选作为塔顿选举团竞选活动的候选人,抗议竞选连任的下议院议员尼尔·汉密尔顿有所谓的非法行为。 | He was elected on an independent ticket as a campaigning candidate for the electorate of Tatton, protesting the alleged irregular behaviour of sitting MP Neil Hamilton | |
7 | 他主要在这个方面发现汉密尔顿是有所欠缺的。 | It was mostly in this respect that he found hamilton wanting | |
8 | 图的几乎哈密尔顿的新的充分条件 | New Sufficient Conditions on Almost-Hamilton of Graphs | |
9 | 椭圆型方程哈密顿本征解的完备性 | Completeness of eigen-solutions of Elliptic PDE of Hamilton Type | |
10 | 威尔逊(汉密尔顿)夫人. | Lady Wilson(Hamilton ) | |
11 | 为了适应这一需要,联邦党和共和党很快地就组织成功,一个遵汉密尔敦为首,一个禀承杰弗逊的意旨。 | To supply this need the federalist and Republican parties quickly took shape, the one looking to Hamilton and the other to Jefferson for inspiration | |
12 | 物质的发展超过了人类的进步(伊迪丝·汉密尔顿)参见 | Material development outstripped human development(Edith Hamilton )See Synonyms at excel | |
13 | 吸量管用内标溶液洗涤三次。用一支10微升的亨氏注射器,取0.5微升的已知样和未知样各两份进样,分别测量乙醇和异丁醇的峰高。 | The pipette is washed three times with the internal standard solution. With a 10-m l Hamilton syringe, 0.5 m l of "known" and "unknown" are injected in duplicate, and the alcohol and isobutanol peak heights are measured for each. | |
14 | 一个Hamilton图形充分性的研究 | A Study of the Sufficient Property for Hamilton Graph | |
15 | 一个充分条件和Hamilton连通图 | A Sufficient Condition and a Study of Hamilton -Connected Graphs | |
16 | 一个意欲摧毁大共同体的自由的阴谋(b亚历山大·汉密尔顿) | schemes to subvert the liberties of a great community(bAlexander Hamilton ) | |
17 | 一个意欲摧毁大共同体的自由的阴谋(亚历山大·汉密尔顿) | schemes to subvert the liberties of a great community(Alexander Hamilton ) | |
18 | 一类拟Hamilton型矩阵的方程组问题与求解算法 | A Class of Linear Systems with Quasi-Hamilton Coefficient Matrix and Their Gauss Algorithms | |
19 | 一类图簇的Hamilton图的研究 | The Adjoining Polynomials of S(superscript p(i))-class Graphs and Hamilton Graphs | |
20 | 一族发展方程的无穷维Hamilton结构 | Infinite Hamilton Structure of an Evolution Equation Hierarchy | |
21 | 以伽玛函数法及Stewart-Hamilton法计测色素平均传导时间之比较研究 | A Comparative Study on the Gamma Function and Stewart-Hamilton Methods of Measuring Indicator Mean Transit Times | |
22 | 有关Hamilton图与连通度的一个充分条件 | One New Sufficient Condition for Hamilton Graphs | |
23 | 载客150人的双体客轮"阿拉斯加之梦"是目前使用哈密尔顿喷水推进器的最大的轮船。该船为对称铝船体,总长30米,满载总重量为72吨。 | The 150 passenger catamaran alaskan Dream is the largest craft so far to be propelled by Hamilton water jets. It is of symmetrical hull type built in aluminum. The overall length is 30m and all-up weight fully loaded is 72 tonnes. | |
24 | 在上一代,肥胖婴儿被认为是健康的,丰满的女演员受欢迎,但自那以后,瘦削已变得更加为人们所称道了(罗伯特A.汉密尔顿) | A generation ago,fat babies were considered healthy and buxom actresses were popular,but society has since come to worship thinness(Robert A.Hamilton ) | |
25 | 至于其他方面,汉密尔顿把大部分时间都花在同国会打交道上。 | For the rest, hamilton spent most of his time dealing with Congress | |
26 | ||1:和今天欧洲内部纷争的状况类似,汉密尔顿的计划当时也是毁誉参半。||2:弗吉尼亚和南方其它已付清债务的各州,都不愿再交税以帮助其它州还债。||3:汉密尔顿曾担心,他的计划如果通不过,会危及联邦的命运:“我们的债务系统会崩溃以至消失,各州将分道扬镳,各顾各的。” | ||1: Foreshadowing the rifts within Europe today, Hamilton ’s plan was deeply divisive. ||2: Virginia and other southern states that had paid off their debts resented being asked to pay taxes to bail out the others. ||3: Hamilton at one point feared for the future of the union if his plan did not pass: “Our credit will burst and vanish; and the States separate, to take care every one of itself.” | |
27 | ||1:建国初期,美国的财政状况非常困顿。||2:为筹措资金支撑脱离英国的独立战争,联邦和州政府都承受着沉重的债务负担。联邦债券只能以面值的一半价格出售,而州政府债券只能以20%甚或更低价格出售。||3:因此,美国第一任财长亚历山大?汉密尔顿认为,重振人们对国债的信心,对美国经济的健康发展至关重要。||4:于是他在1790年提出,由联邦政府承担州政府的所有战争欠款,并安排新的还本付息计划,为全国所有未偿付债务进行再融资。||5:政府鼓励新公债持有人到新的中央银行把手中公债兑换为现金,而中央银行将发行单一货币以统一各州的财政系统。 | ||1:America began life as a fiscal basket-case.||2:The federal and state governments were deeply in arrears on loans taken out to finance their war for independence from Britain; federal debt traded at 50 cents on the dollar, state debt for 20 cents or less.||3:Alexander Hamilton , the first Treasury secretary, considered it vital to America’s economic health to re-establish faith in the national credit.||4:He proposed in 1790 that the federal government assume the states’ war debts and then arrange a new schedule of payments and interest to refinance all of the republic’s unpaid bills.||5:Holders of the restructured bonds would be encouraged to exchange them for capital in a new central bank that would issue a uniform currency to unify the states’ financial systems. | |
28 | ||1:转向这类真实实验模式是有它的争议点。||2:有人担心,以粗浅的方法任意操纵大气层,弊会大于利。||3:此外,地理工程即使奏效,功效也不会持久。||4:则学家--克利韦?汉密尔顿在会议中对地理工程研究背后的理念提出批评,指政治家可能借暂缓措施,推迟制定有难度的持久性对策。认为地理工程或对环境影响微不足道,但对人们的思考模式却有更深层及无法控制的影响。 | ||1: This move to a practical project has proved controversial. ||2: Some people worry that tinkering deliberately with the atmosphere may cause more harm than good. ||3: Others fear that if geoengineering is shown to work it will, by offering a palliative for the problem of global warming, let politicians put off difficult decisions that might lead to a permanent solution. ||4: As Clive Hamilton , a philosopher critical of much of the thinking behind geoengineering research, pointed out to the meeting, though the environmental effects of such experiments may be nugatory, their effects on the way people think could be more profound, and much less easily contained. | |
29 | 在《联邦党人文集》第65章中,亚历山大·汉密尔顿解释了审判总统的为什么是参议院,而不是最高法院。 | In “Federalist 65”, Alexander Hamilton explained why it was the Senate, rather than the Supreme Court, that should sit in judgment on the president, | |
30 | 哲学家克利韦·汉密尔顿在会议中对地理工程研究背后的理念提出批评,指政治家可能借暂缓措施,推迟制定有难度的持久性对策。 | As Clive Hamilton , a philosopher critical of much of the thinking behind geoengineering research, pointed out to the meeting, though the environmental effects of such experiments may be nugatory, |