属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国南方的家务 帮佣不再是仆人
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:触垒
1 | 两船并排航行。 | The two ships were sailing hank for hank. | |
2 | 玛塞拉和汉克从特拉华出发,上午十一二点到达,然后就像健康护理特勤队一样,处理目前的情况。 | Marcella and Hank drove from delaware, arrived later that morning, and assessed the situation like a health-care SWAT team | |
3 | 玛塞拉和汉克做着十分有意义的工作,继续他们忙碌的退休生活。 | Marcella and hank continue a retirement busy with roving good works | |
4 | 棉纱线的细度是首先测量一个840码绞纱的磅数,然后以每磅纱线中所含840码的个数做为纱线的支数。 | Cotton yarns are numbered by measuring the weight in pounds of one 840-yard hank ; the count is then reported as the number of 840-yard hanks required to weigh 1 pound. | |
5 | 铅纤维或铅线丝绞,用于包装管道接头填隙 | hank ,of lead fibres or strands,for packing or for caulking pipe joints | |
6 | 请允许介绍我自己。我叫汉克·约翰逊。 | Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Hank Johnson | |
7 | 少年时代,我非常崇拜威利·梅斯、汉克·阿龙、约吉·贝拉,他们是我心目中的英雄。 | When I was a kid, I greatly admired Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Yogi Berra. They were my heroes. | |
8 | 使...就范(置...于掌握之中) | got a hank over; gotten a hank over | |
9 | 使...陷入进退两难之地 | gotten a hank on;get a hank on;get a hank upon;have a hank;got a hank on | |
10 | 使...陷于困境中 | got a hank on; gotten a hank on | |
11 | 使...陷于困境中(使...陷入进退两难之地) | got a hank on; gotten a hank on | |
12 | 他们吃完午饭后,汉克点燃一支雪茄,站起来说:“我下去到餐车喝杯咖啡,马上回来。 | After they had eaten their lunch, Hank lit a cigar and got up. “I’m just going down to the dining car to get a coffee. I’ll be back soon | |
13 | 汤姆需要钟点工的护理,汉克和玛塞拉已好几天时间睡在我的房里,值晚上那一班。 | Tom needed round-the-clock care, and hank and Marcella had already spent several days sleeping in my room to do the night shift | |
14 | 甜菜根是汉克最爱吃的蔬菜。 | Beets are Hank ’s favorite vegetable. | |
15 | 威尔看他顶多不过25岁,难道此人会是汉克·泰勒手下的一员干将 | He couldn’t be more than twenty-five, Will thought. This was one Hank Taylor’s best people? | |
16 | 幸好汉克不知道他已经走入“终点区”--无人愿意领养的狗被集中在这里,等候生命终止。 | Luckily hank didn’t know he had walked into the final area where unclaimed dogs were scheduled to be put down | |
17 | 循环式绞纱染色机;循环式绞丝染色机 | circulating type hank dyeing machine | |
18 | 要是他们合伙的话,他们之间就必须是平等的。 | If they become partners,it must be a hank for hank arrangement. | |
19 | 一绺头发(一束毛线). | a hank of hair (wool) | |
20 | 与...并驾齐驱, 与...平等 | go hank for hank with sb. | |
21 | 与...并驾齐驱, 与...平等 | go hank for hank with sth. | |
22 | 与下节车厢相连的门锁上了。他怎么才能回到自己的座位上去呢?有位乘客用德语同他说了几句话,但是汉克没听懂。 | The door that connected the carriage to the next one was locked. How could he get back to his seat? Another passenger said something to him in German, but Hank didn’t understand. | |
23 | 在汉克走近老狗的窝时,他抓住狗屋的钢丝网,停下站稳,随即感受到了一年来的头一次抚慰,一只湿润的鼻子正在蹭他那患有关节炎的手指。 | As Hank neared the old dog’s cage, he laced his fingers through the chain link to steady his gait and the first feeling of comfort he’ d remembered in over a year came from a wet nose and lick across his arthritic fingers. | |
24 | 正当汉克走出来时,他被大大小小、各种各样、乱蹦乱跳的狗发出的咆哮声和狂吠声所淹没。 | As hank walked out, he was overwhelmed by yaps, barks and insane jumping from dogs all sizes and shapes | |
25 | 正当汉克走出来时,他被大大小小、各种各样、乱蹦乱跳的狗发出的咆哮声和狂吠声所淹没。他这才意识到自己无意间走进了狗的收容所。 | As Hank walked out,he was overwhelmed by yaps, barks and insane jumping from dogs all sizes and shapes. He then realized he had unintentionally gone to the dog shelter. | |
26 | 置...于掌握之中 | got a hank over;get a hank over;gotten a hank over | |
27 | 最后汉克跟他的朋友互相交换了地址,并且答应回美国后再相互联系。 | Finally Hank and his friend gave each other when they both returned to the States. | |
28 | ||1:1993年,高盛的两大合作者乔恩·科尔津和汉克·鲍尔森在香港举办了一场餐会,来应宴者须有能力探讨印度的情况。举办餐会的二人后来都开了银行。||2: 彼时他们邀请来了当时相对没名气的Uday Kotak。后者的公司在印度为轿车和折扣订单提供资助。 ||3:三年后,两家公司合资成立了印度投资银行。 | ||1: In 1993 two Goldman Sachs partners, Jon Corzine and Hank Paulson, who both later ran the bank, were hosting a dinner in Hong Kong and needed a guest who could talk about India. ||2: They invited a relative unknown, Uday Kotak, whose firm financed cars and discounted bills there. ||3: Three years later the two firms formed an Indian investment-banking joint venture. | |
29 | ||1:根据美国清洁协会这个行业组织的资料,2008年仅有12%的美国家庭雇佣一个长期的保洁工人。||2:一些有预算意识的家庭若需要保洁服务,会通过诸如Yelp and Angie’s List这样的网站雇佣临时的保洁工人。||3:星期五女孩这样的服务网站的客户85%是白人,他们付费给中介为他们找临时保洁员。||4:每小时只需付17至30美元就能叫来一个人帮他们做一顿美味的正餐或者帮助拜访一位姻亲或者为某位亲戚买个礼物,抑或帮他们预订一个家庭假期。||5:该中介的创始人艾伦在伯明翰的科技港有一间大气的新办公室雇有六个吃苦耐劳不怕脏不怕累的员工。 | ||1:According to the American Cleaning Institute, an industry group, just 12% of Americans had a regular cleaner in 2008.||2:Some budget-conscious families use websites such as Yelp and Angie’s List to hire temporary help only when they need it.||3:Those with a little more money may opt for a concierge service such as Girl Friday of Alabama.||4:Girl Friday’s clients, 85% of whom are white, pay the agency to pamper them.For 17-30 an hour, it will send someone to cook a delicious dinner for visiting in-laws, buy a present for Uncle Hank or book the family holiday.||5:Its founder, Jasmine Allen, has six employees who do most of the dirty work and a smart new office in a tech hub in Birmingham. | |
30 | ||1:汉克·艾伦(Hank Aaron)是亚特兰大勇士队的球员。||2:他一直希望创造本垒打(home run)的记录。||3:本垒打是指将球击出外野护栏。||4:艾伦只需再打出一个本垒打就能打破棒球历史上最伟大的击球手贝比·鲁斯(Babe Ruth)创下的历史记录。||5:艾伦第一次击球就打出了本垒打,他将球打出了外野护栏。||6:他打出了714个本垒打--与鲁斯相同。 | ||1:Hank Aaron was a player with the Atlanta Braves team.||2:He was seeking the record for hitting the most home runs.||3:A home run is a ball that is hit over the wall.||4:Aaron needed just one home run to equal the record held by Babe Ruth, the greatest hitter in baseball history.||5:Aaron got that home run the very first time he had a chance to hit the ball. He sent the ball over the wall that surrounded the playing field.||6:That gave him seven hundred and fourteen home runs -- the same as Babe Ruth. |